Tag Archive for: White Genocide

chasing down 3

A survey of bullying in US schools has found that if you are a White girl you are the most likely to be the victim of bullying, and White children in general are the most targeted group for bullying.

The survey found that a quarter (24%) of girls, and 20% of boys said they were bullied.

White students were the most bullied of any other group with 24% reporting they had been bullied. 20% of Black students, 19% of Hispanic students, and 9% of Asian students said they had been bullied.

Overall, 22% of students from the age of 12 to 18 said they were the target of bullies.

One question that this raises is, does this have anything to do with the fact that White students are now a minority in US schools?

On the one hand, you could say that now White kids are a minority, it gives other groups a reason to prey upon them and bully them. That’s one explanation.

But the likely reason for White children being the most bullied is the decades of anti-White policies.

It could be because of the anti-White narrative in subjects like history. It could be because of the anti-Whites groups that tell us that White people are the only true “racists”. Or maybe it’s because White areas are the only ones targeted for forced “diversity”?

For some time now, we have been targeted from every level of society by various groups who have something to gain from attacking White people. These anti-Whites are collectively committing one of the worst crimes on the planet today – White genocide.

And if you don’t agree with their agenda, you open yourself to anti-White bullying. If you want to stop the bullies, start with the adults.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Sunny Days Nursery, a place for pre-school children in Derbyshire, has been the latest place to see the White genocide message posted in public.

Although the “Multiculturalism is Genocide” poster does not strictly mention White genocide, that’s the point it’s making because it was placed over a cartoon with a mixed-race child featuring in it.

James Fisher, owner of Sunny Days Nursery, and father of two mixed-race children, says he does not want to formally file a complaint with the police, but it seems the Derby Telegraph, a local newspaper, wants to lead the witch-hunt.

The Derby Telegraph wrote that the “perverted message” was “evil“, and then tried to indirectly call whomever put up the poster a Nazi.

Genocide – the word has such horrors, ironically being brought into play as we mark the 70th anniversary of VE Day and victory over a Nazi regime which practised it” the Derby Telegraph wrote.

they [the person who put up the poster] have to be identified to remove any possibility of their bile being spread.

When they have finished drying their pants, maybe they should educate themselves: “diversity” and “multiculturalism” are codewords to call for White Genocide.

Anti-Whites would prefer to talk about “diversity”, rather than talk about their real agenda, where no area can be “too White”.

This “Multiculturalism is Genocide” poster is not just a one-off occurrence, it is part of a global campaign to expose White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Black students derided the two Black advocacy groups whose ignorance and racism led them to mount a contemptible, hateful protest that claimed that the course “The Problem of Blackness” was “anti-Black.” Challenged on Professor Bebout’s choosing “The Problem of Balckness” as his course’s title, ASU President Michael Crow responded, “The professor was not attempting to be derogatory toward any group or any race.”

Yes, all of the above is accurate. Just replace the words “Black” and “Blackness” with “White” and “Whiteness.”

What in fact happened is that President Crow announced that the course “The Problem of Whiteness”  will be continued, saying, “(The) course looked like a pretty good critical thinking course to me…It’s looking at a very important thing, how have we ended up with — in the country — the notion of race as such a strong and powerful social construct, not actually based in biology.”

ASU President Michael Crow takes stand on controversy surrounding “Problem of Whiteness” course — The State Press

So, readers, why is that scenario the scenario that in fact happened, instead of some scenario like the imagined one in this present article’s title and first paragraph?

It’s because anti-whites teach only Whites to believe things that are silly.

The most important silliness that our anti-white schools teach Whites is that although massive immigration and forced assimilation is genocide in Tibet, massive immigration and forced assimilation in White countries is “diversity.”

Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

Tell White Americans: “White folk, look at your own family, or families you know, and see it happening.”

ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with millions of non-Whites, and Whites are forced to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.May petition1

Whites today are where the Amerindians of Mexico were shortly after the Spaniards arrived and began interbreeding with them.

In time, Whites will be where those Amerindians are today: nearly interbred out of existence and replaced by a mixed race.

We see it beginning in our own families or in families we know.

We didn’t vote for our countries to be flooded with third-world non-Whites, nor did we vote to be chased down by diversity programs wherever we go!

The persons managing our genocide say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Stop funding Christian and Jewish “charities” that carry out White Genocide

Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYONE? May petition2

These groups get federal funds to resettle third worlders in White communities throughout the United States:

Lutheran Immigrant Aid Society, US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Church World Service, Domestic and Foreign Missionary Service of the Episcopal Church of the USA.

