Tag Archive for: Anti-White


Fringe White House candidate whines: Opponents of racist billboards are ‘just like Adolf’

“‘Diversity’ is a code word for #WhiteGenocide”…White GeNOcide Project…“Diversity means chasing down the last white person”

Don Black on his radio show yesterday morning mentioned that the NY Times photos of the “White GeNOcide” magnets on his refrigerator have inspired anti-White columnists to discuss White Genocide.

It’s good to see anti-Whites finally pitching in and doing their part to spread the STOP WHITE GENOCIDE memes!

H/T White GeNOcide Project


1538The Belorussian government says it will be moving in 20,000 Chinese workers into the city of Smalyavichy.

Currently, there are 136 people. In total, we issued 6663 permits to Chinese workers. According to preliminary estimates, the construction requires about 20 thousand [Chinese] workers.” said Alexei Begun, Head of the Department for Citizenship and Migration, according to KP.by.

There are many out of work Eastern Europeans who go to Western Europe to find work. It is baffling that Eastern European governments are now bringing in Chinese workers, when there are supposedly no jobs for White Eastern Europeans.

Just because the Belorussian government is bringing in Chinese workers does not necessarily mean they are trying to go ahead with White Genocide. However, we have seen this is often the case. For example, Germany brought loads of Turks over as “guest workers” – now it’s full of them, and the government has declared that Islam “belongs to Germany”.

The difference between guest workers and immigrants is that guest workers are sent home when the work is done.

We will be keeping an eye on the Belorussian government to see if White Genocide is indeed on their agenda.

White GeNOcide Project



President Obama is currently changing the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regulations to suit a more anti-White agenda.

The new regulations will allow HUD to withhold money granted to White areas, if they don’t build enough cheap housing for non-White people.

American citizens and communities should be free to choose where they would like to live and not be subject to federal neighborhood engineering at the behest of an overreaching federal government,” said Rep. Paul Gosar, according to WND.com.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for HUD disagreed with Gosar’s remarks.

HUD is working with communities across the country to fulfill the promise of equal opportunity for all,” the spokesperson said, “the proposed policy seeks to break down barriers to access to opportunity in communities supported by HUD funds.

All this talk about equal opportunity may make you warm and fuzzy inside, but what you may not know, is that HUD is ONLY mapping out the White suburbs in America. If you are living in a majority White area, your area has been put on a government hit-list.

Without any delays, the new laws are should come into effect in July , and around 1,250 local governments across the USA would be affected.

If you still don’t believe us when we say “White Genocide“, you are in denial.

Whites in America have been targeted by the government for more “diversity”. You cannot – repeat: cannot – target a group of people for any “demographics change”, “multiculturalism”, or “diversity”. That is genocide.

But it’s not just an American phenomenon; the Swedish government is also carrying out White Genocide with a law very similar to this one.

Anti-Whites always keep on proving that diversity is a codeword for White Genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Backup_of_wesleyEYESAs part of their “diversity” agenda, anti-Whites are trying to stop White parents from putting their children in majority White schools.

In Britain, this is being promoted on the blatant lie that White students are lazy and non-White students will make them work harder.

Actually, this is because most non-White students live in the cities, and inner-city schools receive more funding.

Demos, a government think-tank, recently released a study which found some parts of England have naturally separated by race, despite “diversity” policies.

Trevor Phillips, a member of Demos, used this development as a chance to promote anti-White doctrine.

To some extent, in London the clever thing for smart middle-class parents to do is to look for schools which have substantial numbers of Indian heritage children, because the statistics say that their child will benefit from sitting in the same class as those motivated kids.

What’s important here is that parents have more information about these issues, they think a bit more carefully about the choices they are making because if we do that we can both do something about the social separation – which I think everyone would accept isn’t such a great thing – but we can also help some of those who are lagging behind.

