Entries by H.Avenger


Watch out for White Genocide in Belarus! About 20,000 Chinese workers on their way.

  The Belorussian government says it will be moving in 20,000 Chinese workers into the city of Smalyavichy. “Currently, there are 136 people. In total, we issued 6663 permits to Chinese workers. According to preliminary estimates, the construction requires about 20 thousand [Chinese] workers.” said Alexei Begun, Head of the Department for Citizenship and Migration, […]


#ProWhites attempt free speech with Billboard in Arkansas

Billboard PRESS RELEASE Earlier today a billboard appeared in South Bellefonte, AR reading ‘“Diversity” is a code word for #WhiteGenocide.’ This is a quotation from Bob Whitaker, whose heretical statements on establishment racial policy have gone viral on the internet and are now being used all over Europe. Anti-white authorities both here and abroad have been […]

WHITE GENOCIDE: YOUR neighborhood to be legally diversified – this month.

  President Obama is currently changing the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regulations to suit a more anti-White agenda. The new regulations will allow HUD to withhold money granted to White areas, if they don’t build enough cheap housing for non-White people. “American citizens and communities should be free to choose where they would […]


Anti-Whites Claim A Plan To Move 5.5 Million Non-Whites Into Northern Ireland In The 80s Was A “Joke”

The anti-White establishment in Britain is now openly admitting it’s genocidal plans again the indigenous White Northern Irish people…but says it’s okay because it was all just a little “joke” A recent news article had this to say “Newly-declassified documents released at the National Archives in Kew, west London reveal how senior civil servants reacted […]

Boston University Is Anti-White

                                      Saida Grundy is just another Anti-White educator that is chasing down White kids for everything wrong in the world. This time Anti-White Boston University is protecting an upcoming assistant professor that blames Whites for slavery and claims White college males are a “problem population.” Isn’t it […]

The Many Symptoms of a Disease

Editor: Black on White crime is just another symptom of the overall disease. Just as black on White crime is a symptom, so is forced assimilation, forced immigration and forced diversity. All of which contribute to White Genocide. Unfortunately for Whites, these symptoms are found in all White countries. The disease may have many symptoms, but they all lead […]