Tag Archive for: White Genocide

Reverse our nation’s “No Child Left White” policy.

Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY?

ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with third world non-whites, and Whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.

That’s genocide by UN Convention:

“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

We petition President Obama to end White Genocide in the United States, and to call for the end of White Genocide in Europe, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Those who support a future without White children say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white!

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.



New White House Petition to sign and pass around


If you can’t read French, what he is saying is: “Race mixing enriches society, consanguinity destroys it“.

Back in 2012 when Sarkozy was the President of France, he gave a speech telling the native White French to deliberately pick someone of another race and have children with them.

The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding. The challenge of racial interbreeding that faces us in the 21st Century.he said.

It’s not a choice, it’s an obligation. It’s imperative. We cannot do otherwise. We risk finding ourselves confronted with major problems.

We MUST change; therefore we WILL change. We are going to change ALL at the same time. In business, in administration, in education, in the political parties. And we will obligate ourselves as to results.

If this volunteerism does not work for the Republic, then the State will move to still more coercive measures.

The challenge of racial interbreeding that France has always known. And in meeting the challenge of racial interbreeding, France is faithful to its history.

There you have it folks, Sarkozy has said that the White French majority are the problem which “destroys” France, and therefore needs to be gotten rid of with “race mixing”.

This is an obvious call from an anti-White politician for the French to engage in White genocide.

H.Avenger notes:”This blended humanity nonsense is pushed in all White Countries and ONLY White Countries”

h/t White GeNOcide Project

White Genocide is not a wisp of a concept. Anti-Whites accuse BUGSERS of being unrealistic and hysterical. Today Ebola expert David Quamenn postulated in an interview with Anderson Cooper a race treason on CNN beyond imagination and he is mainstream. Listen to him. Watch him:


If your blood does not run cold you need to be boxed and buried. Your soul is dead.

What is the mental process that connects an historical event nearly 200 years ago with a vital public health threat today and considers it a moral issue? “We in America, how dare we turn our backs on Liberia, given the fact that this is a country that was founded in the 1820s, 1830s because of American slavery?” is how he opposes shutting down flights from infected areas and quarentines.

This anti-White is positing that something your great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather putatively did that he deems an unforgiveable sin requires you to put at risk your life, your child’s life and your grandchild’s life. He is shouting out pure hate for White people that spans over eleven generations. When he says Americans he is not referring to Blacks, Indians, Hispanics, Jews or Asians. He means Whites, Christians of European ancestry.  photo davidquammen.png

Anti-racism is so ingrained in David Quamenn’s psyche that he is willing to sacrifice millions of White people to salve his conscience. This psychosis is mainstream. It is taught in the schools. It spews forth from your television hour upon hour. It dominates the Washington establishment.

This genocidal mindset must be stopped. BUGSERS are in a battle for our race. Minds are changed by by the repetitive exposition of the facts. The weapon is the Mantra. It alone boils the issue down to an undeniable, palatable syrup. The action needed is posting of the Mantra.

Today our borders are being held ajar to assure that the epidemic scourging Africa can be shared by Americans. The demented intellectual David Quammen sees a medical Holodomor as a price we must pay to redeem ourselves of the sin of slavery that was abolished c. 150 years ago. He is clearly a university graduate inoculated against commonsense by Mommy Professor.

If ever you doubted that anti-Whites will promote the elimination of the White race listen to this man. Your fear is justified. Your horror is natural. Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White.

Today the threat is immediate. It is on every flight with passengers from West Africa. This is not imaginary. They are promoting the deadly disease of diversity. Do not forget to post the Mantra at least once today. It quarantines anti-Racists.

Newbies to this site, please read the Mantra. It is brief. It explains our mission.

h/t the infamous backbaygrouch for BUGS





John Key, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, plans to hold a vote in 2015 asking New Zealanders if they want to keep the current flag with the British Union Jack on it, or replace it with a new flag which represents the “changed” New Zealand.

The current flag has been in use for 122 years, and the British Union Jack in the corner is to show the country’s heritage. However, now that New Zealand is being flooded continually with non-White foreigners, (mostly Indians and Asians) some anti-Whites like PM Key think it is time to change the flag.

I want to get on with it. To me, I’d like to do it in 2015, […] I’d like to complete the whole process next year. I don’t think it’s one of those things we should hang around with foreverKey told the Washington Post.

But the current flag represents the thinking by and about a young country moving from the 1800s to the 1900s […] and when our forebears thought their colonial protector would always be there for their descendants.”  Key said in a speech back in March 2014

However, this country, the way we see ourselves in the world and the way others see us, has changed dramatically in the past century. Our flag does not reflect those changes.

We are in a tremendous position to enjoy the benefits and challenges that our inter-connected and globalised world offers.

A flag that unites all New Zealanders should be selected by all New Zealanders.

One of the suggested flags is a silver fern leaf with a black background to represent New Zealand’s success in sports.

