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120,000 African and Muslim illegal immigrants will be moved from Italy and Greece “within days”, according to Ansa, an Italian news organization.

The plan is to move them to Estonia, Luxembourg, Sweden, and other EU countries, before the next EU summit on October 15th.

This decision was voted on last month by EU interior ministers and was passed, despite being opposed by a sizable number of interior ministers.

French President Francois Hollande has said countries which do not play ball, could face sanctions.

The sanctions exist. So these countries will be putting themselves in a situation where what they are receiving from Europe could be suspended” he said. “You cannot ask Europe for support and refuse when Europe asks for solidarity.

Anna Aloisi, the mayor of the Italian town of Mineo, which is close to an asylum center, spoke about how the tsunmigration has effected the town.

How do you control 4,000 migrants?” she said. “The centre becomes a town in itself, which doesn’t help integration.

Mineo is a town of 5,000 people, but many of them are elderly and there are few youngsters. So the arrival of coloured migrants, all of them young, who hang around doing nothing, often make the townsfolk afraid.

The citizens see the migrants are taken care of, have a hot meal, a roof over their heads, when they struggle to have a hot meal themselves, it sparks jealousies, anger,

The EU and the UN are making, altering, scraping, and ignoring laws in order to keep as many illegal immigrants inside of Europe – it is all part of their agenda to get rid of Europe’s White majority.

For example, last year the UN told Spain it was not allowed to instantly deport African illegal immigrants.

This anti-White agenda has many names, but the most accurate and deadly name for it is White Genocide, because “diversity” is all about getting rid of the White areas.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has asked Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook, to stop Germans from making comments against mass immigration on Facebook.

In Germany, Facebook is now being patrolled by the Voluntary Self-Monitoring of Multimedia Service Providers, a government affiliated group which seeks out people who express “radical” opinions.

Their definition of “radical” seems to mean anything they don’t agree with. It can range anywhere from making threats, to simply talking negatively about immigrants.

(Whoops, radical old me – I have used the “i” word. We’re supposed to call them “newcomers” now.)

Merkel is still not happy – she has asked Zuckerberg at a UN summit in New York to do more to filter comments she disagrees with, so people cannot read them.

Facebook has agreed to carry out this mass censorship, and in future will be working with the Voluntary Self-Monitoring of Multimedia Service Providers.

Censorship means one thing: they have lost the debate. Merkel HAS lost the debate so she simply tries to stop her opposition from talking.

At first she was screaming “racist” and “nazi” at them. For once, that didn’t work. Now she has moved on to legally censoring their opinions.

In case you didn’t know, Merkel wants Germany, and Europe as a whole to bring in as many non-White immigrants as possible in order to get rid of the White majority.

This is White Genocide because policies and laws have been put in place to make this happen. When there is a deliberate attempt to get rid of a group – no matter what the methods – it is always classed as genocide.

Recently, Merkel has said Europe should protect its borders. Do not be fooled – she still wants White Genocide, but she has been forced by a massive public backlash to bring an end to open borders.

And for Europe, this means we of course need to, above all, protect our external borders across Europe – and protect them together – so that immigration to Europe is orderly,she said.

But it also means we must take on more responsibility for countries where the causes for people to flee are, or where there are a lot of refugees, such as in Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey,

From reading her comments, it becomes pretty clear where her priorities lie: immigration, immigration, and more immigration.

h/t White Genocide Project

The morning after the supposed shooting at the community college in Roseburg, Oregon, DIVERSITY = “WHITE GENOCIDE” banners were prominently displayed on the highway. The banners were seen by all of the mass media outlets that were camped out right nearby, but it is unlikely that they will actually show the banner, despite that they are attempting to portray this mixed race man as a “White supremacist”. It seems the media has been ordered to no longer release the secret formula for the  destruction of the White race, as it would get too many people thinking. (editor: Feel free to click on any of the pictures for a larger view)

























Roseburg was recently extremely White, but it has been forced to accept loads of “diversity”, like everywhere in the Western world.











