Tag Archive for: White Genocide

1005RIR-150706Tim Murdock is the host of White Rabbit Radio and the voice of Horus the Avenger. He is behind the widely circulated memes, “Diversity is a code word for White genocide” and “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.” He has also produced the popular animations “How Whites Took Over America,” “Anti-Racist Hitler,” and “Johnny Racist.” Tim returns to Red Ice Radio for another look into the ridiculous double standards of diversity. He begins with a detailed definition of the broad term of “genocide” and links these points to explicitly stated agendas of certain power elites seeking to achieve the disappearance of specific ethnic groups and the eradication of particular ethnically pure states. We discuss the very public proclamations of EU officials that blatantly reveal the war being waged against Whites and ancient European cultures. Further, we consider how Zionists are using technology and psychological warfare to deliberately modify the behavior of Whites, and we look at the increased questioning of suspicious politics and open border policies that are alerting even the mainstream to the anti-White scheme. In the second half, we discuss the breakneck speed of the demographic restructuring taking place in the west and how this is ultimately bringing about the swift destruction of the mental wall that has kept many Whites from seeing the larger agenda of mass immigration. We look at the recent Charleston church massacre in relation to the collective tension resulting from the forced absorption of non-Whites into Western civilization. Tim underscores how the powers that be are being undermined by their own insane policies, which appear to be part of the execution phase of an aggressive and drastic plan to take ownership of everything on the planet. At the end, we reflect on the crazy practices of anti-White Whites and the identity politics that have predominately White countries in a state of arrested development.

Red Ice Creations

610X320 BLUE-GRAYThe anti-White establishment in Britain is now openly admitting it’s genocidal plans again the indigenous White Northern Irish people…but says it’s okay because it was all just a little “joke”

A recent news article had this to say

“Newly-declassified documents released at the National Archives in Kew, west London reveal how senior civil servants reacted enthusiastically to proposals in 1983 from a University of Reading academic that a chunk of Ulster – between Coleraine and Londonderry – be turned into a new home for Hong Kong’s 5.5m citizens.”

Just to be clear, the current population of Northern Ireland today is 1.8 million. If flooding 5.5 million non Whites into the Northern Irish peoples living space is not genocide as per the UN Genocide Convention then what is?

“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” (Article 2c Genocide Convention)

The article continues:

“The proponents of the plan, which one Northern Ireland office official declared should be “taken seriously”, suggested the mass transportation of Cantonese speakers would have the dual advantage of boosting the Ulster economy while solving Britain’s dilemma over what to do with the millions of Hong Kong residents concerned they would have no future under Chinese rule.”

The anti-Whites were “concerned” that 5.5 million non-Whites would have “no future” in Hong Kong but it didn’t seem to bother them that generations of White children would have no future in their ancestral homeland because it was turned non-White by traitors? That’s pretty anti-White don’t you think?

It seems that some anti-Whites are trying to pass this plan off as a “joke”, or so they claim. After all wouldn’t you lie about a genocidal scheme if your cover was blown?! How pathetic are these anti-Whites anyway?

The thing is, if it was just a “joke” as they are trying to pass it off as then why are they still working on the replacement of the Northern Irish today, albeit at a slower place? You see, it can be argued the only reason they didn’t go ahead with this plan in 1983 is because the N Irish would have noticed something was wrong if 5.5 million non-Whites were suddenly transplanted into their homeland. Instead they are taking the slow route to replacing the Northern Irish, only this time it includes: Africans, Middle Easterners AND Asians.

Let’s not forget either that a prominent anti-White “politician” in Northern Ireland is Anna Lo, originally from Hong Kong; an ardent proponent of anti-White policy in Northern Ireland today.

Remember folks, White genocide is not just happening in one or two White countries. This plan is for ALL and Only White countries.


H/T White GeNOcide Project

Editor: Black on White crime is just another symptom of the overall disease. Just as black on White crime is a symptom, so is forced assimilation, forced immigration and forced diversity. All of which contribute to White Genocide. Unfortunately for Whites, these symptoms are found in all White countries. The disease may have many symptoms, but they all lead to white destruction. The disease is known as White Genocide is due for an inoculation.

