Tag Archive for: White Genocide


The language used to create the total despotism in George Orwell’s book “1984” was called Newspeak.

There was nothing new about it.

Here you will see a British political leader using Newspeak:

She wants to ban things like “’Diversity’ = White Genocide,” complete with prison sentences.

This ruler uses language that was on the tongue of Hitler, Stalin, and every other outright dictator who wanted to imprison dissenters.

She says the British Government should ban “extremists.” There was a time when what she says now would be extremist, complete with a prison sentence.

Stalin gave the Soviet Union a Constitution in 1936 and it contained guarantees of free speech that made our first amendment look pale.  photo theresa may.jpg

But it was understood, at least by those who survived, that no guarantee extended to an “extremist.”

Stalinists looked at things exactly the way the rulers of Britain do today.

To use her very words, he arrested “extremists” who sought to “undermine Soviet unity.”

The British Government does not use a single word that would not have been used by Hitler and Stalin.

It hasn’t been that long in history since she would have been arrested for “extremism” and “undermining British unity.”

I challenge you to find a single phrase in her whole dialogue that hasn’t been used and is not being used by every oppressive regime of which we have a record.

H.Avenger: This attempted crackdown does not surprise us.  While the UK elites are busy pushing White Genocide non stop.  The push back has begun in earnest. 

All you have to do is walk a street in the UK.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words. What is a sticker worth? The White kids in the UK are voting in their own way (see below).

Predictably the Ant-Whites running the UK have panicked.  At White Rabbit Radio, we know first hand.  This website has a fast growing UK audience. 

Of late, certain cell phone networks in the UK are making web surfers go through an age verification process.  You have to call in your credentials in order to pull up White Rabbit Radio on the internet!

Like the activism below, we consider all this a vote of confidence.

H/T Whitaker Online






















DIVERSITY BOATLibyan Foreign Minister, Mohamed al-Ghirani, has warned Europe that if it does not help Libya to stop illegal immigration, Europe could be turned minority White.

We tell you: come and talk and cooperate with us, the national salvation government,” Ghirani said

If Europe doesn’t cooperate, then after (some) years Europe will be completely Black. Europe will change from a White Europe to an African Europe,

The Daily Mail reports that Libya’s government has stopped thousands of African immigrants from entering Europe, but do not have the resources to stop smugglers or patrol the large desert areas.

Now we cannot do anything. The state is weak,” Ghirani continued. “We need logistics, intelligence, aircraft.

Back in 2010, ex-Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi also echoed Ghirani’s warning.

Gaddafi warned that “Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration, it could turn into Africa“.

He told the EU leaders that Libya needed support, but instead, they dropped bombs on one of the few African countries which were protecting Europe’s borders.

A lot of these non-White leaders think that our own White elite want to stop Europe, America, Canada, and Australia from becoming minority White – but, actually, that is just what they want to happen.

It’s an incredibly bizarre situation, but for several decades now, our own White elite have been spearheading a campaign of White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Emily Goldstein, a professor and writer for thoughtcatalog.com, wrote an article agreeing with us that White Genocide is indeed happening.

The article (which has since been deleted) was titled “Yes, Diversity Is About Getting Rid Of White People (And That’s A Good Thing)

It may have been deleted, but we can still read the article through the Wayback Machine which saves websites and allows people to view their history.

One of the more common memes that I’ve seen white supremacists spread around recently has been ‘diversity is a code word for white genocideGoldstein wrote.

That’s exactly right. Diversity IS about getting rid of white people, and that’s a good thing.

First off, I am a white person myself, so allow me to get that out of the way. I’m extremely glad that the white race is dying, and you should be too. White people do not have a right to exist. Period.

No white people means no oppression. White people are like a cancer and oppression is a symptom of the cancer. Cut out the cancer altogether – with the cancer being white people – and you get rid of all of the oppression which white people cause.

When I teach my students about human rights, critical race theory, and the role of whites in worldwide oppression, my white students often ask me how they can “atone” for the evils of whiteness and how they can make up for centuries of white oppression. And I tell them: you can do that by not having any children and ensuring that the white race does not live to oppress anyone ever again in the future.

Thankfully, white birthrates are indeed very low, while the birthrates of minorities are much, MUCH higher. Within our lifetimes, whites will be a minority in a significant number of formerly white countries, including the US, the UK, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, to name just a few.

As white people, we all need to recognize that we no longer have a place in the world.

So, yes, white supremacists: diversity is indeed white genocide. And white genocide is exactly what the world needs more than anything else.

This article proves what many of us have been saying for years now: “anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-White, and “diversity” is a codeword for White genocide.

It also proves that “White supremacist”, “racist”, “bigot”, etc are just used to shut White people up. They are not meant to have any logical meaning to them – it is the child equivalent of calling someone a “poo-poo head”.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

Recently White Genocide flyers and stickers were found throughout Birmingham, UK.

How is it not White Genocide when we have posters like this one below promoting GREAT BRITAIN athletes but they’re all AFRICAN?!

Flooding ALL white countries with MILLIONS of non-whites and FORCE assimilating the populations IS White Genocide.

“Diversity” means there are to many white people. Once something is “diverse” it just means that it was FORMERLY white.

To purchase these stickers and flyers for distribution around your local area CLICK HERE.




































H/T Fight White GeNOcide


American Freedom Party candidate, Sean Donahue, is running for Mayor of Hazelton, PA as a write-in candidate.