For some context where these banners could be seen, see the diagram below.









It is fortunate that Jimmy and Judy Marr were on location to snap these photos for us. Jimmy recently wrote on VNN:

I can’t say I’m entirely surprised by the location of this shooting. I visited Roseburg last week and did a short write-up of the impressions and feedback I received from college aged young people about my truck’s DIACWFWG sign boards in Douglas County.

In addition to the obvious signs of a culturally alienated youth in a dying White town, that stretch of freeway is plastered with some of the most obnoxious, anti-white Umpqua Community College billboards I have ever seen in my life. They feature a black male and two ostensibly White lesbians and some kind of White transgendered male with rainbow colored hair accompanied by the slogan We Are Umpqua Community College.

I can only imagine how that makes young, displaced, native, White males feel about the town their immediate forefathers built and which was sentenced to death along with its timber industry over SJW concerns for the habitat of the goddamned Spotted Owl, while White Genocide advocates receive standing ovations up the road at University of Oregon and federal government has got the underground diversity pipeline running full tilt out of the nigger infested hell-holes of the East and Midwest into rural areas of the Pacific Northwest, where White refugees might otherwise have sought sanctuary.

Although these banners came from White Man March activism, I had no foreknowledge of this operation, and have “no comment” for any reporters who might actually be interested in this story. There is already plenty of material explaining the massive crime being committed against White folks across the planet.

Let’s see what results from the ludicrous narrative of the White Supremacist, Nazi, Black Lives Matter, Muslim, Occultist shooter.

h/t Renegade Tribune



The Bob Whitaker for President 2016 campaign of the American Freedom Party today issued this press release:


On Saturday, October 3rd, the American Freedom Party will continue its ongoing robocall campaign, this time targeting the state of Alabama. 
The text of the robocall, which approximately 180,000 Alabamians will receive, is as follows:

We robocall you at home because the media won’t carry our message. 
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, but White countries for EVERYBODY?!
Flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with the third world overflow IS White Genocide.
Recently, Senator Jeff Sessions openly opposed flooding the U.S. with third world non-white refugees. 
Bob Whitaker, the American Freedom Party’s candidate for president, LAUDS Senator Sessions for his stance, and adds that “DIVERSITY” is chasing down the last White person.
If you support the present policy of flooding all White countries with third world non-whites, YOU are anti-WHITE.
Diversity equals White Genocide.
Join the American Freedom Party today and support Bob Whitaker for President. 
Please help get Bob Whitaker on the Alabama ballot.

isit theamericanfreedomparty.us; that’s theamericanfreedomparty.us. Or phone 424 261 4790; that’s 424 261 4790.
Paid for by Bob Whitaker for President 2016.

The American Freedom Party is currently circulating petitions to put Presidential candidate Bob Whitaker and Vice Presidential candidate Tom Bowie on the Alabama ballot for 2016.

Whitaker/Bowie are already on the ballot in a number of other states.

The American Freedom Party will be using the robocalls this Saturday to drum up support for the Whitaker/Bowie campaign. 

Previous robocalls in Idaho and Mississippi brought the American Freedom Party’s message to hundreds of thousands of people in those states. “We use robocalls because the media blocks our message,” states Whitaker.

“What They Call ‘Diversity’ Has Nothing to do with Real Diversity,” he continues. “What our rulers call Diversity just means chasing down white people. Their slogan is, ‘Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, and white countries for everybody’. 

“Nobody says any Chinese city should not have huge areas that are all-Chinese. Only concentrations of white people in traditionally white countries are condemned. 

“What they call Diversity is just white genocide. Our country today is based on white self-hatred. A country based on self-hatred is sick.”

The American Freedom Party will continue to inform the people of the ongoing program of white genocide no matter how much the anti-white media slanders us with hate words like “racist” and “supremacist” while at the same time ignoring our actual MESSAGE.

