Tag Archive for: Anti-White


The Spanish government is planning to change its Citizen Security Law, which would allow illegal immigrants from Africa to be deported instantly upon entering the country.

The United Nations is upset by this and says it would break international law – the 1951 Refugee Convention.

UNHCR [United Nations High Court of Refugees] is concerned over a proposal by Spain to legalize automatic returns of people trying to cross border fences into its enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla,” said its spokesman, William Spindler.

UNHCR stresses the importance of permitting access to territory to seek international protection,

Last year, about 4,200 illegal immigrants were recorded trying to break into Spain. Spindler says “So far this year, over 5,000 people have arrived

The Spanish border patrol has been painted by the media as being violent towards the illegal immigrants, but they are quick to forget that these “refugees” have been attacking the border patrol with rocks and sticks.

There are plenty of countries in Africa and the Middle East without wars going on that these “refugees” could go to, but they would prefer to go to a rich White country, be it a European country, Australia, New Zealand, USA, or Canada.

It’s a win-win situation for both these illegal immigrants and the anti-Whites who want “diversity” for White countries, and that’s why it’s primarily White countries that must take in huge numbers of non-White immigrants.

Anti-Whites have decided that White countries now belong to everyone, and that White people must live as a minority amongst a non-White majority, anywhere and everywhere on the planet.

When will the United Nations start talking about the breach of the UN Genocide Conventions? The conditions placed on White countries today are intended to turn us into a minority – that’s White genocide.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


Back in February this year, the majority of Swiss voted to limit the number of immigrants allowed into the country.

Next month on November 30th, they will vote for the latest Ecopop initiative, called “Stop overpopulation – safeguard our natural resources“, proposes that the number of immigrants should be limited to 16,000 people a year to stop the country from being over-developed.

Simonetta Sommaruga, Socialist Federal Councillor, and Head of the Department of Justice and Police is trying to convince the Swiss to vote against this proposition.

We, despite strong immigration, have one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe. Our economy needs immigrants.” she told 20min.ch.

In Berne, Sommaruga told journalists that “Our aging society needs people who want to come here and work. The upper limit that the initiative proposes for immigration is not only very low, it is very inflexible,

One commenter said “They want our country becomes like France or England, disown our elites…

Anti-Whites from outside and inside the country have been trying to convince the public to vote for more immigration, which would could mean it would have to bring in the illegal immigrants from Italy (originally from Africa and the Middle East) given its close proximity.

Anti-Whites won’t let a small White country like Switzerland to control its borders – if they had their way all White countries would have open borders, quite literally.

They don’t care if a small Black country in Africa, or even a big Black country like Zimbabwe for example, kicks out White people.

That’s because these anti-Whites basically believe that: Africa is for Black people. Asia is for Asians. But White countries must be for everyone.

As we say all too often, this is simply White genocide that they are pushing – they are singling out one group of people (White people) to be turned into the minority. That’s White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Bill Oddie, famous in Britain mostly for his appearance in a 70’s T.V. show called “The Goodies“, went on BBC1’s Sunday Morning Live show which asked “Is the UK too hostile to immigration?”

He was in support of accepting more immigrants into the UK. He went so far as to say that native Brits should have less children so more immigrants could be brought in to the country.

There should just as likely be a restriction on the number of children that British people have because over-population is what you are talking about here, the big problem,” Oddie said according to independent.co.uk.

So you say these perfectly well-qualified people can’t come in, but the woman down the road has just had her tenth baby.

Well I’m sorry, but they are the people that really should be contained. It would make a difference.

Historically, we seem to have built up this ridiculous idea that: ‘Oh, we are British, this is our island and we don’t want anybody else in it’.

I personally loathe that kind of chauvinism and I’m happy to say I’m not proud to be British. In fact, I’m very often ashamed to be British,

We are a terrible race, all the hooliganism and God knows what…

I love the fact that I walk down the road in north London and down here’s an Indian shop and there’s another Indian stationers there and this one is run by someone from Iran and there’s a West Indian guy who runs that bit and we’ve got the Romanian builders next door who don’t play the radio as loud as English builders,

Sian Williams, the presenter of the debate asked if he was going to leave Britain because of his views, and Oddie replied that she was “talking like Ukip [UK independence party]. For God’s sake, shut up!

Oddie is clearly talking about White people in Britain. Saying that White people should be stopped from having children so that immigrants can be brought in? There’s not many views more anti-White than that.

He is simply an anti-White pushing White genocide. They say they want “diversity“, but this “diversity” means that only White people become a minority our own countries. It’s nothing more than a code for White genocide.

h/t White GeNOcide Project





John Key, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, plans to hold a vote in 2015 asking New Zealanders if they want to keep the current flag with the British Union Jack on it, or replace it with a new flag which represents the “changed” New Zealand.

The current flag has been in use for 122 years, and the British Union Jack in the corner is to show the country’s heritage. However, now that New Zealand is being flooded continually with non-White foreigners, (mostly Indians and Asians) some anti-Whites like PM Key think it is time to change the flag.

I want to get on with it. To me, I’d like to do it in 2015, […] I’d like to complete the whole process next year. I don’t think it’s one of those things we should hang around with foreverKey told the Washington Post.

But the current flag represents the thinking by and about a young country moving from the 1800s to the 1900s […] and when our forebears thought their colonial protector would always be there for their descendants.”  Key said in a speech back in March 2014

However, this country, the way we see ourselves in the world and the way others see us, has changed dramatically in the past century. Our flag does not reflect those changes.

We are in a tremendous position to enjoy the benefits and challenges that our inter-connected and globalised world offers.

A flag that unites all New Zealanders should be selected by all New Zealanders.

One of the suggested flags is a silver fern leaf with a black background to represent New Zealand’s success in sports.

A poll conducted for TVNZ television channel, showed that 72% of people asked wanted to keep the current New Zealand flag, and only 28% wanted to change it.

The reason why anti-Whites would support changing this flag is to reinforce the belief that anyone can be a New Zealander if they ‘act’ like one.

In 1961, the country was 92% ethnically European, fast-forward to 2013, and the country is now 74% European.

This is clearly a program of genocide against White people. We can confidently say this because many majority White countries all over the planet have had their borders opened to mass non-White immigration, and as a result White countries are becoming less and less White.

Anti-Whites say that singling out White people, chasing us around the country, and flooding us with non-Whites is an experiment – they say it’s an experiment in “diversity” or a “global community” – no, it’s genocide.

If they are thinking of changing the flag, how about this one?

chasing down 5







h/t White GeNOcide Project