FrenchDiversityDebate has been sparked in France after around 900 illegal immigrants (mostly men, and mostly from Africa) boarded an unstable boat which sunk while trying to breach Europe’s borders.

Back when Colonel Gaddafi ruled Libya, he warned that “Europe could turn into Africa“. He advised Europe that “Tomorrow Europe might no longer be European, and even black, as there are millions who want to come in,

Gaddafi wanted to work with Europe to stop this from happening, but instead the then-president Nicolas Sarkozy, along with other European leaders decided to invade Libya and get rid of Gaddafi.

The EU leaders which decided to invade Libya are directly responsible for the rising tide of immigration we have today.

Today, Sarkozy is joining the debate on immigration saying that “a real immigration policy” was needed in the European Union.

He called on the EU to “have a genuine immigration policy to prevent these tragedies” ahead of a proposed emergency meeting of ministers of interior and foreign affairs of European countries.

Hmm, what ever could that mean by that? Well, we do actually know what he means because he’s told us exactly what his goals are for France.

The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding” Sarkozy told the French public, “Not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country.

That’s right, France. When he was in office, your leader called for the destruction of your identity. He wants your sons and daughters to be brought into a world where they have no home to feel safe, and no country to protect them.

Sarkozy is not just the only evil anti-White maniac today, there are lots and lots of them, and they are all around the planet.

To promote their anti-White agenda, the anti-Whites have used lots of nice sound words to trick us. But we must stand up to what is clearly a program of White Genocide, because our children don’t deserve this.


h/t White GeNOcide Project


In the last few years, hundreds of thousands of Black and Arabic illegal immigrants have been pouring into Italy and Spain.

This “state emergency” is increasingly upsetting the native White Italians, who have staged protests and strikes.

Recently, the Italian government has told regional governments that they must make room for African and Middle Eastern immigrants, but the country is starting to fracture as many regional governments refuse to take them.

Here, as in Veneto, there is zero space,” said Roberto Maroni, governor of Lombardy “We cannot be subjected to this invasion.

Luca Zaia, governor of Veneto agreed with Maroni: “We are totally opposed to taking any more migrants

The system is close to collapse,” said Claudio Palomba, the prefect of Rimini, “We’re only in April and I don’t know if the system will be able to cope if the number of arrivals keeps up at this pace.

The anti-Whites in Italian politics showed their true colors when they tried to decriminalize illegal immigration.

There are many anti-Whites in the United Nations and European Union who are trying to completely destroy Europe’s borders and want to blend out White people.

General Wesley Clark once said that “there is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states”. This is a statement that all anti-Whites agree with.

Europe has been targeted for “demographics change” simply because it is full of White people. The same thing is going on in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand – it’s even going on in Argentina, Uruguay and Southern Brazil (the White part of the country).

Race doesn’t matter? Well it sure as hell does when anti-Whites chase us White folk across the planet being told that we must live as a minority.

Don’t fall for their lies. It’s not a “demographics shift” or “diversity” – they are deliberately promoting a policy of White Genocide.

White GeNOcide Project


On page 7 of the Gorey Guardian, a print and online newspaper for the town of Gorey in Ireland, they have ran an article about how the Guardian’s own office had White Genocide posters stuck to the door during the March 21st “March Against White Genocide”.

Staff arrived at The Gorey Guardian office in the Market Square on Monday morning to find the front door of the premises had been defaced with two deeply offensive and racist posters.

The A3 and A4 posters promoting the ‘White Genocide Project’, which were glued to the door, were promptly torn down, and the matter was reported to Gorey gardaí.

Gorey Guardian staff contacted the gardaí (police) to report the posters, as is common-place when anti-Whites disagree with the content.

Fortunately, we understand the law, and White Genocide can not be argued as “racist” or “hate speech” by any Western legal system simply because you are allowed – actually, encouraged – to hate White people.

A website mentioned on the posters referred to an international day of action on March 21, and it’s thought that a supporter in Gorey saw the website and decided to take action.

Police from the Gorey Garda Station said they were looking to see if similar posters have been found around Ireland, but appear stumped as to who was behind them.

A spokesperson for the Guardian said they were ‘baffled’ by the motivation for the vandalism.

Motivation? Someone obviously cares about what may happen in the future Ireland, and I can understand why they would be.

Ireland, like so many other majority White countries has taken part in an agenda to commit genocide against it’s very own majority population – White people.

No, no mass murders are being arranged, but what is happening is that White areas are being legally targeted and forced to “diversify”, which means bring in large numbers of non-Whites and become minority White.

This, under international law is as much genocide as any mass murder, because the results are the same: fewer and fewer White people as a result of deliberate government policy.

We call it White genocide because no area has been accused of being “too Black” or “too Asian”. When White area are called “too White”, they are defined as the problem.

White GeNOcide Project

Recently we have written about the on going push for so-called “diversity” (aka turning a White country progressively non-White) in Northern Ireland here and here

A Northern Irish fan of WGP has just sent us a link to an anti-White whinge-fest that has started a few days ago over there. They are calling this the “Intercultural & Anti Racism Festival” but to be honest it really should be called “Anti-White Guilt Trip Festival”

Intercultural CNI

Apparently it is in it’s 10th year, so they have been indoctrinating the Northern Irish for a decade with this stuff, presumably coinciding with the end of the troubles which the anti-Whites needed so they could go for their “diversity” push.

The anti-White agitators behind this propaganda circus have got 5 days of mind washing planned for school children, students, community groups and the general public.

The full program can be found here

It seems like almost 20% of the content they are screening is made up of cartoons and animations aimed at children under 10 years old.

kids NI

Then we have something about Nazis, Black people in America, Aborigines, World Wars, Martin Luther King, homosexuals in the 80s, some Black woman who used to do drugs etc. They are even screening the well known anti-White agitprop piece “Dear White People” that’s been screaming down White Americans for the past year. Now, it’s not really clear what any of this has to do with Northern Ireland? Oh wait I get it, silly old me! You see, Northern Ireland is about 99% White and even though anti-Whites tell us that White people don’t exist and are just a social construct they all of a sudden do exist when they are used as a repository for historical guilt. It doesn’t matter whether they are in Northern Ireland, Wales, Sweden, Greece, France or wherever, according to the anti-White narrative Whites don’t exist but they DO EXIST only when anti-Whites want to guilt trip them AS A COLLECTIVE GROUP because of some perceived wrongdoings by some other Whites (who don’t exist) somewhere else in the globe and/or at some point in history…or something like that! Hmmmmmmm are you confused?


Actually it’s really quite simple. Anti-Whites are well aware that White people exist but given that they know their so called “diversity” and “anti-racism” policies are GENOCIDE under international law, they try to play this mealy-mouthed game of “social constructs” when they are called out on their true intentions. After all, you can’t “genocide” a “social construct” can you? At least that’s what the anti-Whites what you to think.

Also note the anti-Whites tactic of bunching groups together to cloak their real intentions. We know the REAL focus of this whinge fest is on so called “anti-racism” (which is really just anti-White) but they’ll try to deny that because they talk about people with disabilities and the poor…….for 2 minutes and then spend the rest of the week on evil White “social constructs”.

Finally I just want to add this. We hear all the time from the anti-White system that we can’t point out the anti-White contradictions because it might affect “social cohesion” and “incite racial hatred.” But what exactly do these same anti-Whites think they are doing by holding a FIVE DAY WHINGE FEST aimed at browbeating White people?! I mean isn’t all of this just a bit “hateful” against White people? Aren’t you singling out Whites as a group with this? Aren’t you inciting “racial hatred” with this? Aren’t you negatively affecting the social cohesion of White societies by making them feel bad about things they have had nothing to do with?

You can worm your way out of those questions all you like anti-Whites but we know your real intentions. It’s not some global love party you are participating in with this stuff; nope it’s White genocide!

h/t White GeNOcide Project

Ce jeune Français de souche, affiche ses convictions, seul et à visage découvert, à proximité d’une grande ville du Sud-ouest et sur un rond-point très fréquenté. Bravo à lui !











Photographie prise par hasard le samedi 21/03/2015 (Merci à KTM)

Yes, BUGS is active even in France

h/t Fdesouche


Frontex executive director, Fabrice Leggeri, has warned EU leaders that illegal immigrants crossing the Mediterranean could be much more aggressive and numerous this year than all the others.

In his words EU countries “face a way more difficult situation than last year“.

