Tag Archive for: European Mantra

This is Europa, a pro-White, pro-European think tank which focuses on fighting White Genocide and anti-White narratives, has released episode 1 of its podcast series.

As many of the pro-White podcasts out there emanate from Americans groups, it’s good to see their European counterparts getting involved.

Episode 1 introduces This is Europa to new followers as well as clarifying the organisation’s purpose and standpoints.

This is Europa can be found at their own web address as well as on Facebook.

The podcast is also available on Soundcloud.

The TIE team has informed me that they’ll be monitoring the FB, Soundcloud and AltRight.com pages, along with the youtube comments, so that they can dedicate a section to answering questions at the end of each show.

Episode 2 will largely be dedicated to the results of the Dutch General Election.

Stay tuned for more episodes and happy listening.

H/T AltRight.com

Take That, Whitey!

The graphic below is the English-language version of a campaign poster for the far-left German political party Die Linke:

The German original is: Weiße dominanz in Deutschland endlich beenden

Die Linke (The Left) currently holds about 9% of the seats in the Bundestag, and heads the official opposition to the governing “grand coalition” of the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Social Democrats (SDP).

There’s plenty I could say about this poster, but it would require a lot of bug-eyed hand-waving accompanied by intemperate invective, so I’ll restrain myself.

Suffice it to say that here we have a major political party in Germany advocating actual genocide. However, since it only involves the eradication of white people, no one minds. In fact, I would expect a similar slogan to win a lot of support at the United Nations.

H/T RedIce.TV

Dead woman in red dress lying in the river.

Dead woman in red dress lying in the river.

At his deceased 19 year-old daughters’ eulogy, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer for the European Commission, was asking for donations to be made to Bangladesh.

The prime suspect in the raping and drowning of his daughter is a “17 year-old” Afghan man, who illegally came into Europe in 2015. Apparently even Afghanistan didn’t want him, as he was expelled from the country, or so he claims.

Ladenburger’s daughter, Maria, who was a medical student in Freiburg, Germany, was bicycling home from a university party on the night of October 16th.

The next morning her body was found in a nearby river. She had been raped and then drowned in the river.

The Afghan suspect was linked to the crime scene after strands from a black scarf and the scarf itself was found nearby. He was spotted on camera in the area at the time, wearing a black scarf.

Instead of flowers, we ask for a donation towards the educational work of the church in Bangladesh.the eulogy says.

The elite who opened up the borders and decided that the West would be a “no-mans-land” are now paying for their crimes, in a small part at least.

And crime is indeed the right word. Opening borders to get rid of White majorities is a legally recognized form of genocide.

Yes, when people think of genocide they think of mass murder or something like that. But actually genocide is simply an attempt to get rid of a group or destroy its “foundations of life.

We are living in an age of White genocide. It is basically a crime for an area to be “too White”, and that’s what all this unnecessary non-Western immigration is about.

It’s about “diversity”. Getting rid of all those nasty White places, and replacing them with something that looks like Brazil or South Africa.

If “diversity” was indeed our strength, third world countries would be falling over themselves to do what we are doing. But they’re not. Because “diversity” is just a code word for White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project



Anders Vendel, a famous anti-racist TV chef in Sweden, was “beaten up by three Muslim menbecause they thought he looked like “Mr. Trump.

Malmö police said “[Mr Vendel] was visiting a fast food restaurant and a stranger came up and started to hassle him.

Vendel says: “I am in the emergency room as of a couple of hours ago awaiting X-rays. I was beaten up by three Muslim men between the ages of 25-35. They thought I bore a resemblance to Mr. Trump.

Two of the men grabbed my arms from behind and the third one started punching me all over the face. I tried to defend myself with my legs.

After about 20 fists to my face, I fell down to the floor. All three then started kicking me as much as they could in my face and head. I now have a broken nose, bumps, a clogged eye, mouth, lips and jaw. Even a broken right thumb,

Before Sweden’s elite decided to start White genocide in Sweden, things like this did not happen.

After just 40 years of anti-White politics, Sweden has turned into hell on earth.

But times are changing, and people are finally starting to fight back.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Propaganda websites in North Africa have been circulating the myth that Iceland will pay men $5000 a month if they marry an Icelandic woman, which is supposedly due to a lack of men.

This myth started in June 2016, after Iceland’s soccer team beat England in the world cup.

The original lie can be traced back to the blog, The Spirit Whispers, where there is a post which reads:

Perhaps the most prominent of our attention the story that it’s because of the high proportion of females than males have resorted government of that country to the solution is to grant $5,000 per month per immigrant marries Icelandic, and that the priority in this resolution will go to North Africa’s population

Since then, many North African blogs have spread it around the web, and it has been seen by many North Africans.

