This Week in #WhiteGenocide 41


This Week in #WhiteGenocide 41

Here comes the Horde!

4:00 Litteral thought policing

9:00 Take it in the face or be Anonymous

17:00 Invading Horde heads North

28:00 Colleg speakers tour continues

39:00 Crying over White Genocide memes

50:00 White Aussie refugee update

64:00 Lets make China non-Chinese

H.Avenger Twitter @Eurorabbit

H.Avenger Gab @H_Avenger

You can hear more H.Avenger at the below link:

Fash Gordon Gab @Fash_Gordon

Fash Gordon MySpace

Johnny Monoxide Gab @Johnny_Monoxide

You can hear more Johnny Monoxide at the below link: