Tag Archive for: White Genocide

Welcome to the new format for our podcast. Fans of Horus the Avenger’s Follow the White Rabbit should like the new updated format to take into account the growth of our memes.  Feel free to get on SoundCloud and follow us for automatic updates as as new podcasts come out.

This Week In White Genocide is an open discussion about exposing #WhiteGenocide. Each podcast brings attention to current news and views on social media pertaining to #WhiteGenocide by guest speakers in an open forum.
This week features Horus(@eurorabbit)of whiterabbitradio.net and activist Asgardian (@warowhites)

1:00 – Introduction to This Week In #WhiteGenocide

2:55 – Intro to Asgardian(@warowhites )

3:53 – Donald Trump – Win Lose or White Hactivism

8:00 -Twittersphere – Mass memeing, robocalls, triggering Anti-Whites.

16:10 – Mustafa, Robocalls and Asgardian’s open challenge for Tim “Anti-White” Wise

26:00 Weev Opens Pandora’s Box at Ashley Madison

30:38 – European Resistance to Mass Immigration

39:01 – General Gage and the Trigger Printer live to fight another day


On October the 10th, protesters gathered outside the town hall in Sydney, Australia. The “Party for Freedom in Sydney” organized the protest to speak out against the extremely brutal mass murders in South Africa of which White people are specifically a target of.

It is not a matter that is talked about often. It is never seen in the news. It isn’t discussed around the water-cooler.” wrote sydneytrads.com, which first reported on the protest.

The murder of Whites in South Africa has a particularly savage element to it, above and beyond the merely criminal. It reeks of malice and racially motivated violence.

Some of the stories are truly horrific: a family brutally clubbed to death – save for the twelve year old son who was thrown into a scalding bath bound and gagged, whist the family dog was disemboweled.

A whole family cut up with an axe; a mother and daughter are raped and tortured seemingly for kicks; a man is stabbed 150 times and his wife and child shot at close range and other reports include the pouring of boiling water down the throats of an elderly couple and farmers being dragged behind vehicles. These are not mere acts of violence incidental to theft or other criminal activity.

One eyewitness said “most of the people who yelled at us today were women, and all of them were White. I really don’t understand what they’re going on about. Why should the mass murder of Whites, many of whom are women and children, not be a cause for concern? That’s what we’re protesting about!

Another person asked “do these people think we should be ignoring something that would be a cause of large scale public denunciations if it were perpetrated against, say, indigenous Australians? So it’s OK to treat Whites this way? Is that what I’m supposed to take from the abuse we got?

Things are so bad in South Africa that one politician who was campaigning for presidency had to promise that there would “never be a white genocideunder his rule, after he was caught singing about shooting White people.

This is precisely why we all must stand united against White Genocide, not just in South Africa, but the one that’s taking place globally.

There is often some confusion to what we mean by this, let me explain. This global White genocide is not being carried out through mass murder – it is being carried out through political policies.

Firstly, majority White countries were all at the same time opened up to massive scale non-White immigration. Secondly “diversity” laws were put in place which are specifically meant to get more non-White people into White areas.

Both of these policies were put in place because there is a collective intent to get rid of White people, or at the very least, get rid of the White majority. This is White Genocide.

h/t White Genocide Project

WITH EYESThe people have spoken, and we have said “no!” to the tsunamigration agenda.

On October the 8th, EU interior ministers met to discuss a 10-point plan to send illegal immigrants back.

In addition to sending the more than 400,000 confirmed illegal immigrants back home, they hope it will also send a message to would-be illegal immigrants that they won’t be able to stay in Europe.

We need to be better and more effective, not just at helping people and offering refuge, but also at returning those who have no right to stay” said Dimitris Avramopoulos, E.U. Migration Commissioner.

That is why a credible and effective return policy is also an essential component of our efforts.

In 2014, less than 40% of illegal immigrants were deported from Europe, but now the EU is getting serious, and is taking $3.5 billion from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund to get it done.

The EU leaders have realized that by obeying certain anti-White politicians and pressure groups they’ve severely damaged the EU, and several countries now consider leaving.

Despite all the “solutions” put forward by EU interior ministers, in the end, the only real solution was to send the illegal immigrants back home.

All those “all hope is lost” people just got proven wrong. We have won a major battle, but we need to keep pushing so we win the war as well.

There are still “refugees” whom anti-Whites will be trying to keep in Europe, instead of returning them back home when it is possible.

Our end goal is to bring a stop to White genocide – a full stop, not just a pause. Because a future free of White genocide is by far the greatest gift we can give to our children and our children’s children.

h/t White GeNOcide Project



A new bill called the Adoptive Family Relief Act has been passed, which makes it easier for anti-White individuals to adopt Africans from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In an attempt to help these families, the Adoptive Family Relief Act will provide meaningful financial relief by granting the State Department the authority to waive the fees for multiple visa renewals in this and other extraordinary adoption circumstances,said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

This bill will now go to the President for his signature, and it is my hope it will bring needed assistance to so many loving families who want nothing more than to open their homes to a child in a need.