Implementing White Genocide will take place one White life at time. It will take place step by step. Germany, burdened by a wickedly imposed guilt trip, is leading the way. When will you and your home be the front line?

Fraufuhrer Merkel has pledged to enrich German society with 800,000 non-Germans per year. To prepare the way Germans must not only move over, they must move out. The town of Nieheim has ordered the eviction of Bettina Halbey, a 51 year old nurse, from her home of 16 years. Her crime is her race. She is White. The town of Eschbach has ordered the eviction of twenty-three year tenant Gabrielle Keller, 56, from her home. Her crime is her race. She is White.  photo bettinahalbey.png

It is not just Northern Idaho anymore. Whites are to be chased down in all White countries. Forced into crowded conditions to live out their lives until they expire with their hated race. In Berlin and Washington hostile elite led cuckgovernments are nurturing foreigners while ignoring life’s necessities for the native White population.

This has been indirectly achieved in the United States by inducing White Flight, a process by which White neighborhoods are destroyed by forcing lenders to racially balance their mortgage portfolios or by building public housing in order to block bust a community. Housing policy is a major tool for the ascendant anti-Whites. Our people are forced to sell their homes low in order to buy homes high. It is a conscious policy of transferring the sweat of White labor to the leisure of non-Whites. It is a form of theft.  photo gabriellekeller.jpg

Remember these abused women, Bettina Halbey and Gabrielle Keller. To your great grandchildren one hundred years from now they will loom more important in their memories than you will. They are precursors of things to come – historical markers. White Genocide has stepped up another rung on the ladder towards a White free world.

The death of the White race will come about through billions of scraps of paper, each seemingly trivial in itself. An eviction notice here, a pink slip there. A hate crime charge. A medical treatment denied. A college place refused. A job application turned down.

But you can fight fire with fire. You can write the Mantra on a piece of paper and paste it to a telephone pole. You can post the Mantra on a virtual scrap of paper on the Internet where it will be read maybe by thousands.

What have you done today to fight what is happening to Bettina Halbey and Gabrielle Keller?

h/t BUGS -WhitakerOnline


White Genocide may sound like a conspiracy theory that’s popular among tin-foil hatted gentlemen, but when you move past this knee-jerk reaction, there is actually an alarming amount of truth to it.

Most people will tell you that genocide is a group of people being murdered in some way, but that is just the popularized version. Contrary to the popular misconception, genocide does not have to be violent or involve mass murder – it could be a series of political policies to get rid of a group.

If there is a plan to target a group for destruction, that is genocide. In this article, you should see this “behind the scenes” plan come to light.

Susan Sontag, a film maker and professor, once remarked that “The white race is the cancer of human history.

She did not say anything ground-breaking; she was merely summing up what a certain portion of the ruling class thinks of its White majority citizens.

They believe that White people are some kind of “cancer” which must be wiped out. Furthermore, they all agree that the solution to this “cancer” should be to get rid of all the White countries by allowing a massive scale of migration from non-White countries.


General Wesley Clark, an ex-NATO commander who was involved in the bombing of Serbia, once let slip the real objective of his campaign.

There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states” he said. “That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.

Why Europe, specifically? Again, this is not a ground-breaking speech; many others have said the same thing, General Clark just said it more concisely.

By itself, moving different groups of people into White countries does not constitute genocide. What makes it genocide is that they then demand we “assimilate” with these non-White immigrants.

As one Israeli writer put it: “Sooner or later, their [immigrant’s] children and grandchildren will marry into veteran European families and change the demographics of their countries“, he said that this was “a good thing.

We have had quite a lot of influential people call for this. Like ex President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, who said in a speech that “the goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding“, and that “not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country.

Pretty blatant, right? But you’re probably saying that a quote from one politician doesn’t quite prove that there is a multi-national agenda to get rid of White people by blending us with other groups.