Their program is to chase down and assimilate Whites until there are no children left White.

Massive immigration and forced assimilation is genocide when it’s done in Tibet.

When it’s done in White countries it’s “diversity.”

The groups above say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-White!

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Diversity is a codeword for White Genocide.



Denounce Supreme Court for allowing that shirts displaying Mexico’s flag must be turned inside out on 4th of July

Oops! That is NOT what happened AT ALL!  May petition3

Here’s the ACCURATE headline:

“Denounce Supreme Court for allowing that shirts displaying the United States flag must be turned inside out on Cinco de Mayo.“ (goo.gl/lszZBJ)

The rights of Whites are being restricted so that anti-Whites can more easily carry out White Genocide by massive immigration and forced assimilation.

ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with millions of third world non-Whites, and Whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.

The persons carrying out White Genocide say that they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White!

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.


H/T White GeNOcide Project


FrenchDiversityDebate has been sparked in France after around 900 illegal immigrants (mostly men, and mostly from Africa) boarded an unstable boat which sunk while trying to breach Europe’s borders.

Back when Colonel Gaddafi ruled Libya, he warned that “Europe could turn into Africa“. He advised Europe that “Tomorrow Europe might no longer be European, and even black, as there are millions who want to come in,

Gaddafi wanted to work with Europe to stop this from happening, but instead the then-president Nicolas Sarkozy, along with other European leaders decided to invade Libya and get rid of Gaddafi.

The EU leaders which decided to invade Libya are directly responsible for the rising tide of immigration we have today.

Today, Sarkozy is joining the debate on immigration saying that “a real immigration policy” was needed in the European Union.

He called on the EU to “have a genuine immigration policy to prevent these tragedies” ahead of a proposed emergency meeting of ministers of interior and foreign affairs of European countries.

Hmm, what ever could that mean by that? Well, we do actually know what he means because he’s told us exactly what his goals are for France.

The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding” Sarkozy told the French public, “Not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country.

That’s right, France. When he was in office, your leader called for the destruction of your identity. He wants your sons and daughters to be brought into a world where they have no home to feel safe, and no country to protect them.

Sarkozy is not just the only evil anti-White maniac today, there are lots and lots of them, and they are all around the planet.

To promote their anti-White agenda, the anti-Whites have used lots of nice sound words to trick us. But we must stand up to what is clearly a program of White Genocide, because our children don’t deserve this.


h/t White GeNOcide Project



News 2, a South Carolina media company has reported on a sign which said “Diversity means chasing down the last White person #White genocide“.

The sign was found on a street near the Summerville Elementary School in early April.

It was not on school property, but News 2 reports that some parents were concerned “of it’s proximity to the school“. Perhaps they wanted it moving closer to the school to promote a healthy debate?

Donald Ketchens, a local parent, said “Where they came from, I couldn’t tell you, but there were 2 signs pulled up from the ground, for me, as a parent, I think people don’t have no respect.

The Summerville police department are investigating the sign, which was first reported by an anonymous passerby.

What the sign means is that White areas are the target of “diversity” policies, because those are the ones anti-Whites see as the problem.

When one group is singled out and targeted for any kind of policies which are meant to change that group – that is a crystal clear example of genocide, as defined by the UN genocide conventions.

As such, we have no hesitation saying that the USA, along with many other majority White countries, has a regime that is guilty of White Genocide.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


Pew Research Center have released statistics showing that from 2000 to 2013, 78 US counties have went from being majority White to a White minority.

This new data reveals the shocking extent of White Genocide across America in the last decade.

Pew Research Center says this is happening “from California to Kansas to North Carolina”, but is “concentrated in California, the South and the East Coast, bypassing much of the country’s middle section.”

The state of Georgia had the most dramatic changes, with the White population being pushed down by 20% to 30%. This is entirely due to increasing non-White immigration.

Interestingly, Calhoun County in South Carolina and West Feliciana Parish in Louisiana actually went from being minority White to majority White. No doubt the country’s finest “diversity” experts will be dispatched to these areas to solve this terrible crime.

Not only is this happening in America, it’s also happening in Europe and Australia – anywhere White people are the majority.

When “anti-racists” are screaming at White areas demanding they become “diverse” and “multicultural”, they’re not being entirely honest.

If they were honest they’d call themselves anti-White and they’d openly call for White genocide.

White GeNOcide Project