Entries by H.Avenger


Sun Tzu famously advised leaving a line of retreat to your enemies even when you have them surrounded. After all, you don’t want them fighting to the bitter end. You want them to see there is an alternative to death. Hillary Clinton has provided us no such option. Her recent comments should not be a […]


Mayor under attack for saying French are “European, White, and Catholic”

The mayor of a French town is under attack by “anti-racist” organizations after he quoted General Charles de Gaulle, who led Free France against Nazi occupation during WW2. When questioned about what being French meant, Mayor Robert Ménard of Béziers said “in the words of Charles De Gaulle, being European, White and Catholic.” Charles de […]

White people must not be allowed to “escape” diversity says South African bishop

South African bishop, William Slattery, is blaming White people for all the race problems South Africa has today, because they moved their kids out of “diverse” schools after they started to resemble inner-city schools. The Bishop said they “escaped” schools after they were made multiracial, and now schools that used to be entirely White have […]