Last weekend Donahue ran thousands of robo calls in and around Hazelton, telling residents that the word “diversity” today just means white genocide.

Several local media outlets picked up the story, with wyIntv35 playing the whole robocall on their evening news.

Donahue won’t know the number of write-in votes he received until Wednesday next week, but regardless of the votes, the white genocide message is definitely out there in Hazelton, PA.


While the last few generations have been unashamedly anti-White, a new UK survey shows that school children are waking up in their masses.

Almost 6,000 10 to 16 year-olds in England have taken part in a survey, issued by the group ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ or ‘SRTRC’ for short.

● 84% of the children agreed that: “Racism is taken more seriously when it is towards a Black or Asian person than when it’s towards a White person.

● 60% said they agreed that: “Asylum seekers and immigrants are stealing our jobs.

● 49% said they agreed that: “Migration is out of control or not being managed properly.

● 35% said they agreed that: “Muslims are taking over our country

● 31% said they agreed that: “Migrants are all here illegally

In the same survey, the children were also asked to estimate the number of foreign-born people living in the UK. The average estimation was that the UK is 47% foreign-born.

Ged Grebby, SRTRC’s chief executive said “We have found that there is a large amount of negativity when young people are asked questions about immigration or Muslims,

This survey shows that this is fueled by a totally distorted view of the number of immigrants and Muslims living in the UK.

It is only once we acknowledge the existence of these attitudes and identify the influences at work that we can deliver the right kind of educational interventions to help build capacity to resist racist ideas and attitudes among young people.

The probable explanation for why today’s children are more aware of anti-White policies is because they are the ones who are suffering as a result.

If demographers are correct in their predictions, the UK could be a White minority nation by around 2050. Racial conflict is likely to emerge as a result of this, and White children are the ones who have everything to lose.

These anti-White policies did not just pop-up one day out of the blue — there are many powerful and influential anti-Whites in the UK, and around the world, who are funding and promoting these policies.

Collectively, they are responsible for White Genocide, because “diversity” and “multiculturalism” are deliberate attempts to get rid of the White majority – they are code words for White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


The Swedish Migration board has given permission to the new owner of a housing estate to turn it into accommodation for immigrants.

The current residents of the Millmark center, near the town of Torsby, have been told by the new owner, Erik Jonsson, that they must pack their bags and move out.

Evy Hellqvist, a 70 year-old resident of the building said “They will kick out the tenants, and they will do it very quickly. They say we will get some kind of compensation if we move within a month.

It is not so easy for me to move on and I feel comfortable here. I have planted a small garden that I care about and can not imagine staying in an apartment where I do not have anything to do.

Jonsson, the new owner, who also owns Fryksdalens car, said he bought the housing estate “to develop a business that will be profitable, in contrast to the activity that is there today.

Anna Johansson, another resident of the building, said The new owner does not care about the asylum seekers, he just wants to make money.

According to news company, Värmlands Folkblad, if the Millmark center is filled with 144 immigrants, Jonsson will make over $1,500,000 in a month, with each migrant worth $350 every day. This money will come from the Swedish taxpayers.

Jonsson is just a business man who is interested in filling his wallet. The real anti-Whites here are the people from the Swedish migration board, who have admitted in the past that White Swedish areas must be favored for more immigration rather than minority White Swedish areas.

The town of Torsby is one of those majority White Swedish areas, and as such is now a target for immigration.

These anti-Whites — in whatever country they may be — they all insist that the solution to all racial problems is for White areas to become minority White. They call it “diversity”, but actually it is nothing more than White genocide.

In case you haven’t worked it out yet, White people are the “race problem”.

H/T White Genocide Project


Kalle Laanet, an Estonian politician, spoke at the International Migration Forum held in Tallinn. He told the audience that the question is not: Should Estonia take the African and the Middle Eastern immigrants (who illegally entered Southern Europe)? He said the question is: How will Estonia take the immigrants?

Today the issue is not whether Estonia should receive the refugees coming to South Europe with other European countries, but how we should do it,Laanet said.

I am sure no one of us wants to think of what would have happened if the countries of Europe had turned their backs on those who left Estonia in the 1940s.

This is silly. Europe took Estonian refugees who fled from their homes from a mass-murdering Communist dictatorship. So now Estonia must take African and Middle Eastern immigrants who passed through many safe countries on their way to Europe?

In this way we can make Europe more unified and also be sure that others will come to help us without hesitation if we need it

There are many excuses put out by these anti-Whites, but the bottom line is: if it’s a White country, it must have open borders.

Without open borders (and a high rate of non-White immigrants) it is hard for anti-Whites to “diversify” all those nasty majority White areas.

Anti-Whites believe that “diversity” means no area can be “too White”, but if that’s the case, then “diversity” is actually just a code word for White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

For many White countries, 2050 seems to be the point that they are predicted to become minority White. According to the data, this is true for Sweden as well.

Almost 20 years ago, most areas in Sweden were over 70% to 80% Swedish.



In 2009, one area (Botkyrka) was minority Swedish, and just a few years later Malmö and Södertälje became minority Swedish.


Assuming that the immigration levels into Sweden kept at the same levels they did in 2009, over half of the major Swedish urban areas would be minority Swedish, and by 2050 Swedes would probably become a minority in their own country.

This is of course assuming that immigration levels stay the same, which they are not – they are increasing.

That’s because a lot of anti-Whites in Sweden are trying to carry out White genocide in the country as fast as they can.

They try to chase down White areas in the name of “diversity”, but that is just a code for White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project