Entries by H.Avenger


Oslo, Norway, is facing White genocide, as schools become less White

Statistics show that Oslo’s school population is becoming increasingly non-White, as the city is being made more “diverse”, and less Norwegian. According to the statistics, over one third of Oslo’s schools are minority Norwegian, and shockingly, there are 7 schools where Norwegians make up less than 10% of school children. All schools have at least […]


#WhiteGenocide Banner Appears at Confederate Flag Rally Stone Mountain, GA

Recently some FWG activists participated in a rally defending confederate monuments at Stone Mountain, Georgia. The Wall Street Journal Covered the Event. Hundreds of people gathered for the event, flew their confederate flags and danced to the tune of “Dixie”, but among  those confederate flags was a banner which read “Diversity” = White Genocide. Today it […]

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White people who “don’t believe in race” are now evil-racist-nazis, according to Colleges.

  In the last decade, colleges were punishing students who didn’t completely ignore race. These days, they are punishing students who do ignore race. In present-day colleges, anti-Whites are now saying race DOES exist, and you are an evilracistnazikkkfacist if you refuse to acknowledge someone as a “racial/cultural being“. According to anti-Whites from the University […]

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Stop White Genocide activism on the streets of Latvia

  On August 4, hundreds of Latvians and people from other Baltic countries joined together to protest the attempts by anti-Whites to kick start White genocide in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. “Stop Genocide Against Latvians” read one protestor’s sign, and another sign called to “Stop Genocide Against White Nations” The protests had around 1,500 people […]


Britain is “xenophobic” says anti-White United Nations representative

Peter Sutherland, the UN’s special representative on international migration, is abusing his position in the United Nations to label anyone who disagrees with him as “xenophobic“. He said that trying to stop illegal immigrants from entering Britain was “a xenophobic response to the issue of free movement…” “In my opinion, the debate in the UK is […]