Tag Archive for: White Rabbit GeNOcide
“This coming Saturday, March 15, in a bunch of cities worldwide, disgruntled white supremacists will take to the streets, bearing banners that read “DIVERSITY” = WHITE GENOCIDE in very big red letters. The White Man March aims to be a large display of “coordinated pro-white activity,” timed to coincide with St. Patrick’s Day and meant to express these white folks’ displeasure with how “white countries” are being over-run with, you know, non-whites and Jews and such.
There’s only one hitch. The organizer of the White Man March is Kyle Hunt, a 30-year-old guy who hails from a very small town in Massachusetts, near Cape Cod. Hunt understands that in the United States, white nationalists don’t really have the numbers to pull off an impressive-looking march. Past white supremacist protests have ended up, in his words, “looking like a circus.” He’s also fearful that the police or “anti-fascist” protesters might show up to try to disrupt the WMM festivities. So in New York and other big U.S. cities, the White Man Marchers are planning a very quiet flash mob, which they hope none of us will hear about ahead of time.”
Anna Merlan is a writer for Village Voice. As you can probably guess she does not support the White Man March. Ms. Merlan is Jewish. And Jewish writers are notoriously Anti-White. Most Anti-White Jewish writers just repeat the canned goods from the Southern Poverty Law Center. In this regard, Merlan does not disappoint. However, she did get a few facts straight about the White Man March…..like the date …..March 15.
Chief of Plano fire department, Brian Crawford, revealed his to plan to “diversify” (replace) the mostly White staff in the fire department.
Anti-White Proposition: There can be NO all White Fire Departments!
“Out of the 250 applicants we had that took our last exam, about 79% were white or white male,” Crawford said.
“That does not reflect the community that we serve.”
“And they go, ‘Wow, I see someone who looks like me.’ That’s our best recruiting tool, and right now, that’s a challenge for us,” Crawford said.
Crawford’s department is 94% White, 6% non-White, or numerically, of the 333 firefighters, 313 are white, and 20 are non-White, with 10 of them being Hispanic (mixed-race).
The Fire chief is putting a strong emphasis on recruiting non-White firefighters, and he’s now traveling to minority White areas, groups, and institutions, such as schools, churches, and mosques, and encouraging them to join Plano Fire- Rescue.
There was a similar anti-White move in Los Angeles at the beginning of this year, where Mayor Eric Garcetti called the city’s fire department “too White”, at 50% White.
All anti-Whites agree that when an area is minority White it is “diversity”, but when an area is majority White it is “in need of diversity”.
“Diversity” has never been a global ideology. Why? Because a lot of countries don’t have White people in them. “Diversity” is simply a codeword for White genocide.
“We’ll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.” – Noel Ignatiev, editor of the anti-white Race Traitor magazine.
By Jack Dempsey -This article is addressed to nationalists. You have a duty: you need to be protesting against the genocide of the White race on March the 15th of this year.
On this day, due to the vision of an American nationalist called Kyle Hunt, we aim to get nationalists all across the world onto the streets to make a statement: we will not allow our people to be subject to the genocide imposed on them by the current regimes of the west.
This is called The White Man March (link, here).
But is this crazy? After all, where is the evidence of genocide against the White race?
In Britain, this can be answered through the research of Professor David Coleman of Oxford University.
According to Dr. Coleman, White people will become a minority in this country by 2066; and we are, of course, already a minority in London.
Do the maths. If non-White numbers are going up and White numbers are going down then that means we will be dispossessed of our land, blended into the non-White masses and vulnerable to non-White alliances aimed against us.
We are dying; check the definition of genocide by the United Nations!
Government policies have lead to this warped reality unfolding, and the reasons why they have done this can make you one of only two things: a conspiracy theorist or a coincidence theorist.
I will be honest: if you believe, despite a plethora of evidence, that we aren’t living under an anti-White regime intent on our people’s genocide then stop reading this article, buy yourself some beers, and watch the anti-White TV.
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Leaders of the European Union have decided to take away academic funding from Switzerland, after the majority of Swiss people voted against open borders.
The European Union has frozen all research grants for Swiss universities, worth millions of euros, and also removed Switzerland from taking part in student exchange programs. This comes as a retaliation to a recent referendum, where the majority of Swiss citizens voted for more restrictions on immigration.
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Spotted on an Australian freeway! This sign was getting attention from drivers miles away.
Whoever you are? Nice job Rabbit!
Recently Swiss citizens voted for more restrictions on immigration, despite opposition from leaders of the European Union and others. Anti-Whites from inside and outside the country have called the campaign for immigration restrictions “racist”, and “xenophobic” in an attempt to scare the public to vote against the referendum.
A national referendum regarding immigration was passed, receiving the majority of the Swiss citizen’s votes. The vote has placed a cap on the number of immigrants allowed into Switzerland each year.
The law also allows judges to deport foreign criminals after they have served their prison sentence, among other laws regarding immigration.
Despite strong opposition from leaders of the European Union and United Nations, from the opposing Swiss political parties, and from Swiss big businesses, the people have spoken in favor of stopping White genocide in Switzerland.
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