A poll conducted for TVNZ television channel, showed that 72% of people asked wanted to keep the current New Zealand flag, and only 28% wanted to change it.

The reason why anti-Whites would support changing this flag is to reinforce the belief that anyone can be a New Zealander if they ‘act’ like one.

In 1961, the country was 92% ethnically European, fast-forward to 2013, and the country is now 74% European.

This is clearly a program of genocide against White people. We can confidently say this because many majority White countries all over the planet have had their borders opened to mass non-White immigration, and as a result White countries are becoming less and less White.

Anti-Whites say that singling out White people, chasing us around the country, and flooding us with non-Whites is an experiment – they say it’s an experiment in “diversity” or a “global community” – no, it’s genocide.

If they are thinking of changing the flag, how about this one?

chasing down 5







h/t White GeNOcide Project

















Over the last couple of months, it looks as though many Whites throughout the world are starting to wake up and see the con going on around them that they have fallen prey to. The con is a psychological trick someone plays on a person or people to gain something. For instance, in recent years, swindlers have been calling elderly people and are using this method or that to exploit their money and savings. The elderly person wants to help or participate in said con and eventually gives pertinent information for a bank account or credit card and the next thing they know their life savings is nonexistent. This happens each and every day across the globe.

So what is this con and how are we all involved? Throughout the years Whites have all been force fed a doctrine of political correctness, multiculturalism and a blended society by global elitists. Many end up having White guilt about what these elitist historians have told us through modern media and social outlets. People embrace the political correctness and self hatred for things they had no involvement in. Let’s look at the three stages of the con and how it effects the people negatively involved.

1. Denial of the con. It is human nature to deny that a person been lied to. This demoralization will cause the person or persons to constantly deny that anything has happened. Often, they deny until there is nothing left. The world around them is tumbling down.

2. Acceptance of the con. The realization that a person or persons been taken advantage of. Generally the person will laugh at the misfortune that it has caused them. For instance, in the last few years, more people are starting to make fun of political correctness and the thought of immigration is a good thing for all people. These people were fed the ideals of a utopian society where equality and integration are wonderful. That elephant in the room is starting to be acknowledged. Naturally, the person will laugh at the con as it is the best human emotion possible to make the person feel better and to accept the misfortune of being misled. Generally the person or persons accept it and move on.

3. Anger at the con artist. After the laughter and acceptance, anger ensues due to the realization that the person has been taken advantage of and LIED to. The person will seek to get what they lost back and only realize it is too late. What they thought was a good idea, was nothing close. At this point, they are seething with anger and question why did this even happen.

A great example of a con that Whites across the globe have experienced is that of multiculturalism and integration. What we were taught in school and throughout politically correct society has made things worse. We have been taken advantage of in the name of this unattainable utopia and have gone smiling to the gallows. Sadly, most Whites are in the first stage of the con. The need to wake up and realize the danger of the final solution for White culture and the European White Race must be acknowledged before it is too late. Race is real. White Genocide is happening. Political correctness is a code word for Anti-White.

h/t Mein Volk

 “Anti-Racism is a code word for #antiWhite”


“Diversity is code word for #WhiteGenocide”


Mediendienst Integration, a migration information service, asked Germany’s 16 state police agencies and various security agencies to give them the statistics on their workforce’s ethnic backgrounds, reports local.de.

Getting hold of these statistics proved difficult because most state police forces do not collect that information, and neither do federal agencies.

The researchers were able to get hold of some statistics, and say that police forces and security agencies have not recruited enough immigrants, who are largely non-White, such as Turkish.

They are upset because in Lower Saxony 18% of the population are immigrants, but 3% percent of police officers were themselves immigrants.

Similarly, 20% of Rhineland-Palatinate’s population are immigrants, but 2.5% of police officers were immigrants.

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution does not seek out and employ more immigrants based on their background, but lower-level officials and groups have launched advertising campaigns aimed at attracting more immigrants into Germany’s police forces.

These advertising campaigns have been launched in Berlin, Lower Saxony, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.

Wolfgang Schönwald, a spokesman for police said “the first results show that we’re on the right path, even if the impact could be much greater”.

We shouldn’t be thinking in terms of quotas or anything like that…we have to bring more people with a migrant background closer to our job.

Getting as many non-White immigrants into White countries and trying to get them into every department, career, and crevice of society is nothing to do with the immigrants themselves – it’s about the ruling class anti-Whites trying to get rid of the White majority.

If you take one step back and look at the world what you will notice is that White countries (or places with lots of White people) are guilt-tripped, and often legally forced, to allow millions of non-Whites to pour in.

When a large amount of non-Whites are brought into a White country, suddenly White areas now how this “diversity” problem which can only be solved by flooding those White areas with non-Whites.

If you do take a step back, what you will see is a White genocide in motion.

h/t White GeNOcide Project