And they have gone crazy on Facebook spamming random Icelandic women with marriage proposals.

The Danish embassy in Cairo has also been flooded with horny Egyptians who want their own blonde wife (or wives).

The European Union knew full well that propaganda like this was, and is, being spread in North Africa, Africa, and the Middle East, but the did nothing about it.

That’s because they want these immigrants. They want to make Europe minority White. They call this “diversity”.

It’s not “diversity” or whatever crap they are calling it. Let’s be honest, it’s simply just White genocide — and they know it as well.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


The mayor of a French town is under attack by “anti-racist” organizations after he quoted General Charles de Gaulle, who led Free France against Nazi occupation during WW2.

When questioned about what being French meant, Mayor Robert Ménard of Béziers said “in the words of Charles De Gaulle, being European, White and Catholic.

Charles de Gaulle said that it was okay to have some non-White people in France,  but “the condition however, is that the Yellow, Black and Brown remain a small minority. If not France will not be France any more. Aren’t we in the first place White, European, Caucasians with a Greek and Latin culture, and with Catholic religion!?

Mayor Ménard went on to say that in some French schools, such as the ones in Béziers, around 91% of children’s names were of Islamic origin.

LICRA, which is supposedly an “anti-racist” organization, have announced that they’ve sent a complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office accusing Mayor Ménard of “hate speech”. In other words, speech they hate.

Yet again, these so-called “anti-racists” go crazy about a White guy for merely saying something they don’t like. He didn’t even say it, he quoted it.

But meanwhile, the country of Liberia only allows Black people to be citizens, and we never hear anything from “anti-racist” organizations then, do we?

Professional “anti-racists” — the ones who get paid lots of money — they only ever attack White people. They claim to be “anti-racist”, but what they really are is anti-White.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


King Harald the fifth of Norway gave a speech on Thursday 1st of September 2016, in which he claimed that there isn’t really a Norwegian nationality.

Speaking at the garden party hosted in his Royal Palace he said:

Norwegians come from the north of Norway, from the middle, from the south and all the other regions.

Norwegians are also immigrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Poland, – Sweden, Somalia and Syria.

It is not always easy to say where we come from; to which nationality we belong.

Home is where the heart is. That cannot always be placed within country borders.

Norwegians are girls who love girls. Boys who love boys. And boys and girls who love each other.

Norwegians believe in God, Allah, everything and nothing. Norwegians like Grieg, Kygo, Hellbillies and Kari Bremnes. In other words: you are Norway. We are Norway

Of course Norwegians exist! You know it, we know it, the King knows it.

Why exactly do elites keep telling us that certain people don’t really exist?

It’s one of the stages of genocide. They deny that a group exists, so that they can justify the destruction of that group.

Norwegian are White, and there is a White genocide agenda being pushed in the West. Those in power are trying to get rid of the White majorities in Europe and countries founded by Europeans.

They call it “no borders” or “globalism” but what they mean is, “no borders for the West.” It’s just White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Alexander Bassey, a 17 year old mixed race 2nd generation immigrant, was sentenced to 8 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to attacking five White teenage boys with “highly corrosive industrial strength” cleaner.

The five teenagers were waiting for a train in Ockendon station, Essex, England, on Sunday May 22.

When a train arrived, Bassey was already on it. He called over to the teenagers and tried to lure them onto the train, but they remained seated.

When the victims refused, Bassey exited the train and approached the group whilst yelling abuse at them” said a spokesman for the British Transport Police.

One of the boys said “we don’t want any trouble“, but Bassey pulled out a bottle of industrial strength cleaner and squirted it over all five of them.

As the boys were screaming in agony and fearing for their lives, Bassey calmly went back onto the train and started laughing with his gang of about 20 friends.

As well as the psychological damage of the attack, one of the five teenagers was blinded in one eye, and another had the taste buds on his tongue corroded away.

This Brown-on-White hate crime has not received the kind of international attention that a White-on-Black one does.

The mainstream media ignores these kinds of attacks because they want us to believe that White people are evil. Why would they want that? It’s because they want to get rid of White societies, and painting us as the devil and getting us to hate ourselves makes it easier for them.

Why would they want to get rid of White areas? Now that, I can’t answer. All I know is that this . . . whatever it is they are trying to do . . . is legally defined as genocide of White people.

Before you tell me it’s not genocide, Google the UN genocide conventions and you’ll realize genocide is simply the deliberate and targeted elimination of a group of people. The methods don’t matter.

H/T White GeNOcide Project