Tag Archive for: White Genocide

“Racist!” “Hater!” “Bigot!” “White supremacist!”

Anti-white regimes rule White populations and carry out White Genocide by controlling the message.

We disrupt the anti-white message like this:

Ce jeune Français de souche, affiche ses convictions, seul et à visage découvert, à proximité d’une grande ville du Sud-ouest et sur un rond-point très fréquenté. Bravo à lui !











Photographie prise par hasard le samedi 21/03/2015 (Merci à KTM)

Yes, BUGS is active even in France

h/t Fdesouche

You don’t have to go very far these days before you come across one of our memes.  Below is the comment carried in the Augusta Chronicle “Rant & Raves” for March 19.  You can hit the link and read it for yourself half way down the page.

“WHAT’S WRONG WITH a college fraternity if it wanted to be exclusively white? Don’t they have all black colleges and all black fraternities? They say they’re “anti-racist” but all they really are is anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

h/t Augusta Chronicle

Whether it be in your local paper or on a truck in Canada. Be on the lookout for the Mantra.


By: Nick Champani

Brampton Flyer denouncing replacement of European founding people

On Saturday, March 14, a number of immigration reformers leafleted several neighbourhoods in Brampton. The leaflet shown here called attention to the ethnic cleansing of Europeans. Brampton was first incorporated in 1853 and throughout almost its entire history, Brampton homed a 99 percent European majority. Even as late as 1996, Brampton’s European population stood at 70.1 percent. But soon after, in the blink of an eye in historic terms, Brampton saw a dramatic reduction in its European population, making up only 32.9 percent, as of 2011.

It should be noted that many Europeans have been leaving Brampton over the years. Although their exact reasons for leaving haven’t been documented by a credible source, it is safe to assume that this is the natural reaction of people not wanting to be a minority within their own community. Yet, despite this emigration of Europeans, Brampton held the 2nd highest city growth rate in Canada between 1996-2001, due entirely to massive immigration.

And this was just the beginning. In 2001, with a non-European population of 130,275, the European population stood at 194,120. A few years later, in 2006, visible minorities accounted for 57.03 percent (or 246,145 persons) of Brampton’s total population. In other words, in the course of five short years, this city saw an increase of 88.94 percent in visible “minorities”! The top three visible “minority” groups reported were South Asian (136,750 persons), Black (53,345 persons) and Filipino (6,965). (Sources: here and here).

This is the third instance this year in which flyers criticizing immigration into this town have been distributed. And, of course, as in previous attempts to bring the issue of Brampton’s European genocide to the forefront, police action was threatened towards those responsible for the flyers, as this may be a possible “hate crime”. But is it really?

These radical changes were imposed by stealth. Canadians were never consulted. Canadians were never told what is now openly acknowledged that, with present high immigration levels (85 per cent from the Third World), the European founding/settler people will become a minority by 2050 in their own country.

The flyers also noted that much of the world is not free; indeed, the freest places are North America and Europe, exactly where most immigrants are NOT coming from. Furthermore, multiculturalism urges people to practice and retain their culture. Surely, as a population changes, so too will the values of the country.

Immigration and demographic changes would seem to be important issues. However, if you disagree with current political correctness, you’d better shut up. The political police are watching.

A headline in the Brampton Guardian labels the leaflet “racist”. The gall of the local scribbler named Nouman Khalil. Foreigners descend on another land en masse and radically change the makeup of a community. That’s okay. Object to your own people being overwhelmed and replaced, without an discussion or debate and you’re a racist!

The Guardian went on to report:

Peel Regional Police’s 22 Division Criminal Investigation Unit and its Diversity Relations Unit have initiated a joint inquiry to investigate the distribution as a possible hate crime.

So, the political police are investigating flyers expressing an opinion in a peaceful way. There is no “hate” here, just a dissent from current political correctness.

