White Genocide signs found near a school in South Carolina


News 2, a South Carolina media company has reported on a sign which said “Diversity means chasing down the last White person #White genocide“.

The sign was found on a street near the Summerville Elementary School in early April.

It was not on school property, but News 2 reports that some parents were concerned “of it’s proximity to the school“. Perhaps they wanted it moving closer to the school to promote a healthy debate?

Donald Ketchens, a local parent, said “Where they came from, I couldn’t tell you, but there were 2 signs pulled up from the ground, for me, as a parent, I think people don’t have no respect.

The Summerville police department are investigating the sign, which was first reported by an anonymous passerby.

What the sign means is that White areas are the target of “diversity” policies, because those are the ones anti-Whites see as the problem.

When one group is singled out and targeted for any kind of policies which are meant to change that group – that is a crystal clear example of genocide, as defined by the UN genocide conventions.

As such, we have no hesitation saying that the USA, along with many other majority White countries, has a regime that is guilty of White Genocide.

h/t White GeNOcide Project