Tag Archive for: White Rabbit GeNOcide

“Leading politicians from the second most powerful Hungarian political party acknowledge the existence of White Genocide and wish to wage war against it. They urge to solve the demographic crisis of Europe by natural, pro-nationalist means in order to protect Native Europeans – White people – and their culture from extinction. The legal definition of genocide was also read and it was agreed by all present, that a silent genocide is deliberately being perpetrated against Native Europeans. It was also agreed that we should all stand up for our rights for existence and for our right to our native homelands. The conference took place in a large church, so it might be noted that it is all Christians`duty to stand up against our genocide.”

PS: ” It should also be noted that the full Mantra was recited.” Uriel from Hungary


h/t Fight White GeNOcide

“I’ve notice that most BBQ houses have bulletin boards for business cards and lots of good-ole-boy-red blooded-American customers.”

Way to go Ken and what a simple way to bring awareness to White Genocide than your Local Bulletin Boards. It’s encouraging to think of how many people are changed forever by your simple act…..ivism!


Make sure to check the below linked website (Fight White GeNOcide). They are the sponsors of the “March against #WhiteGenocide” scheduled for March 21st 2015

h/t Fight White GeNOcide is dedicated to documenting #WhiteGeNOcide street activism

Editor: We have been saying for some time that Anti-Racism is just a Code Word for #antiWhite.  And the anti-Whites continuously prove us correct.  Paul Joseph Watson is correct to call attention to the hypocrisy. However he is incorrect in believing non-Whites can be racist.  The term has never ever applied to non-Whites.  For the better part of one century, Anti-Racist organizations (folks devoted to fighting “racism”) have only operated in WHITE Countries.  They have been busy finding racism in White Countries, Schools, Churches etc.  Can you name one anti-Racist organization that chases non-Whites around for Racism?  How many anti-Racist organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center exist in countries like Saudi Arabia or China?  The Answer for both questions is …..ZERO.


Only white people can be racist.

A school textbook teaches students that “there is no such thing as reverse racism” and that women can never be as sexist as men.

The passage, which appears to be taken from a “multicultural education series” book entitled Is Everyone Equal, states, “STOP: There is no such thing as reverse racism or reverse sexism (or the reverse of any form of oppression). While women can be just as prejudiced as men, women cannot be “just as sexist as men” because they do not hold political, economic and institutional power.”

In a sense, the text is correct, there is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is racism, whether the target is white, black or brown.

However, that’s not the message being communicated. The book is teaching students that only white people can be racist and that only men can be sexist because…patriarchy!

This warped argument is also one repeatedly made by prominent social justice talking heads such as MSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson, who once argued that it is impossible for black people to be racist.

Dyson disproved his own claim in July 2013 when he said during a discussion on the George Zimmerman trial that Americans would not understand racism until white kids were being killed in the same numbers as blacks.

“White Americans and others will feel that this was a justifiable verdict, this is how things happen. Not until, and unless, the number of white kids die that approximate the numbers of black and other kids who die, will America see,” said Dyson, failing to mention that 94 per cent of all black murder victims in the United States are killed by other black people.

Meanwhile, homeschooling in the United States is more popular than ever before and with kids being taught this kind of nonsense in schools, is it really any surprise?

h/t InfoWars via Red Ice Creations


In Ireland, some anti-White groups are upset that the native White Irish are not mixing with immigrants in schools.

Former chief executive of the Integration Centre, Killian Forde says “where there are two or more schools in a given area, one is predominantly migrant“.

He said that while the government could not tell immigrants or Irish citizens where to live, “it can be more assertive in ensuring that people mix in schools. The problem with clustering . . . is that it takes hold and, once it takes hold, it’s impossible to undo. It’s like trying to unscramble an egg.

Tom Moriarty, principal of the school ‘Educate Together’ wrote to the government that “There are schools in Dublin existing side by side where one is almost completely international in nature and the other is exclusively Irish . . . Essentially we are looking at racial segregation.

Mary Ryan, a co-founder of the Immigrant Parents and Guardians Support Association, says that the Irish government is not doing enough to mix migrant children with native Irish school children, which she says is “paving the way towards a society which is racist and further polarized. We have allowed segregation to happen and the long-term consequences are frightening.

Basically, anti-Whites are complaining about Irish schools not being mixed.

Their side demands open borders and “mixing” . . . but only in majority White areas.

Then when White places gradually become minority White, they call it a “demographics change” to say this all happened naturally.

The fact is, when they call for “diversity”, they’re actually calling for White genocide. There is nothing natural about that.

h/t White GeNOcide Project

All too often both opponents and proponents of White genocide forget that it’s a multistage process, it’s not only about the flooding of EVERY White country with non White immigrants, it’s ALSO about forced integration policies that lead to assimilation. Let us clear something up right from the start here, when we say assimilation we do NOT mean cultural assimilation, we mean genetic assimilation via the inevitable racial mixing that occurs when groups are forced to live together

Which leads us onto an article by the anti-White organization “One Europe.”

In their anti-White screed entitled “The Importance of Integrating Europe’s Migrants” they say the following:

“Europe’s population is becoming increasingly diverse, while its capitals true melting pots of cultures and people.”

That might be true, but calling it a “melting pot” is nothing more than a code word for genocide via assimilation. What comes out of a “melting pot”? A mixture of the ingredients put into the pot, that’s what!