Actually, this is hardly the first time in which the establishment, when confronted with dissent, has called in the police. It happened when the flyers were first distributed back in April, and the police then concluded that it was not a hate crime. A few weeks ago, a woman sent out an e-mail objecting to a middle school in Sooke, BC flying the Red Chinese flag. A constable at the Sooke RCMP fired off a threatening e-mail to the woman:

Your e-mail regarding the Chinese flag being flown at Journey Middle School has been brought to our attention, and as such, a police file has been created. Please be aware that any threats towards the school will be taken very seriously and can be considered a hate crime if you threaten damage or harm to the staff or property of Journey Middle School.

The woman had made no threats of any sort. Creating a climate of fear and potential criminal charges seems to be the objective of these acts of intimidation.

“Diversity Relations Unit” — this is job description of the investigators! What does monitoring political expressions have to do with real policing? That unit should get the chop at the next police budget meeting.

The Guardian report continues:

The flyer warns about the city’s dwindling ‘European’ population and claiming the decrease is the result of a ‘White Genocide’. The leaflet titled ‘They’ll ask you why you didn’t stand on guard’ shows a crying baby with his mom superimposed on a world map, which presents a breakdown of ‘freedom in the world in 2015’ across the globe. The map claims to show the levels of freedom among world populations, dividing them into the categories of free, partly free and not free, declaring ‘Freedom is a European concept, and it shows — if you think the Canada of today will be the Canada of tomorrow, think again.’

So, who (if anyone), should really be up against persecution? If the police are really looking into conducting an investigation and possibly laying some charges, they should probably start with the political-elite and pro-immigration lobby groups who are encouraging these types of radical transformations to take place in every major urban center from coast to coast. Not only is what they are doing immoral, but it is also criminal! Under section 318 of the Canadian Criminal Code, it defines “advocating or promoting genocide as an indictable offence” and further defines “genocide” as follows:

deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction.


acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part any identifiable group.

In sub-section 4 of 318, “identifiable group” is defined as any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.

Thus, judging from the government’s own statistics cited above and (of which some were used on this flyer), it can be argued that the promotion of mass immigration has had genocidal consequences against the founding European peoples of Brampton, and statistics will show a very similar trend happening in other major urban centres across Canada, with Toronto, Montreal, Mississauga and Vancouver ranked 1st through 4th in the total number of visible “minorities” as of 2006.

Related posts:

H.Avenger comments: When you move the conversation from “replacement” to the real issue of #WhiteGenocide. You get an electric response from all around.  We have seen this consistently since the begining.  And this electric response is exactly what is necessary to change the game permanently. Hats off to all those Canadian Activists!  Also of note is the obvious: “Diversity Relations Unit”.  Wonder how many of those we can find in Saudi Arabia or China?  Want to guess the answer?  Only White Countries need “Diversity Relations Units”.   Diversity is just a Code Word for #WhiteGenocide.

h/t Immigration Watch Canada

“We just couldn’t wait…as you can see, we got our stickers and literature package in the mail. All are very professionally done and well designed.” – BillyRoper

Billropper 2Billyroper1












h/t Fight White GeNOcide

Only TWO more sleeps until the March Against #WhiteGenocide. I hope you all have some sort activism planned for Saturday.Banner Plane

We have managed to secure a contract with an aerial sign company to fly our #WhiteGenocide message over a major iconic city this Saturday for the March Against #WhiteGenocide.

PLEASE DONATE – https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/aerial-sign-for-march-against-white-genocide/x/9898580

We have $156.23 remaining from the March Against White Genocide fundraiser. We need to raise a further $578.77 for this aerial sign activism on Saturday.

The banner will read – Bob Whitaker 4 VP – AFP – #WhiteGenocide

The more we raise, the more of these planes we could get in the sky.

New #WhiteGenocide Video by Mein Volk –

h/t Fight White GeNOcide

Well, that didn’t take long. No sooner did Starbucks and USA Today announce their initiative to talk about race than the coffee empire’s vice president for communications dumped his Twitter account.

According to Business Insider, VP Corey duBrowa “deleted his account because he was attacked by critics of the campaign.”

“I was personally attacked through my Twitter account around midnight last night and the tweets represented a distraction from the respectful conversation we are trying to start around Race Together,” duBrowa said. “I’ll be back on Twitter soon.”

