Tag Archive for: White Genocide
François Crépeau, the United Nation’s special rapporteur on human rights of migrants, has said the final “solution for Europe” is for it give up on immigration and to have open borders.
“I don’t see any other solution for Europe,” he said. “They need to open the borders.”
“European states need to create an operation where saving lives is the first objective.”
Joel Millman, a press officer for the International Organization for Migration echoed Crépeau’s call for open borders.
“We appreciate border security is a shared responsibility. We don’t think everybody should be allowed in — not terrorists or pedophiles. But you can’t ignore certain truths here. Europe is close to massive conflict zones” he said.
“We need to open up the channels of legal resettlement”
“The EU can’t escape it. This is their future. They should actually embrace it,” Millman said.
The anti-Whites are really pushing for open borders in Europe; even the Pope has demand Europe open its borders.
This is simply because it is full of White people and they all would profit in some way from having a White minority.
The majority of Europe is already against massive immigration, but all the anti-Whites in power refuse to accept our opinion.
All these open borders policies, these “diversity” policies, all of them – does anyone ever notice how it’s only White countries that must have these policies forced on them.
I mean, come on – the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Hungary, Greece and on and on it goes.
How blind do you have to be to not see that this is a deliberate targeting of one specific group of people? It’s not that people can’t see it, it’s that they don’t want to admit it.
Well, if they won’t say what we all see, we will: this is White genocide.
Yesterday afternoon Bob and I were invited to speak on Jamie Kelso’s radio show, American Freedom Party Report. Jamie used the opportunity to announce Bobs Vice Presidential candidacy for the American Freedom Party.
Kenn Gividen was also present and is most likely to be the AFP’s candidate for President. Bob spoke at length about his single platform approach as well as explaining his successful methods he’s employed for over 6o years.
We also spoke about March Against #WhiteGenocide on 3/21 and Jamie says that the AFP will get behind the event. This is great news because MAWG needs all the support it can get to make 3/21 a success in raising international awareness to White Genocide.
I was on Stormfront radio this morning with Truck Roy and Don Black where I announced Bobs Vice Presidential candidacy and discussed the March Against #WhiteGenocide . After the show Truck Roy messaged and said “This candidacy could be huge for the Mantra” and he is exactly right.
As a BUGSER I can say with confidence that Bob will have the support of the SWARM the whole way. With Bob at the helm and his harden foot soldiers willing to Work, this new playing field is a great opportunity to bring our White Genocide message to new heights.
Coach, you’re not alone anymore, You have a whole cavalry with you now!
American Freedom Party Report with Jamie Kelso
Here is a Bob’s bio from Metapedia – http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Bob_Whitaker
The US Census Bureau predicts that just 5 years from now, 50% of all children could be non-White.
White Americans as a whole are predicted to be a minority by 2044, for the very first time since the nation’s founding
White Americans are having enough children to keep the population at a stable level. However, the non-White immigrant populations are having a lot more children because that is what they did in their third world countries.
Any demographer could tell you that by putting the two together would eventually result in a White minority, despite the actual number of White people not declining.
Well, I have news for you: a White minority is EXACTLY what the anti-Whites want.
Ever notice how “diversity” is only directed at White people living in White communities?
According to them, Black communities are fine. Asian communities are fine. But White communities are “racist” and need to be “diversified”, whether we like it or not.
To the anti-Whites, “diversity” is a sort of code word for White minority. That’s what it all boils down to – it’s simply about getting rid of us.
But to us, “diversity” is just their code word for White genocide.
“Leading politicians from the second most powerful Hungarian political party acknowledge the existence of White Genocide and wish to wage war against it. They urge to solve the demographic crisis of Europe by natural, pro-nationalist means in order to protect Native Europeans – White people – and their culture from extinction. The legal definition of genocide was also read and it was agreed by all present, that a silent genocide is deliberately being perpetrated against Native Europeans. It was also agreed that we should all stand up for our rights for existence and for our right to our native homelands. The conference took place in a large church, so it might be noted that it is all Christians`duty to stand up against our genocide.”
