Tag Archive for: #WhiteGenocide

If a day of global pro-white activism becomes an unexpected internet sensation, and if enough journalists bother to scribble columns about how the event in question never really took place, then the event apparently didn’t take place. Last Month’s White Man March seems to have given birth to this strange new law of physics, and with it a brand-new genre of increasingly nervous anti-white commentary.
One special instance comes courtesy of Laurie Penny, a full-figured feminist who suggests in her latest New Statesman column that the only thing more “imaginary” than the White Man March is the program of White Genocide itself, which (according to Penny) “isn’t a real thing.” Nonetheless, Ms. Penny evidently thinks the resurgence of pro-white activism is real enough to dedicate her column to the question, “What drives the men who think feminists and foreigners want to wipe them out?”
For the rapidly increasing number of white and normal people currently on message about White Genocide, Ms. Penny’s question is not only absurd, it is based on a false premise. The truth is that the vast majority of normal whites simply don’t care whether feminists and foreigners “want to wipe them out,” because neither “feminists” nor “foreigners” have any power. It is the fabulously wealthy white, anti-white traitors —who look like us but have no loyalty to us— who are chiefly responsible for the genocidal policies imposed on all and only white countries. White Genocide is a White-collar Crime.
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Check out the Petitions for April!


Speak out against anti-whites who use the word “hate” to promote White Genocide


Censure the anti-white media for trivializing “Polar Bear Hunting” as a “game”


Include in common core curriculum: DIVERSITY IS A CODE WORD FOR WHITE GENOCIDE


And our favorite here at WRR!

Win The War on Terror Without a Single Dead Soldier—-Declare Iran a “NATION OF IMMIGRANTS.”


Short URLs for the messages:
1. http://wh.gov/ldRLF
2. http://wh.gov/ldRMj
3. http://wh.gov/ldRMG
4. http://wh.gov/ldRe0


H/T HD and WhiteGeNOcide Project

Portland is one of the few majority White big cities that are currently less affected by the policies leading to White genocide. It stands at 74% White, making it the 5th most majority White city, or as anti-Whites would phrase it, the 5th most “un-diverse!” city.

Since 2000, non-White growth in the area has slowed down, except for “Hispanics” (mixed race), which is the fastest growing group and now represent 1 in 5 students; White students have fallen to 2 in 3 students.

Sam Adams, the new mayor of Portland, said he wants a sort of affirmative action by supporting non-White contractor requirements and trying to stop the high dropout rates among non-White students.

That we are so overwhelmingly white … is neither good nor bad, but it’s a fact. So we have to work that much harder to make sure that nonwhite Portlanders have unfettered access to social and economic opportunities,” said Mayor Adams.
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Nick and Horus discuss:

• Bob Whitaker – The Mantra

• Pro-White animation films

• White Man March Past, Present & Future

• War by Deception – The Venetian Model

• Russia/Putin and their roll today

• FBI severs ties with SPLC & ADL?

• 1st Annual Torch Network Conference

• BNP and other parties

• Callers were taken

Click here & get your downloads on over at Circus Maximus

We have fielded dozens of questions all related to Kyle Hunt. Most of these came directly to our twitter feed. Apparently Kyle has a few new admirers!

Everyone kept asking for pics of him and WMM material. Here is a video for you.

courtesy of White Man March

Saturday, March the 15 was the day of the much talked about and highly anticipated White Man March. Rumors had spread far and wide through the net about the event, a day when “supremacists” and “naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews” would be boldly and openly marching down the streets of New York and elsewhere! Of course there is one key problem with that, the event was planned as a day of open field activism where anyone and everyone could participate in some way, no matter how big or small. The Anti-Whites opposed to this of course took the WMM scheduled in March as something very literal, one can understand as there were CLEARLY no indications of a play on words.

Curiously enough the WMM march was not just a success due to the activists but in large part thanks to the ones opposing it! Thanks to twitter the WMM is now the subject of not one but TWO wildly active, trending Hashtags. #WhiteManMarch and #WhiteManMarchProtestSigns are still active as of now, a full three days after the event. Like a mosqitue drawn to the pretty light of the bug zapper the Anti-Whites couldn’t help but take the bait. A consistent message is like a letter, it doesn’t matter HOW it gets delivered, only that it GETS delivered. Some of the tweets sent out range from mockery to complete disbelief

And troll they did! Something we can’t thank them enough for! But enough about the cannon fodder, one of the REAL heroes of this event, or should we say Heroine was none other than Laura aka Minnie Erva as she’s know to BUGSers. It seems the epicenter of the days event was most definitely in Knoxville, Tennessee where Minnie and several others gathered together in solidarity to protest the crime of White Genocide. Helping give us press is one of the websites Minnie reached out too, which even wrote an article about the event.  RAW Story article on Minnie
In it the article talks about their discussions with Minnie via E-mail, asking about her statement made at the Knoxville event about how Fighting White Genocide is no different than the Japanese keeping Japan homogenous. Their response was to point out that this is America and the Native Americans were here first. (Of course also ignoring that Amerindians crossed the bering strait with roughly 20% of their genes coming from the maternal line of a now EXTINCT group of Indo-Europeans)

The always bold Minnie had this to say in response”C’mon man, no other people are told that diversity and multiculturalism is a strength, and that if they don’t accept it they are labeled hate words like ‘racist’,” she replied. “You know as well as I that they only demand All White countries and Only White countries to accept the melting pot! Or are you going to tell me now that melting pots are promoted in all countries?…’Anti-racists’ only demand White countries turn themselves non-White because of their history. Why are you JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE??”

But perhaps credit should be given where it’s due, RawStory.com certainly did not put up as much resistance as most, did not resort to insults and most shockingly didn’t seem to disagree with Minnie’s point of view.

Perhaps the mainstream is finding the White Genocide message harder and harder to deny? maybe even some secretly nodding their heads in silent agreement?
Only time will tell but what is most CERTAIN is that the WMM and its unwitting trolls has opened the doors to many MANY new recipients to the message.