Well, in Germany, Joschka Fischer, ex Foreign Minister and ex Vice Chancellor wrote in his book that “Germany is to be contained from the outside and heterogenized from the inside by influx, ‘diluted’ so to speak.

And then in Sweden there is Mona Sahlin, Party Leader of the Social Democrats, who said,the White majority is the problem” and they “must be integrated into the new Sweden; the old Sweden will not return.


And in Australia, Bill Hayden, ex Foreign Minister, said “Australian Asians and Europeans will marry another and a new race will emerge”. Australiawill become a Eurasian society and we will be the better for it.

At the time of Hayden’s remarks, the then Prime Minister, Bob Hawk, said that he was not going to allow a debate on this issue: “We will not allow to become a political issue in this country the question of Asianisation.

In other words, he was saying there must be no alternative viewpoint. What’s important to remember here is that this was just a few years after the cancellation of the White Australia immigration policy.

Still not convinced? Perhaps you should read more of what these anti-Whites say?

These quotes are just the tip of the iceberg. But where did this plan or agenda come from? It surely must have had a creator, or someone who originally popularized this idea among the ruling elite class?

Well maybe it did – the most shocking and revealing quote you may ever see is from as far back as 1925, and it is from the founder and president of the Pan-European Union (the precursor to the European Union).

The man I’m talking about is Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. He wrote in one of his books that “The man of the future will be of mixed race … [it] will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.


Surely it was just an innocent prediction?

It may have been more than that because in 1925 he was said to have told a newspaper that “we intend to turn Europe into a mixed race…

That last quote by him cannot be confirmed, but one thing you might have noticed in his other quote is that he uses the word “diversity”. He is the first person we know of to use it in that context, and since then, that word has become the battle-cry of the anti-Whites.

Whenever they scream “diversity” we all know they’re really saying “lets get rid of the White majority”. It has never been directed at any other group of people.

Non-White Immigration into every single majority White country is at the highest rate it’s ever been in history, despite poll after poll showing that the majority of voters are against it.

Politicians refuse to close the borders, and will not accept that it is even an option. Because of this, White people are subject to being blended out of existence, and at the very least our children and our children’s children may never have a place which they can call home again.


We could be forced to walk the rest of our days as a minority in almost every, if not every country on the planet.

After reading this article it should become obvious to you that this so-called “conspiracy” has a great deal of evidence to support it. Hopefully, this article will open up a mainstream discussion about White genocide and its implications for future White children.


h/t White GeNOcide Project

RaceMixingWhite Nationalists are united in the belief that our race is threatened with simple biological extinction. This is often dismissed as alarmism, but, as I have shown, one can make a very simple and compelling argument that whites will go extinct if present trends continue. The purpose of White Nationalism is to interrupt those trends.

Some White Nationalists go one step further, arguing that our race is being intentionally driven to extinction, i.e., that whites are the targets of genocide. This claim too is dismissed as not just alarmist but crazy. Nevertheless, I shall argue that white genocide is actually happening. There are people in positions of power who are promoting policies that they know will lead to the extinction of the white race. Unless, of course, we stop them.

To establish the white genocide thesis, we must do three things. First, we need to define genocide in a way that is consistent with a slow process leading ultimately to extinction. Second, we need to show that white extinction is not a mysterious force of nature but the result of human choices and actions. Third, we need to show that white extinction is not just an unforeseen, unintended consequence of these policies, but rather their deliberate, intentional effect.

It seems counter-intuitive to claim that whites are the victims of genocide. Whites are not being slaughtered by the millions, which is the image that most people have of genocide. To all appearances, our race is powerful, prosperous, and populous. But defenders of the White Genocide thesis point to the 1948 United Nations Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which in Article II defines genocide as

. . . any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; . . .

This definition of genocide is much broader than outright mass murder. In particular, points (c) and (d) are consistent with characterizing policies that destroy a group slowly, over long periods of time, as genocidal as well. So genocide comes in two forms, which we can call fast, hot genocide and slow, cold genocide. White extinction falls into the latter category.