PS: ” It should also be noted that the full Mantra was recited.” – Uriel from Hungary
“I’ve notice that most BBQ houses have bulletin boards for business cards and lots of good-ole-boy-red blooded-American customers.”
Way to go Ken and what a simple way to bring awareness to White Genocide than your Local Bulletin Boards. It’s encouraging to think of how many people are changed forever by your simple act…..ivism!
Make sure to check the below linked website (Fight White GeNOcide). They are the sponsors of the “March against #WhiteGenocide” scheduled for March 21st 2015
h/t Fight White GeNOcide is dedicated to documenting #WhiteGeNOcide street activism
Editor: We have been saying for some time that Anti-Racism is just a Code Word for #antiWhite. And the anti-Whites continuously prove us correct. Paul Joseph Watson is correct to call attention to the hypocrisy. However he is incorrect in believing non-Whites can be racist. The term has never ever applied to non-Whites. For the better part of one century, Anti-Racist organizations (folks devoted to fighting “racism”) have only operated in WHITE Countries. They have been busy finding racism in White Countries, Schools, Churches etc. Can you name one anti-Racist organization that chases non-Whites around for Racism? How many anti-Racist organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center exist in countries like Saudi Arabia or China? The Answer for both questions is …..ZERO.

Only white people can be racist.
A school textbook teaches students that “there is no such thing as reverse racism” and that women can never be as sexist as men.
The passage, which appears to be taken from a “multicultural education series” book entitled Is Everyone Equal, states, “STOP: There is no such thing as reverse racism or reverse sexism (or the reverse of any form of oppression). While women can be just as prejudiced as men, women cannot be “just as sexist as men” because they do not hold political, economic and institutional power.”
In a sense, the text is correct, there is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is racism, whether the target is white, black or brown.
However, that’s not the message being communicated. The book is teaching students that only white people can be racist and that only men can be sexist because…patriarchy!
This warped argument is also one repeatedly made by prominent social justice talking heads such as MSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson, who once argued that it is impossible for black people to be racist.
Dyson disproved his own claim in July 2013 when he said during a discussion on the George Zimmerman trial that Americans would not understand racism until white kids were being killed in the same numbers as blacks.
“White Americans and others will feel that this was a justifiable verdict, this is how things happen. Not until, and unless, the number of white kids die that approximate the numbers of black and other kids who die, will America see,” said Dyson, failing to mention that 94 per cent of all black murder victims in the United States are killed by other black people.
Meanwhile, homeschooling in the United States is more popular than ever before and with kids being taught this kind of nonsense in schools, is it really any surprise?
In Ireland, some anti-White groups are upset that the native White Irish are not mixing with immigrants in schools.
Former chief executive of the Integration Centre, Killian Forde says “where there are two or more schools in a given area, one is predominantly migrant“.
He said that while the government could not tell immigrants or Irish citizens where to live, “it can be more assertive in ensuring that people mix in schools. The problem with clustering . . . is that it takes hold and, once it takes hold, it’s impossible to undo. It’s like trying to unscramble an egg.“
Tom Moriarty, principal of the school ‘Educate Together’ wrote to the government that “There are schools in Dublin existing side by side where one is almost completely international in nature and the other is exclusively Irish . . . Essentially we are looking at racial segregation.”
Mary Ryan, a co-founder of the Immigrant Parents and Guardians Support Association, says that the Irish government is not doing enough to mix migrant children with native Irish school children, which she says is “paving the way towards a society which is racist and further polarized. We have allowed segregation to happen and the long-term consequences are frightening.”
Basically, anti-Whites are complaining about Irish schools not being mixed.
Their side demands open borders and “mixing” . . . but only in majority White areas.
Then when White places gradually become minority White, they call it a “demographics change” to say this all happened naturally.
The fact is, when they call for “diversity”, they’re actually calling for White genocide. There is nothing natural about that.