Does anyone doubt that some of the “attacks” were from the white customers who pay duBrowa’s massive salary, and who don’t much care for a serving of anti-white vitriol with a $5 latte?

h/t  Vdare

















Frontex executive director, Fabrice Leggeri, has warned EU leaders that illegal immigrants crossing the Mediterranean could be much more aggressive and numerous this year than all the others.

In his words EU countries “face a way more difficult situation than last year“.

We are told there are between 500,000 and one million migrants ready to leave from Libya,” Leggeri told Italian media. “We have to be aware of the risks“.

We have evidence that migrants have been forcibly boarded on vessels at gunpoint,” Leggeri said. “I do not have elements to say they were terrorists but there are worries among states.

Frontex is currently responsible for “Operation Triton” which picks up the illegal immigrants from off their boats and moves them to Italy where they can apply for refugee status.

While the various anti-White parties which are in power do want as many non-White immigrants as possible to move to White countries, illegal immigrants pick up bad media attention and turn the public against their agenda.

Their agenda is nothing more than a thinly veiled program of genocide. No, they’re not killing White people – not yet anyway – but genocide is not about killing people, it’s about getting rid of a group.

In our case, they are using demographics to attempt to get rid of White people from majority White countries.

Importing millions of non-White immigrants so they can create a “melting pot” in formerly White countries is simply White genocide – don’t fall for their lies.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


You’ve probably heard the mantra: anti-racist is a code word for anti-White. But have ever seen a better example of the mantra in action than this?

The Ryersonian:

Two white students were barred from a meeting of the Racialized Students’ Collective March 11.

First-year journalism students Trevor Hewitt and Julia Knope were told that because they were not victims of racialization, they were not allowed to stay in the meeting room and report on the event.

Hewitt and Knope said they made eye contact with an unidentified woman who appeared to be setting up for the event. She approached Hewitt and Knope and asked if they had ever been racialized.

Hewitt said he then told the woman he wanted to cover the meeting for an assignment. He said the woman told him that because he was not a racialized student, he could not sit in on the meeting. Hewitt and Knope then left the room.

“It felt really bad… kind of embarrassing,” Knope said. “If their goal in these meetings was to end racialization then it needs to be something everybody is involved in. If some people are causing the problems, they need to know. Grouping yourself off… is not going to accomplish anything.”

The Racialized Students’ Collective is part of the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU). Its website states that the group “oppose(s) all forms of racism and work towards community wellness for students,” that they focus on “building an anti-racist network” and “fostering an anti-racist environment through campus-wide services, campaigns and events.”

Knope said while she understands they are a support group for each other and don’t want others there, she doesn’t understand why the events are then listed as public and as an RSU campaign.

“It seemed really ironic to me that the meeting was about racialization and they were prohibiting certain people from entering,” she said.

“Right now it’s almost like they’re suggesting they can make racialization go away (and that) if everyone who has been racialized just talks… it will magically go away,” Hewitt added.

RSU coordinator Vajdaan Tanveer told The Ryersonian over the phone that members of the collective have requested a safe space on campus, where they can have an open conversation.

“We don’t want (racialized) students to feel intimidated, that they can’t speak their mind because they are afraid of being judged or something they say might be used against them,” he said.

When asked about Hewitt and Knope’s incident, Tanveer confirmed they couldn’t attend the meeting because they were white.

“In terms of educating, we have some events for public,” he said. “We use the opportunity to tell them about the work and how they can get involved.”

This is wonderful news, and we can only hope for more events like this to happen. The more White people experience malice and discrimination from self-proclaimed “anti-racists”, the more they will begin to dislike those “anti-racists” – and, eventually, they will likely end up turning to us.  After all, we love them and accept them while “anti-racists” despise them and bar them from events.  I think the choice is obvious for young White people.

Keep up the good work, SJWs. You are the best gift that us White nationalists could have possibly asked for.  Keep digging that grave for yourself, and keep completely alienating all White people.  White people are the only reason you’re even allowed to exist in White countries, so, by all means, continue to stretch our kindness and altruism to its very limit.  See what happens.

h/t Daily Stormer