Tag Archive for: Anti-White
Editor: We have been saying for some time that Anti-Racism is just a Code Word for #antiWhite. And the anti-Whites continuously prove us correct. Paul Joseph Watson is correct to call attention to the hypocrisy. However he is incorrect in believing non-Whites can be racist. The term has never ever applied to non-Whites. For the better part of one century, Anti-Racist organizations (folks devoted to fighting “racism”) have only operated in WHITE Countries. They have been busy finding racism in White Countries, Schools, Churches etc. Can you name one anti-Racist organization that chases non-Whites around for Racism? How many anti-Racist organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center exist in countries like Saudi Arabia or China? The Answer for both questions is …..ZERO.

Only white people can be racist.
A school textbook teaches students that “there is no such thing as reverse racism” and that women can never be as sexist as men.
The passage, which appears to be taken from a “multicultural education series” book entitled Is Everyone Equal, states, “STOP: There is no such thing as reverse racism or reverse sexism (or the reverse of any form of oppression). While women can be just as prejudiced as men, women cannot be “just as sexist as men” because they do not hold political, economic and institutional power.”
In a sense, the text is correct, there is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is racism, whether the target is white, black or brown.
However, that’s not the message being communicated. The book is teaching students that only white people can be racist and that only men can be sexist because…patriarchy!
This warped argument is also one repeatedly made by prominent social justice talking heads such as MSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson, who once argued that it is impossible for black people to be racist.
Dyson disproved his own claim in July 2013 when he said during a discussion on the George Zimmerman trial that Americans would not understand racism until white kids were being killed in the same numbers as blacks.
“White Americans and others will feel that this was a justifiable verdict, this is how things happen. Not until, and unless, the number of white kids die that approximate the numbers of black and other kids who die, will America see,” said Dyson, failing to mention that 94 per cent of all black murder victims in the United States are killed by other black people.
Meanwhile, homeschooling in the United States is more popular than ever before and with kids being taught this kind of nonsense in schools, is it really any surprise?
In Ireland, some anti-White groups are upset that the native White Irish are not mixing with immigrants in schools.
Former chief executive of the Integration Centre, Killian Forde says “where there are two or more schools in a given area, one is predominantly migrant“.
He said that while the government could not tell immigrants or Irish citizens where to live, “it can be more assertive in ensuring that people mix in schools. The problem with clustering . . . is that it takes hold and, once it takes hold, it’s impossible to undo. It’s like trying to unscramble an egg.“
Tom Moriarty, principal of the school ‘Educate Together’ wrote to the government that “There are schools in Dublin existing side by side where one is almost completely international in nature and the other is exclusively Irish . . . Essentially we are looking at racial segregation.”
Mary Ryan, a co-founder of the Immigrant Parents and Guardians Support Association, says that the Irish government is not doing enough to mix migrant children with native Irish school children, which she says is “paving the way towards a society which is racist and further polarized. We have allowed segregation to happen and the long-term consequences are frightening.”
Basically, anti-Whites are complaining about Irish schools not being mixed.
Their side demands open borders and “mixing” . . . but only in majority White areas.
Then when White places gradually become minority White, they call it a “demographics change” to say this all happened naturally.
The fact is, when they call for “diversity”, they’re actually calling for White genocide. There is nothing natural about that.
LifeWay Research, based in Nashville, Tennessee, has completed a series of studies looking into “diversity” in church.
According to the results, 37% of White people said they wanted their church to be more diverse. 47% of Hispanics, and 51% of Blacks agreed with more “diversity”.
When all groups were taken into account, 67% said their church is “diverse” enough, with less than half (40%) wanting to see more. The results also found 2 out of 3 do not regularly go to a church where they are the minority.
An unconnected study found recently that non-White groups tend to think of “diversity” as meaning more of their own group, which could explain this study’s results.
The people who conducted the study seem a little upset that only 40% wanted more “diversity”.
“People like the idea of diversity. They just don’t like being around different people,” said Ed Stetzer, executive director of LifeWay Research.
Stetzer’s observation is confirmed by numerous studies.
“Maybe their sense is that church is the space where they don’t have to worry about issues like this,”
“If you don’t like diversity, you’re really not going to like heaven.”
The word “diversity” gets thrown around a lot, but in politics it has a very specific meaning: it means minority White. If you don’t support this, you will usually see the words “racist”, “bigot”, “nazi”, etc thrown at you as well.
These anti-Whites might as well be screaming “you’re a big meanie!”, but now we must move on to the main point here.
This is White Genocide simply because when they open the borders and call for more “diversity” (less Whites), they are putting in place conditions which lead to our demise.
That’s genocide in a nutshell.
A new study by the government has found that White working-class people in Birmingham feel betrayed and excluded by politicians who they feel have deserted them for non-White people.
Researchers from the Department of Communities and Local Government questioned White working class people around Castle Vale, which is still largely White.
One of the major concerns was that White people were not welcome in the city at night.
“He [a local White resident] talks of a few incidents that have occurred over previous years, including a road sign in an area with a high Asian population, on which was sprayed the phrase ‘No Whites after 8.30” the government report says.
“These ‘no-go areas’, according to him, are mirrored by Castle Vale, a place where he feels safe but others [other White people] would not dare go.”
The anonymous resident spoke about how he felt intimidated by the large “Asian” population (Muslim, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian).
“There’s these areas that have completely been took over… and you do feel very uneasy. Not just me, and I only drive into these areas, never actually walk into these areas, I just wouldn’t.”
“These are our little havens, places like Castle Vale, and it’s about 90 per cent white in this community, and it’s just such a relief you know…”
“Even though there’s people out there that would be terrified to come to Castle Vale, we can’t wait to get back to it.”
The city of Birmingham, or “Brum” as the natives call it, is the second most populous city in the UK, and it is also the second most non-White city, at 58% White. London takes first prize for being the most populous city and also the most non-White, at just 55% White.
London is predicted to be minority White in a few years – it is already minority White British (45%). The government report predicts the same minority White status for Birmingham by 2024.
This is not happening in just Britain, nor is it happening in just a handful of White countries – it’s happening in just about every White country on the face of the planet.
If this were happening in just one or two White countries we might not consider it to be White genocide.
But because this is happening all over the planet, it sure does look White genocide to us.
The FWG activists in Birmingham, Alabama strike AGAIN.
Their latest billboard is located along I-59 near Springville in St Clair County and reads DIVERSITY MEANS Chasing Down The Last White Person #white genocide.
AL.com was the first media to report on the new billboard – ‘White genocide’ billboard posted on I-59, similar to ‘anti-white’ sign near Leeds
Congratulations to the those involved in this activism.
Great work!
Media Reports:
If @CNN keeps this up, I may actually be able to watch without holding my nose. #AntiWhite #WhiteGenocide #WR #TCOT pic.twitter.com/qnJq15LjVx
— Horus the Avenger (@eurorabbit) January 7, 2015