White children are the ones who are doing least well. Those white children who are in schools where there are a lot of high-performing minorities tend to do better. There is something about sitting in class with those kids that improves performance … We are trying to prepare children for a diverse world – schools should reflect that.

For some strange reason, where ever there are White people, there is this “diversity” problem which can only be solved by making the area minority White.

Despite all the mountains of evidence, these anti-Whites still deny that “diversity” just means White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project





















Saida Grundy is just another Anti-White educator that is chasing down White kids for everything wrong in the world. This time Anti-White Boston University is protecting an upcoming assistant professor that blames Whites for slavery and claims White college males are a “problem population.” Isn’t it nice to know that race is a social construct at BU as long as you are not a White student putting up fliers? Anti-White opportunists have zero problems using race as long as it is Whites that are being blamed for the evils of the world. This is typical for the Anti-White narrative as it openly attacks Whites to glorify their agenda of White hatred. Boston University is chasing down the last White college student.

White Power Group Takes Aim at Boston University’s Saida Grundy
Flyers on campus and a hashtag campaign from a white power group call for the assistant professor to be fired.

By Chris Sweeney/ Boston Magazine
A July 1 post on the National Youth Front’s website details the so-called #FIREGRUNDY campaign and shows several pictures of flyers posted throughout the campus, both indoors and outdoors. The flyers state “Black Privilege Means Not Being Fired After Saying That White College Males Are A Problem Population.”

Previously, Professor Grundy, who is part of the university’s sociology department, has come under fire for controversial remarks on social media.

H/T MeinVolk


A White professor who teaches children about the pop singer Beyoncé, has written a series of anti-White posts on Twitter in a shallow attempt to guilt trip and shame an entire race of people.

The professor, Kevin Allred, teaches his “Politicizing Beyoncé.” course at Rutgers University, New Jersey, and has not even had as much as a word of disagreement from the University administration for his rants on Twitter.

In one of his posts he says that “THERE ARE NO GOOD . THERE ARE ONLY LESS BAD WHITE PEOPLE!!!

While in another two posts, he says that White culture does not exist and is also “racist“.

When he later wrote to a journalist, he tried to deny what he had said.

I didn’t say there are no good white people” Allred said, “I meant until the system changes completely to erase these stereotypes in general, no white people should be seen as de facto good. We (white people) should be seen in grades of ‘less bad’ to balance out the ways other groups are unfairly seen.

There are a lot of crazy self-hating anti-Whites in academia who think that this opinion is “progressive”. It’s not – it’s White genocide.

We regularly say that anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White, and it’s people like him who prove our point.
























H/T White GeNOcide Project


Poland, Latvia, and Estonia are just some of the countries which are being looked at to take in the increasing number of illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

The European Union has proposed a quota system, whereby 40,000 to 60,000 of the migrants will be spread across Europe, and particularly in Eastern Europe where almost all the people are Native White Europeans.

Under the present EU agreements, countries may choose to accept the numbers of illegal immigrants they take, or if they take any at all.

However, some anti-White EU bureaucrats want Europe to be forced by law to take in illegal immigrants; Eastern Europe would no doubt be the first target.

The European Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said that the migrants must be settled through-out Europe by legal force, not by a country’s choice.

It’s time we looked beyond national interests and avoided the lowest common denominator, the bargaining and finger-pointing.” said Mr Avramopoulos, according to the BBC,

He said the EU “tried a voluntary approach in the past and it didn’t work“.

No European leaders are willing or able to crack-down on illegal immigration, although Libya has offered help on at least two occasions. This is causing more and more non-White migrants to pour in from the sea like a giant Tsunami.

For several decades now, a large part of our elite have abused their powers and betrayed our trust in order to make Europe, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand a “diverse multicultural utopia” – one where a White majority is a crime or sin.

By enforcing this agenda, they are responsible for White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

sutherland anti-WhitePeter Sutherland, the UN’s special representative on international migration, has again shown his true anti-White form when he called for Britain to take in more immigrants, saying that not to do say would be “xenophobia and racism“.

