Tag Archive for: #WhiteGenocide

937RIR-150109Tim Murdock is the host of White Rabbit Radio and the voice of Horus the Avenger. He has also produced the popular animations “How The Whites Took Over America,” “Anti-Racist Hitler,” and “Johnny Racist.” Tim has been a guest on Radio 3Fourteen and now joins us at Red Ice Radio to discuss some of the most popular themes and memes currently circulating and gaining momentum in the mainstream. Tim begins by laying out the War of Deception that has been waged by the Elites and explains how memes are used to shape the perceptions of the masses. He talks about the speed and frequency these ideas are being introduced into society and speculates on the possibilities of the larger scenario involving the New World Order. We look at the Ancient Alien and Out of Egypt memes that have saturated network television and the expensive mockumentary productions that are being used to test the boundaries of intelligent viewers. Then, Tim describes the keystone agenda of White Genocide, one of the largest PSYOP schemes to ever take hold of humanity at such an alarming rate, and the rising popularity of the idea that Whites are not indigenous to Earth. Further, we examine the issues of new human rights laws designed to protect everyone except Whites, mass immigration, and the forced blending of Whites. In hour two we assess the changing landscape of Europe due to forced multiculturalism, the dramatic moves being made by the Neocon set, and the phasing out of Zionism. Tim explains the tactics the Elites are using to regain the respect of the Managerial Class. Later, Tim brings light to the huge con of Diversity and illustrates how Whites are waking up to this crazy scenario. We end by looking at the big problems being faced by Western Media and the White Rabbit’s goal of amplifying, bringing awareness to, and combating this psychological warfare.

Red Ice Creations

The FWG activists in Birmingham, Alabama strike AGAIN.

Their latest billboard is located along I-59 near Springville in St Clair County and reads DIVERSITY MEANS Chasing Down The new billboardLast White Person #white genocide.

AL.com was the first media to report on the new billboard – ‘White genocide’ billboard posted on I-59, similar to ‘anti-white’ sign near Leeds

Congratulations to the those involved in this activism.

Great work!





Media Reports:













H/T Fight White GeNOcide

chasing down 5

Brian Krzanich, chief executive for Intel, a multinational computer chip making company, has told NYTimes that the company has set up a $300 million fund to make the company less White and less male.

Over the next three years, the $300 million will be used to fund engineering scholarships for women and non-Whites; some of it will also go to majority Black colleges and universities.

The only countries on the face of the planet where you will find companies and governments funding “diversity” are White countries.

Anti-Whites say that we are the intolerant ones, along with every other name in the book, but it seems that they are the ones who cannot tolerate there being anything that is all-White or almost all-White, whether by design or by accident.

This “diversity” agenda has never been about mixing the world, because Africa, Asia, or South America (barring a couple of White areas) is not forced to become mixed.

We call it White genocide because essentially, White people are being pushed out of our own countries, whether we colonized them or were native to them.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


On Christmas eve, the Former Prime Minister of Sweden, Fredrik Reinfeldt, came out with an anti-White rant saying that Sweden belongs to the immigrants who move there, not the Native Swedish.

He also said that Sweden’s borders are fictional and the Native Swedish are “uninteresting”.

There is a choice of which country Sweden will be,he told TV4

Is this a land that is owned by those who have lived here for three or four generations,” he asked, “or is Sweden [a country] where people who come here in mid-life makes it to be and develops it?

To me, it is obvious that it should be the latter and that there is a stronger and better society if it will be open [to more immigration].

He also told TV4What is Sweden as a country? Is this a country owned by those who lived here for four generations or those found on any limit?

It’s what they [immigrants] do in Sweden that is Sweden.

In Sweden, if you do not support mass immigration and Swedish areas being deliberately targeted for “diversity“, you are quite literally seen as a “Racist” and “Neo-Nazi” – an enemy to the government.

Despite the danger of holding a differing view on immigration, especially with a new law coming very soon which will criminalize criticism of immigration; many Swedes are waking up, even if they are still to scared to vote for their views.

We often report on White genocide in Sweden because the government (and other authorities) are doing everything they can to make it happen, and silencing any other perspective.

h/t White GeNOcide Project
