Entries by H.Avenger

White Genocide goes World Wide

Following the worldwide trend of the popular “White Genocide” internet meme cropping up in almost every corner of the western world, Pro-White website Renegade Broadcasting.com has taken it upon themselves to take the fight yet one step further. The guys and gals at Renegade have started a banner drive to raise money for Pro-White activism and the funding […]



Ázsia az ázsiaiaknak, Afrika az afrikaiaknak, Fehér országok mindenkinek!   Mindenki mondja, hogy van ez a faji probléma. Mindenki azt mondja, hogy ez a faji probléma akkor lesz megoldva, amikor a harmadik világ beleolvad az ÖSSZES fehér országokba, és CSAK az fehér országokba! Hollandia és Belgium ugyan olyan zsúfolt, mint Japán vagy Taiwan, de senki […]

Libertarians believe in Magic

Libertarians believe a country’s borders are magical lines one need only walk across. They believe these same people need only read magical books by Ayn Rand.  Say magical phrases like: “all people are equal”.  Believe in magical documents like the constitution.  They must also believe in the magical concept known as capitalism. Then learn to […]

White GeNOcide quotes coming straight from the Top

Most of what anti-Whites say is in breach of the United Nations Genocide Conventions, and shows their collective intent to commit or incite genocide against White people. “The Census Bureau recently estimated that whites already account for less than two-thirds of the [United States] population and will be a minority by 2050,” “…One may assume […]

White House bans criticism of “HATE”

Any protest against White Genocide is ridiculously smeared as “hate” by anti-whites. The White House has supported this absurd assault on Whites by removing this petition from its petition site: Declare “HATE” to be a hate word used to carry out WHITE GENOCIDE! Do you oppose affirmative action? You’re a “hater”! Do you prefer to […]