McConnell wants to look like he cares about adopted children, but he has only been working to bring in adopted children from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Seems he has a hidden agenda…

McConnell got an adopted child from the DRC back to the US for one particular couple.

The couple said: “We truly appreciate the Senator’s dedication on this heart wrenching situation and hope this bill will be able to assist Kentucky families, as well as many others dealing with the financial impact of the adoption crisis in the DRC

For 2 years now, the Democratic Republic of Congo has had restrictions in place to make it harder for foreigners to take adopted Congo children out of the country.

For this Kentucky family and the many others that are still waiting, I again, strongly urge the DRC government to resolve this matter expeditiously in a way that provides for the swift unification of families” McConnell said.

If ever there was anyone more deserving of the title “Cuckservative”…

Some people think that it’s just the left-wing of politics that’s responsible for White Genocide, but actually McConnell is republican, and so many anti-Whites.

This is not a left-wing versus right-wing struggle, it is pro-White versus anti-White struggle. Which one are you?

h/t White GeNOcide Project


Bahar Mustafa, a Turkish woman who is the “welfare and diversity officer” for a student union in London’s Goldsmiths university, has been charged by the police for her anti-White rants on Twitter.

Two separate comments she made on November 2014 and on May 2015 are charged with conveying “a threatening message” and “sending a grossly offensive message via a public communication network.

She caused outrage when she asked White men not to attend an “anti-racist” meeting. She then used an official university Twitter account to call someone “White trash”.

Mustafa is also in trouble for hash-tagging several of her Twitter posts with “#killallwhitemen”.

She is scheduled in court on November 5th.

At the time of the scandal, Mustafa argued that people’s reaction to her comments were the result of “an outrageous distortion of fact“.

I, an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist towards white men because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on race and gender and therefore women of colour and minority genders cannot be racist or sexist, since we do not stand to benefit from such a system.

This is a ground breaking moment – the police have finally taken anti-White comments seriously.

Still though, we have a lot of work to do – the system is still manipulated by influential anti-White individuals and lobbies. They are committing White Genocide because they hope to make us a minority.

They call it “diversity”, but as you can see from Mustafa’s rants, we all know what they mean by this.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


120,000 African and Muslim illegal immigrants will be moved from Italy and Greece “within days”, according to Ansa, an Italian news organization.

The plan is to move them to Estonia, Luxembourg, Sweden, and other EU countries, before the next EU summit on October 15th.

This decision was voted on last month by EU interior ministers and was passed, despite being opposed by a sizable number of interior ministers.

French President Francois Hollande has said countries which do not play ball, could face sanctions.

The sanctions exist. So these countries will be putting themselves in a situation where what they are receiving from Europe could be suspended” he said. “You cannot ask Europe for support and refuse when Europe asks for solidarity.

Anna Aloisi, the mayor of the Italian town of Mineo, which is close to an asylum center, spoke about how the tsunmigration has effected the town.

How do you control 4,000 migrants?” she said. “The centre becomes a town in itself, which doesn’t help integration.

Mineo is a town of 5,000 people, but many of them are elderly and there are few youngsters. So the arrival of coloured migrants, all of them young, who hang around doing nothing, often make the townsfolk afraid.

The citizens see the migrants are taken care of, have a hot meal, a roof over their heads, when they struggle to have a hot meal themselves, it sparks jealousies, anger,

The EU and the UN are making, altering, scraping, and ignoring laws in order to keep as many illegal immigrants inside of Europe – it is all part of their agenda to get rid of Europe’s White majority.

For example, last year the UN told Spain it was not allowed to instantly deport African illegal immigrants.

This anti-White agenda has many names, but the most accurate and deadly name for it is White Genocide, because “diversity” is all about getting rid of the White areas.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has asked Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook, to stop Germans from making comments against mass immigration on Facebook.

In Germany, Facebook is now being patrolled by the Voluntary Self-Monitoring of Multimedia Service Providers, a government affiliated group which seeks out people who express “radical” opinions.

Their definition of “radical” seems to mean anything they don’t agree with. It can range anywhere from making threats, to simply talking negatively about immigrants.

(Whoops, radical old me – I have used the “i” word. We’re supposed to call them “newcomers” now.)

Merkel is still not happy – she has asked Zuckerberg at a UN summit in New York to do more to filter comments she disagrees with, so people cannot read them.

Facebook has agreed to carry out this mass censorship, and in future will be working with the Voluntary Self-Monitoring of Multimedia Service Providers.

Censorship means one thing: they have lost the debate. Merkel HAS lost the debate so she simply tries to stop her opposition from talking.

At first she was screaming “racist” and “nazi” at them. For once, that didn’t work. Now she has moved on to legally censoring their opinions.

In case you didn’t know, Merkel wants Germany, and Europe as a whole to bring in as many non-White immigrants as possible in order to get rid of the White majority.

This is White Genocide because policies and laws have been put in place to make this happen. When there is a deliberate attempt to get rid of a group – no matter what the methods – it is always classed as genocide.