Some countries, as opposed to others are taking the lion’s share of responsibility in this area” he told BBC radio 4.

But the bottom line has to be that there has to be a sharing of refugees.

The UK and many other countries could do more.

In the past, Sutherland has also told the BBC that he believes the European Union should be trying to destroy Europe’s “ homogeneity and difference from others.

A very recent survey found that the overall majority of British people (42%) are against taking in more “refugees“.

I’ll tell you what the bottom line is: this guy is anti-White. He’s anti-White because he is trying to get rid of White people.

All these anti-Whites completely abuse their powers and ignore we ordinary folk in order to promote and direct White genocide.

They may use nice-sounding terms like “Humanitarianism”, but every single one of their terms is meant to hide the agenda that they really promote.

What they really are is anti-White, and what they really want is White genocide. Europe does not want any more diversity bombs.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


DIVERSITY BOATLibyan Foreign Minister, Mohamed al-Ghirani, has warned Europe that if it does not help Libya to stop illegal immigration, Europe could be turned minority White.

We tell you: come and talk and cooperate with us, the national salvation government,” Ghirani said

If Europe doesn’t cooperate, then after (some) years Europe will be completely Black. Europe will change from a White Europe to an African Europe,

The Daily Mail reports that Libya’s government has stopped thousands of African immigrants from entering Europe, but do not have the resources to stop smugglers or patrol the large desert areas.

Now we cannot do anything. The state is weak,” Ghirani continued. “We need logistics, intelligence, aircraft.

Back in 2010, ex-Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi also echoed Ghirani’s warning.

Gaddafi warned that “Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration, it could turn into Africa“.

He told the EU leaders that Libya needed support, but instead, they dropped bombs on one of the few African countries which were protecting Europe’s borders.

A lot of these non-White leaders think that our own White elite want to stop Europe, America, Canada, and Australia from becoming minority White – but, actually, that is just what they want to happen.

It’s an incredibly bizarre situation, but for several decades now, our own White elite have been spearheading a campaign of White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Emily Goldstein, a professor and writer for thoughtcatalog.com, wrote an article agreeing with us that White Genocide is indeed happening.

The article (which has since been deleted) was titled “Yes, Diversity Is About Getting Rid Of White People (And That’s A Good Thing)

It may have been deleted, but we can still read the article through the Wayback Machine which saves websites and allows people to view their history.

One of the more common memes that I’ve seen white supremacists spread around recently has been ‘diversity is a code word for white genocideGoldstein wrote.

That’s exactly right. Diversity IS about getting rid of white people, and that’s a good thing.

First off, I am a white person myself, so allow me to get that out of the way. I’m extremely glad that the white race is dying, and you should be too. White people do not have a right to exist. Period.

No white people means no oppression. White people are like a cancer and oppression is a symptom of the cancer. Cut out the cancer altogether – with the cancer being white people – and you get rid of all of the oppression which white people cause.

When I teach my students about human rights, critical race theory, and the role of whites in worldwide oppression, my white students often ask me how they can “atone” for the evils of whiteness and how they can make up for centuries of white oppression. And I tell them: you can do that by not having any children and ensuring that the white race does not live to oppress anyone ever again in the future.

Thankfully, white birthrates are indeed very low, while the birthrates of minorities are much, MUCH higher. Within our lifetimes, whites will be a minority in a significant number of formerly white countries, including the US, the UK, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, to name just a few.

As white people, we all need to recognize that we no longer have a place in the world.

So, yes, white supremacists: diversity is indeed white genocide. And white genocide is exactly what the world needs more than anything else.

This article proves what many of us have been saying for years now: “anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-White, and “diversity” is a codeword for White genocide.

It also proves that “White supremacist”, “racist”, “bigot”, etc are just used to shut White people up. They are not meant to have any logical meaning to them – it is the child equivalent of calling someone a “poo-poo head”.

H/T White GeNOcide Project