Tag Archive for: Immigration


According to Lincolnshire Echo, some stickers have been found around the city of Lincoln which say “Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White“.

Karen Lee, a councilor for the city of Lincoln, asked local residents online to report any of the “offensive” stickers they find around the area so the council can remove them as soon as possible.

The Lincolnshire Echo asked a 19 year-old passerby what he thought of the sticker’s message

Anyone can be a racist. Being anti-racist doesn’t mean you’re anti white.” he said “A black person can be racist as much as a white person can be racist.

The point of the message is that majority White groups, countries, etc are “racist” in the eyes of anti-Whites, but majority non-White groups, countries, etc are absolutely fine.

In short, “anti-racism” as anti-Whites call it, is about taking things from White people. In their mind, Africa is for Black people, Asia for Asians, but White countries for everyone.

 H/T White GeNOcide Project


Last week on the Veteran’s Day parade in Albany, Oregon, residents found flyers against White Genocide placed on their car windshields.

The flyers featured the phrases “ANTI-RACIST is a code word for ANTI-WHITE” and “DIVERSITY is a code word for WHITE GENOCIDE.

Some anti-Whites were outraged and called the police and local government, and wrote letters to the Democrat-Herald.

According to the Democrat-Herald, Peter Goodman, a member of “Community Action For Racial Equity” or “C.A.R.E“, a local activist group, opposed the message of the White Genocide flyers.

He said “When something like this happens we encourage people to make an individual protest […] Contact the police or write to the paper to let the community we don’t want that here.

We’re asking the city affirm opposition to this sort of hate literature and promote a welcoming attitude

Unless this type of thing is challenged it will fester and grow, […] These things are an attack on all citizens.

Legally speaking, “hate” means something that targets a group. When anti-Whites like Goodman say “hate”, what they mean is “I hate it”.

Anti-Whites targeting White people for massive non-White immigration and forced “diversity” could certainly be defined as “hate”, but it’s much more accurately defined as genocide.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


In Rome, Milan, and Padua, riot police were called in and clashed with protesters against massive immigration. Protestors in Rome demanded that the local refugee center be closed down, complaining that the immigrants in the center had created poor living conditions in the area.

Pope Francis tried to appeal to the protesters sense of religion: “In recent days in Rome there have been quite strong tensions between residents and immigrants,

The Christian community needs to get involved in a concrete manner to ensure we have a coming together not clashes.said the Pope.

Protesters have been reported as saying things like: “Rome belongs to the Italians“, “Filthy Arabs“, “Blacks out of the city“, “Out all blacks“, “Take away the refugees“, “Enough foreigners“, and “Muslims go home“.

But it’s not just the Italian public who are criticizing the illegal immigrants. When “refugees” protested last month about eating “boring food” (traditional Italian food) and demanded their own African food, it caused quite a stir.

Antonio De Lieto, president of a group which represents the police, said “They’re not complaining that the food isn’t good, but that it is not the food of their countries.

There are thousands of Italians living in poverty and who aren’t even eating one meal a day, let alone two or three…

In Italy we can see two things: the Italian public showing overwhelming objection to “refugees” from Africa and the Middle East, and then we see the self-righteous anti-Whites telling Italians to accept them.

Whether it’s Europe, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand – this is the case in most White countries today.

Anti-Whites have basically been pushing for massive non-White immigration and forced “diversity” for White areas. This amounts to a policy of White genocide.

In the past they have been screaming words at us to get us to accept their agenda, but now people are starting not to care what horrible names we are called.

Reality is kicking in: White people have been conned and lied to. “Diversity” is just their code word for White genocide.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


The Courier Mail has written a very one-sided report about a banner that was put up on an overpass in Springwood, Australia.

It’s just a big let-down to see pictures like that especially so close to home,” said Zach Powson, from Logan, according to the Courier Mail.

When I first saw it I was outraged. If I saw that driving down the highway I would be fuming behind the wheel.

Why is this still going on, can’t we learn from history. There needs to be more of an acceptance of the different cultures.

When a country is flooded with millions of people of different cultures, races, ethnicities, etc…the one thing any sane person can expect is chaos.

Countries were created for a reason – they were created because people prefer to be around people like themselves, and a recent study has concluded this is the case for White people at least.

Australia, along with many other White countries is subject to massive non-White immigration and forced “diversity” which is turning White people into the minority – this is genocide.

Massive non-White immigration would only turn White people into a minority in the inner cities, but with forced “diversity”, what this means is any place that is “too White” must do its very best to flood itself with non-White immigrants.

Multiculturalism, or “diversity” as its preferred term, is indeed White Genocide because only White people are required to celebrate and enforce it.

h/t White GeNOcide Project

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In an essay, a professor discusses how London was made minority White, and how other majority White places can be as well.

A while back, Demos and Birkbeck college had conducted a study which found that non-Whites in Britain did not want to move to White areas, and Whites in Britain did not want to live in the majority non-White areas in London, and moved out to the majority White countryside.

Eric Kaufmann, a professor of politics at Birkbeck College, wrote an essay in the “Demos Quarterly”, where he discusses this in more detail.

When census results were released in December 2012, a headline story was the dramatic change in the ethnic makeup of Britain. Nationally, the number of people from an ethnic minority background doubled in the ten years since 2001. In London, the white British dropped from 58 to 45 percent of the total. In absolute terms, 620,000 fewer white British people lived in the capital in 2011 than in 2001 despite a population boom which added a million people to London’s population.” the essay says.
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Libertarians believe a country’s borders are magical lines one need only walk across. They believe these same people need only read magical books by Ayn Rand.  Say magical phrases like: “all people are equal”.  Believe in magical documents like the constitution.  They must also believe in the magical concept known as capitalism. Then learn to speak a magical language known as English. And everyone that does these things will POOF ….magically become an American.

Imagine if China became libertarian and believed in the same Magic.  One need only walk across the magical line into China.  Then learn to speak a new magical language known as Chinese.  Then of course read magical books by Ayn Rand.  And let’s not forget recite magical phrases such as “all people are equal”. Believe in magical founding documents and magical concepts like Capitalism.  Then POOF you will Magically be Chinese.  Of course, readers would laugh at this notion. Right this minute China is 90% Han Chinese.  And that is not going to change anytime soon.  In 1965, American was 90% White.  America is now going broke.  And the reason is quite simple……there is NO such thing as magic.