Tag Archive for: Anti-White











Interesting find among the Communist Graffiti in the UK









Why is it that every White country needs to be CHASED DOWN and FORCED BY LAW to accept “diversity”?

Why is it that ONLY White countries need to be forced to accept “diversity”?

And if “diversity is our strength” why aren’t poor Black countries in Africa trying to become less Black?

Everyone knows why: “Diversity” is just a codeword for White genocide.


Have a listen to the Red Ice Interview: Why Diversity is a Lie


Portland is one of the few majority White big cities that are currently less affected by the policies leading to White genocide. It stands at 74% White, making it the 5th most majority White city, or as anti-Whites would phrase it, the 5th most “un-diverse!” city.

Since 2000, non-White growth in the area has slowed down, except for “Hispanics” (mixed race), which is the fastest growing group and now represent 1 in 5 students; White students have fallen to 2 in 3 students.

Sam Adams, the new mayor of Portland, said he wants a sort of affirmative action by supporting non-White contractor requirements and trying to stop the high dropout rates among non-White students.

That we are so overwhelmingly white … is neither good nor bad, but it’s a fact. So we have to work that much harder to make sure that nonwhite Portlanders have unfettered access to social and economic opportunities,” said Mayor Adams.
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“This coming Saturday, March 15, in a bunch of cities worldwide, disgruntled white supremacists will take to the streets, bearing banners that read “DIVERSITY” = WHITE GENOCIDE in very big red letters. The White Man March aims to be a large display of “coordinated pro-white activity,” timed to coincide with St. Patrick’s Day and meant to express these white folks’ displeasure with how “white countries” are being over-run with, you know, non-whites and Jews and such.

There’s only one hitch. The organizer of the White Man March is Kyle Hunt, a 30-year-old guy who hails from a very small town in Massachusetts, near Cape Cod. Hunt understands that in the United States, white nationalists don’t really have the numbers to pull off an impressive-looking march. Past white supremacist protests have ended up, in his words, “looking like a circus.” He’s also fearful that the police or “anti-fascist” protesters might show up to try to disrupt the WMM festivities. So in New York and other big U.S. cities, the White Man Marchers are planning a very quiet flash mob, which they hope none of us will hear about ahead of time.”

Anna Merlan is a writer for Village Voice.  As you can probably guess she does not support the White Man March.  Ms. Merlan is Jewish.  And Jewish writers are notoriously Anti-White.  Most Anti-White Jewish writers just repeat the canned goods from the Southern Poverty Law Center.  In this regard, Merlan does not disappoint.    However,  she did get a few facts straight about the White Man March…..like the date …..March 15.

H/T VillageVoice

120px-Civil_Ensign_of_Switzerland_Pantone.svg_ Leaders of the European Union have decided to take away academic funding from Switzerland, after the majority of Swiss people voted against open borders.

The European Union has frozen all research grants for Swiss universities, worth millions of euros, and also removed Switzerland from taking part in student exchange programs. This comes as a retaliation to a recent referendum, where the majority of      Swiss citizens voted for more restrictions on immigration.
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