Entries by gar5


Swedish media attack brave 15 year-old who was killed by “Arab” for stopping sex assault

  In a Swedish school, Arminas Pileckas, a 15 year-old Lithuanian boy, was stabbed to death by a 14 year-old “Arab student“ after Arminas stopped him from sexually assaulting a Swedish girl in his class. The “Arab” boy, who was reportedly from Syria, was sexually assaulting a Swedish girl when Arminas stepped in and stopped him. […]

Congress grants $1.1 trillion to flood USA with Muslims, Latinos, and others

Congress has passed Republican Congressman Paul Ryan’s bill to grant over 1.1 trillion dollars to fund Obama’s anti-White agenda against America. The money will be used to fund “refugee resettlement” programs, the visas for 300,000 Muslims from the Middle East, Latino illegal immigration from Central American countries, and illegal immigrant “Sanctuary” cities within the US. […]