Keep reading this post

Why is Peter Sutherland one of the loudest and most aggressive proponents of opening the borders for this “migrant” crisis?

Is Peter just a big hippy at heart? Is he looking for his place in history as the “Father of the global love party” ?

What is Peter “Open The Borders” Sutherland’s real motivation?

Perhaps this image might make it clear…..

sutherland anti-Whitev2












Anti-Whites will use any excuse to Promote White Genocide

H/T White GeNOcide Project


This is not the actual banner, but it is likely to be the same as the one in this picture.


There are unconfirmed reports coming out of Canada, which say that a banner reading “Diversity = White Genocide” was taken down by thought-police, possibly in an attempt to censor the message.

The banner was said to have appeared on Monday morning, the 10th of September, in Mississauga, on an overpass in Queen Elizabeth Way.

According to reports, the police have taken down the banner, and are treating it as a “hate crime”.

In order to censor our views, the Canadian police force has repeatedly referred to White Genocide as a “hate crime” or “hate speech”, but they cannot make the accusation stick because it says nothing bad about other groups.

Mississauga has recently become minority (45.8% White in 2011) as a result of the anti-White policies enforced by various Canadian governments. This may explain why there is growing resistance to White Genocide in the area.

As we have seen all-too often on White Genocide project, it is the “diverse” areas where people are the most upset with these anti-White policies.

And vice-versa, it is usually the majority White areas where anti-Whites have manipulated the discussion in their favor.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

A politician in the UK recently told the houses of parliament that if the people of the UK don’t open their borders to a never ending flow of “migrants” they “will live to regret it” for the rest of their lives. Gerald Kaufman, who is an MP in an area of the UK called Gorton, said that he receives “mailbags” each day from people in his area who are saying the UK must open the borders and “let them in.” He goes on to rouse the crowd in the parliament room by concluding, “let’s get on with it!”

Now, what Kaufmann doesn’t point out is the reason he is getting these mailbags of letters (assuming he’s not lying) is because approximately 48% of the people in his area are non-White and that’s only counting the ones who responded to the census data! So, as you can see, it’s never just one “migrant” boy, it’s never just one “migrant” family, it’s ALL “migrants” that want to come to White countries! After all how can these “liberals” close the borders to “migrant” number 40,000,001?


most migrants
Then once these “migrants” come into White countries they start to vote for more non-White immigration and in any shape or form; be it refugees, asylum seekers “tech workers” or “to do the jobs that we won’t do” workers. But isn’t ethnic networking how all groups of people work? Ethnic groups want to be around their own kind. Apart from White people of course, they aren’t allowed to because that would be “racist” and some kind of pathological phobia!

Don’t let anti-Whites pretend this flood of “migrants” won’t alter the demographics of Europe in a significant and genocidal way. Although we don’t have the data to hand, our guess is that back in the 1970s Kaufmanns constituency was 95-99% White. Now think about that for a moment. In the space of 30-40 years it is almost minority White! Get your head around that for a minute because that’s the way ALL areas in Europe are heading. The current day influx of non-White immigration (illegal AND legal) dwarfs the immigration levels of the past! It is growing larger and larger every month! Furthermore it appears the real reason for this “migrant” crisis is to flood ALL and ONLY White countries with so much non-White immigration that by the time the indigenous White populations have woken up to the scam they will be overwhelmed and unable to act! Over at White Genocide Project they have reported on Peter Sutherland who is one of the main proponents of this tactic…..just the kind of man you would want in charge of “international migration” at the UN (troll face)

So fellow Whites, the time for action is now; put down the x-box controller, turn off the ball game, stop thinking about that new car you want, it does NOT matter.
Spread the message that all the conditions that have been forced upon ALL and ONLY White countries are just a scam; a genocidal scam! This is not a “global love party!” It is not our “moral imperative” to give up our living space to an endless supply of “migrants”

Say NO to White geNOcide.