Disabled shopper thrown from motorized cart and dragged to floor


In what’s perhaps the latest version of the “Knockout Game,” a mob of nearly 50 teenagers rushed into a Macon, Ga., Wal-Mart and attacked at least one shopper while destroying merchandise.

The shopper was thrown from his motorized shopping cart and dragged to the floor during the Sunday attack, which caused an estimated $2,000 in damage, according to Bibb County sheriff’s officials.

“The length of the store from front to rear was lined with items which had been shattered, destroyed, turned over and thrown about,” a sheriff’s deputy’s report of the incident stated.

So far only one teenager was arrested, 17-year-old Kharron Nathan Green, after he returned to the store to retrieve his cell phone.

Green, however, declined to identify the other teenagers caught on surveillance cameras.

“Hopefully we can identify the others,” Sheriff David Davis told the Macon Telegraph. “Hopefully it’s not a pattern of behavior.”

The incident brings to mind the racist “knockout game” in which African-American assailants attempted to knock out unsuspecting, non-black victims with a single sucker punch.

The attacks led to severe injuries and several deaths.

“A 70-year-old white man named James Gifford was leaving 7-Eleven at 6:00 a.m.,” World New Daily reported about one such attack. “As Gifford walked across the parking lot, an 18-year-old black male named Romeo Williams punched Gifford with no provocation, knocking him unconscious.”

“But when Gifford fell, he struck his head on the pavement. Four days later, the elderly man died from a brain injury, a diffuse axonal injury, that damaged both the white and gray matter and later caused his heart to stop beating, according to the medical examiner’s office.”

Another man, 46-year-old Hoboken, N.J., resident Ralph Eric Santiago, was found dead with his neck broken after two teenagers stuck his head from behind, causing Santiago to collapse on an iron fence.

As long as the establishment continues to promote racial tension within America, violent racial attacks will continue to happen.


H/T MeinVolk



Interviews of nearly a thousand Italians by Rai News, show that more than 8 out of 10 Italians say they do not want “refugees” brought into their country.

The interviews, conducted from the 23rd to the 24th of June also showed that:

▪ 1 out of 4 (25%) Italians thought immigration was the country’s top problem.

▪ 2 out of 5 (38%) thought immigration was a a serious security threat and can be connected to terrorism.

▪ Over 2 out of 5 (40%) wanted to send illegal immigrants back and use the military if necessary.

▪ Only 1 out of 4 (16%) wanted to bring in “refugees”.

It’s good to see that most Italians have not been fooled by the “refugee” label.

Both the mainstream media and government are trying to “repackage” illegal immigrants as these vulnerable “refugees” who were forced to flee . . . but no one will tell us why they pass through several safe countries on their way to Europe.

Interestingly, the survey found that 2 out of 5 (34%) thought Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, does not protect the national interest.

This week Renzi scorned other European countries in an emotional outburst for not accepting a quota on illegal immigrants, saying that “you aren’t worthy of calling yourselves Europe.”

I can see why a growing number of Italians are unhappy with this anti-White sleazebag. He tried to push yet more White genocide on Europe, but turned into a big cry-baby when democracy ensued.

Maybe it’s time for a White-friendly Prime Minister, Italy? (And some new pants for Mr Renzi…)

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Backup_of_wesleyEYESDespite demands from top-level EU politicians, many in Europe are standing their ground against the forced illegal immigrant quota.

Why have they [Italy and Greece] resigned from protecting the borders?said Slovakian Interior Minister, Robert Kaliňák.

If we don’t guard a border, why then do we have a visa policy when we don’t have a problem letting anyone in who swims to our shores?

A return policy must be enforced. As things are, every illegal immigrant can feel safe because they know that they can’t be expelled. So they board boats because they know that they won’t have to come back” said Kaliňák.

Donald Tusk, the president of the European council, had a similar view.