They continue their anti-White propaganda piece with:

“nowadays Europe is not a homogenous region. Apart from the indigenous ethnic minorities, many people from all over the world now call Europe “home.”

The thing is anti-White, Europe was the homogenous homeland of the INDIGENOUS White Europeans and needs to become homogenous again, because if it doesn’t, within several generations there will be no more White people in their ancestral homeland. Sounds a lot like White Genocide when we put it like that doesn’t it? But you’d rather call it a “melting pot” wouldn’t you, it sounds a bit more acceptable then, hell it sounds even fun and cool! And who are these “indigenous ethnic minorities” you speak of? They are only calling it “home” because anti-White traitors have given them the keys to the castle, and all against the wishes of the indigenous White Europeans. Your mealy mouthed blog isn’t fooling any of us!
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Speaking at a summit, Vice President, Joe Biden, said that immigration is “not going to stop” and welcomed a White minority population in America.

I’m proud of the American record on culture and economic integration of not only our Muslim communities but African communities, Asian communities, Hispanic communities,” Biden said, according to Yahoo News.

And the wave still continues. It’s not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the things I think we can be most proud of.

We are a melting pot, it is the ultimate source of our strength. It is the source of who we are.

It started all the way back in the late 1700s. There’s been a constant, unrelenting stream of immigration. Not in little trickles, but in large numbers.

Folks like me who are Caucasian of European descent — for the first time in 2017 we’ll be an absolute minority in the United States of America,

Absolutely minority – fewer than 50 percent of the people in America, from then and on, will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.

Firstly, the Census Bureau has predicted a White minority around 2040. This “2017” Biden speaks of is just two years away from now. There’s no way White Genocide can take place so fast. Either he’s mistaken, or it was deliberate misinformation.

Secondly, if “diversity” really is a strength why is it only first world White nations need it to be forced on them?

I’ve never heard anyone say that the solution to world hunger in Africa is for it to become less Black. Even if that were true, what kind of monster would deliberately try to get rid of Black people?

The same kind of monster that is this very day, trying to get rid of White people – the anti-Whites.

Anti-Whites only speak of “diversity”, in a White versus non-White context. Because that’s the point – White people, to them, are the “race problem”. And the solution to this problem is White Genocide.

h/t White GeNOcide Project

Short SummaryLL's flyer

The team behind Fight White Genocide.com are coordinating a March Against White Genocide on March 21st 2015 to spread awareness that massive non-white immigration and forced assimilation in ALL white countries IS White Genocide.

Donations will be used to produce White Genocide marketing material to be distributed by activists on March 21st.

What We Need & What You Get

  • Money raised will go to the production and distribution of White Genocide marketing materials i.e Stickers, Flyers and Banners
  • We are looking to raise $1,000. Any additional funds will be put towards our #WhiteGenocide billboard project in the Northern USA.
  • Donating to this fundraiser is an active way to participate in Fighting White Genocide
  • All contributors over $20 will receive a White Genocide media kit for distribution, if desired

The Impact

Genocide is a crime. And flooding ALL white countries with MILLIONS of non-whites and force assimilating the populations IS White Genocide.

On March 21st we are looking to make a HUGE impact and one of our goals is to see #WhiteGenocide as a trending hashtag on twitter.

Currently we are seeing a massive number of impressions each day, but more attention and discussion of this crime is needed.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you are unable to contribute financially, there are so many ways you can contribute to the success of this event:

  • Get the word out and make some noise about our campaign to help with fund raising.
  • On March 21st Get Out, Get Active & Get Pictures of your activism and send them in to FightWhiteGenocide.com.
  • Help make #WhiteGenocide a trending hashtag on twitter by posting and retweeting the hash.
  • Every little bit of activism helps towards forcing the conversation on White Genocide.

Fight White Genocide

Flyer designed by Linux Lewis

h/t BUGS Swarm



According to the prevailing wisdom of the Cathedral and it’s politically correct “hivemind” allies, we’re nothing but ghosts. For those of us that are resisting “white genocide”(or whatever euphemism you wish to use to describe the systematic elimination of Caucasians and our culture from western countries, by means of forced assimilation and integration of people that didn’t ask for it, didn’t vote for it and don’t want it) the epitaph is all but written on our tombstones. Generally, rational people who believe the notion of a “white genocide” is absurd, are thinking in terms of people being marched off to death camps and dumped into mass graves, Pol Pot style, with creepy music playing in the background. But there is more than one way to destroy a population. It can be done by demoralization, through propaganda framed to make people ashamed of their ancestors’ achievements, mass immigration from vastly incompatible cultures, economic and government policies which favor breeding of certain groups, intimidating people out of neighborhoods through violent crimes. All of these things are currently being done to white people.

Not all of what is occuring is intentional, and some of it is just childlike naivete about human nature and a road to hell paved with good intentions. The result is the same though, whether you call it genocide, assisted mass-suicide or just a few hundred million dumb kids playing out in traffic at rush hour. It’s a massive reduction of people of European ancestry and the end of western civilization as we know it, slowly to be replaced by a hodgepodge of ethnicities from primitive and barbarous cultures. It’s the early stages of Heinlein’s classic, “Farnham’s Freehold” in the making. I ask you honestly, are the emasculated White man-servants in Heinlein’s novel that far from the ethnomasochist diversity officers we have today?

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