We are told there are between 500,000 and one million migrants ready to leave from Libya,” Leggeri told Italian media. “We have to be aware of the risks“.

We have evidence that migrants have been forcibly boarded on vessels at gunpoint,” Leggeri said. “I do not have elements to say they were terrorists but there are worries among states.

Frontex is currently responsible for “Operation Triton” which picks up the illegal immigrants from off their boats and moves them to Italy where they can apply for refugee status.

While the various anti-White parties which are in power do want as many non-White immigrants as possible to move to White countries, illegal immigrants pick up bad media attention and turn the public against their agenda.

Their agenda is nothing more than a thinly veiled program of genocide. No, they’re not killing White people – not yet anyway – but genocide is not about killing people, it’s about getting rid of a group.

In our case, they are using demographics to attempt to get rid of White people from majority White countries.

Importing millions of non-White immigrants so they can create a “melting pot” in formerly White countries is simply White genocide – don’t fall for their lies.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


François Crépeau, the United Nation’s special rapporteur on human rights of migrants, has said the final “solution for Europe” is for it give up on immigration and to have open borders.

I don’t see any other solution for Europe,” he said. “They need to open the borders.

European states need to create an operation where saving lives is the first objective.

Joel Millman, a press officer for the International Organization for Migration echoed Crépeau’s call for open borders.

We appreciate border security is a shared responsibility. We don’t think everybody should be allowed in — not terrorists or pedophiles. But you can’t ignore certain truths here. Europe is close to massive conflict zones” he said.

We need to open up the channels of legal resettlement

The EU can’t escape it. This is their future. They should actually embrace it,” Millman said.

The anti-Whites are really pushing for open borders in Europe; even the Pope has demand Europe open its borders.

This is simply because it is full of White people and they all would profit in some way from having a White minority.

The majority of Europe is already against massive immigration, but all the anti-Whites in power refuse to accept our opinion.

All these open borders policies, these “diversity” policies, all of them – does anyone ever notice how it’s only White countries that must have these policies forced on them.

I mean, come on – the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Hungary, Greece and on and on it goes.

How blind do you have to be to not see that this is a deliberate targeting of one specific group of people? It’s not that people can’t see it, it’s that they don’t want to admit it.

Well, if they won’t say what we all see, we will: this is White genocide.

h/t White GeNOcide Project

“Leading politicians from the second most powerful Hungarian political party acknowledge the existence of White Genocide and wish to wage war against it. They urge to solve the demographic crisis of Europe by natural, pro-nationalist means in order to protect Native Europeans – White people – and their culture from extinction. The legal definition of genocide was also read and it was agreed by all present, that a silent genocide is deliberately being perpetrated against Native Europeans. It was also agreed that we should all stand up for our rights for existence and for our right to our native homelands. The conference took place in a large church, so it might be noted that it is all Christians`duty to stand up against our genocide.”

PS: ” It should also be noted that the full Mantra was recited.” Uriel from Hungary


h/t Fight White GeNOcide


In Ireland, some anti-White groups are upset that the native White Irish are not mixing with immigrants in schools.

Former chief executive of the Integration Centre, Killian Forde says “where there are two or more schools in a given area, one is predominantly migrant“.

He said that while the government could not tell immigrants or Irish citizens where to live, “it can be more assertive in ensuring that people mix in schools. The problem with clustering . . . is that it takes hold and, once it takes hold, it’s impossible to undo. It’s like trying to unscramble an egg.

Tom Moriarty, principal of the school ‘Educate Together’ wrote to the government that “There are schools in Dublin existing side by side where one is almost completely international in nature and the other is exclusively Irish . . . Essentially we are looking at racial segregation.

Mary Ryan, a co-founder of the Immigrant Parents and Guardians Support Association, says that the Irish government is not doing enough to mix migrant children with native Irish school children, which she says is “paving the way towards a society which is racist and further polarized. We have allowed segregation to happen and the long-term consequences are frightening.

Basically, anti-Whites are complaining about Irish schools not being mixed.

Their side demands open borders and “mixing” . . . but only in majority White areas.

Then when White places gradually become minority White, they call it a “demographics change” to say this all happened naturally.

The fact is, when they call for “diversity”, they’re actually calling for White genocide. There is nothing natural about that.

h/t White GeNOcide Project