Recently, Merkel has said Europe should protect its borders. Do not be fooled – she still wants White Genocide, but she has been forced by a massive public backlash to bring an end to open borders.

And for Europe, this means we of course need to, above all, protect our external borders across Europe – and protect them together – so that immigration to Europe is orderly,she said.

But it also means we must take on more responsibility for countries where the causes for people to flee are, or where there are a lot of refugees, such as in Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey,

From reading her comments, it becomes pretty clear where her priorities lie: immigration, immigration, and more immigration.

h/t White Genocide Project

The morning after the supposed shooting at the community college in Roseburg, Oregon, DIVERSITY = “WHITE GENOCIDE” banners were prominently displayed on the highway. The banners were seen by all of the mass media outlets that were camped out right nearby, but it is unlikely that they will actually show the banner, despite that they are attempting to portray this mixed race man as a “White supremacist”. It seems the media has been ordered to no longer release the secret formula for the  destruction of the White race, as it would get too many people thinking. (editor: Feel free to click on any of the pictures for a larger view)

























Roseburg was recently extremely White, but it has been forced to accept loads of “diversity”, like everywhere in the Western world.











For some context where these banners could be seen, see the diagram below.









It is fortunate that Jimmy and Judy Marr were on location to snap these photos for us. Jimmy recently wrote on VNN:

I can’t say I’m entirely surprised by the location of this shooting. I visited Roseburg last week and did a short write-up of the impressions and feedback I received from college aged young people about my truck’s DIACWFWG sign boards in Douglas County.

In addition to the obvious signs of a culturally alienated youth in a dying White town, that stretch of freeway is plastered with some of the most obnoxious, anti-white Umpqua Community College billboards I have ever seen in my life. They feature a black male and two ostensibly White lesbians and some kind of White transgendered male with rainbow colored hair accompanied by the slogan We Are Umpqua Community College.

I can only imagine how that makes young, displaced, native, White males feel about the town their immediate forefathers built and which was sentenced to death along with its timber industry over SJW concerns for the habitat of the goddamned Spotted Owl, while White Genocide advocates receive standing ovations up the road at University of Oregon and federal government has got the underground diversity pipeline running full tilt out of the nigger infested hell-holes of the East and Midwest into rural areas of the Pacific Northwest, where White refugees might otherwise have sought sanctuary.

Although these banners came from White Man March activism, I had no foreknowledge of this operation, and have “no comment” for any reporters who might actually be interested in this story. There is already plenty of material explaining the massive crime being committed against White folks across the planet.

Let’s see what results from the ludicrous narrative of the White Supremacist, Nazi, Black Lives Matter, Muslim, Occultist shooter.

h/t Renegade Tribune



The Bob Whitaker for President 2016 campaign of the American Freedom Party today issued this press release:


On Saturday, October 3rd, the American Freedom Party will continue its ongoing robocall campaign, this time targeting the state of Alabama. 
The text of the robocall, which approximately 180,000 Alabamians will receive, is as follows:

We robocall you at home because the media won’t carry our message. 
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, but White countries for EVERYBODY?!
Flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with the third world overflow IS White Genocide.
Recently, Senator Jeff Sessions openly opposed flooding the U.S. with third world non-white refugees. 
Bob Whitaker, the American Freedom Party’s candidate for president, LAUDS Senator Sessions for his stance, and adds that “DIVERSITY” is chasing down the last White person.
If you support the present policy of flooding all White countries with third world non-whites, YOU are anti-WHITE.
Diversity equals White Genocide.
Join the American Freedom Party today and support Bob Whitaker for President. 
Please help get Bob Whitaker on the Alabama ballot.

isit theamericanfreedomparty.us; that’s theamericanfreedomparty.us. Or phone 424 261 4790; that’s 424 261 4790.
Paid for by Bob Whitaker for President 2016.

The American Freedom Party is currently circulating petitions to put Presidential candidate Bob Whitaker and Vice Presidential candidate Tom Bowie on the Alabama ballot for 2016.

Whitaker/Bowie are already on the ballot in a number of other states.

The American Freedom Party will be using the robocalls this Saturday to drum up support for the Whitaker/Bowie campaign. 

Previous robocalls in Idaho and Mississippi brought the American Freedom Party’s message to hundreds of thousands of people in those states. “We use robocalls because the media blocks our message,” states Whitaker.

“What They Call ‘Diversity’ Has Nothing to do with Real Diversity,” he continues. “What our rulers call Diversity just means chasing down white people. Their slogan is, ‘Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, and white countries for everybody’. 

“Nobody says any Chinese city should not have huge areas that are all-Chinese. Only concentrations of white people in traditionally white countries are condemned. 

“What they call Diversity is just white genocide. Our country today is based on white self-hatred. A country based on self-hatred is sick.”

The American Freedom Party will continue to inform the people of the ongoing program of white genocide no matter how much the anti-white media slanders us with hate words like “racist” and “supremacist” while at the same time ignoring our actual MESSAGE.