First and foremost, we need to contain illegal migration and this should be our priority. All those who are not legitimate asylum seekers will have no guarantee that they will stay in EuropeTusk said.

We have no consensus among member states on mandatory quotas for migrants,” he added.

Libya has already offered help on at least two occasions, but the anti-White ruling class actually want these immigrants.

So, now that they have created this mass migration problem, they are trying to “fix” it by effectively destroying Europe’s borders.

Lets get to the bottom line on this: the ONLY reason Europe is forced to have immigration – legal and illegal – is because it’s majority White. The same is true of America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

“Diversity” is being used as a code word to mean that no area can be “too White”. If you target White areas for deliberate demographics change, then it’s nothing more than White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

Keep your eyes on France!














An activist in France repaints a Mural in the above video. France took it down calling it “hate speech”.

She spray paints “Anti-Racism” is a Code Word for Anti-White in French.








Watch Ramzpaul give a great overview below.




Poland, Latvia, and Estonia are just some of the countries which are being looked at to take in the increasing number of illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

The European Union has proposed a quota system, whereby 40,000 to 60,000 of the migrants will be spread across Europe, and particularly in Eastern Europe where almost all the people are Native White Europeans.

Under the present EU agreements, countries may choose to accept the numbers of illegal immigrants they take, or if they take any at all.

However, some anti-White EU bureaucrats want Europe to be forced by law to take in illegal immigrants; Eastern Europe would no doubt be the first target.

The European Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said that the migrants must be settled through-out Europe by legal force, not by a country’s choice.

It’s time we looked beyond national interests and avoided the lowest common denominator, the bargaining and finger-pointing.” said Mr Avramopoulos, according to the BBC,

He said the EU “tried a voluntary approach in the past and it didn’t work“.

No European leaders are willing or able to crack-down on illegal immigration, although Libya has offered help on at least two occasions. This is causing more and more non-White migrants to pour in from the sea like a giant Tsunami.

For several decades now, a large part of our elite have abused their powers and betrayed our trust in order to make Europe, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand a “diverse multicultural utopia” – one where a White majority is a crime or sin.

By enforcing this agenda, they are responsible for White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

sutherland anti-WhitePeter Sutherland, the UN’s special representative on international migration, has again shown his true anti-White form when he called for Britain to take in more immigrants, saying that not to do say would be “xenophobia and racism“.

Some countries, as opposed to others are taking the lion’s share of responsibility in this area” he told BBC radio 4.

But the bottom line has to be that there has to be a sharing of refugees.

The UK and many other countries could do more.

In the past, Sutherland has also told the BBC that he believes the European Union should be trying to destroy Europe’s “ homogeneity and difference from others.

A very recent survey found that the overall majority of British people (42%) are against taking in more “refugees“.

I’ll tell you what the bottom line is: this guy is anti-White. He’s anti-White because he is trying to get rid of White people.

All these anti-Whites completely abuse their powers and ignore we ordinary folk in order to promote and direct White genocide.

They may use nice-sounding terms like “Humanitarianism”, but every single one of their terms is meant to hide the agenda that they really promote.

What they really are is anti-White, and what they really want is White genocide. Europe does not want any more diversity bombs.

H/T White GeNOcide Project



610X320 BLUE NO OUTLINE - CopyAccording to the Australian intelligence agency, Islamic State has enough radioactive material to create a “dirty bomb”. It’s not quite an arsenal of pinpoint nuclear missiles – it’s more like a glowing green cloud.

Both the Australian Department of Defense and NATO have expressed concern over this group having radioactive materials.

But the thing is, nuclear weapons are a deterrent. No one is stupid enough to actually launch on off at their enemies. We do have some deranged, drooling, lunatics in power, but they’re not THAT stupid.

In the post-WW2 era, using nuclear weapons on people will make every other country extremely hostile to your country.

If Islamic State got drunk one day (in blatant disregard to Sharia law) and sat on the controls to dropped a dirty bomb on a town or city, I guarantee the next day they’ll be as dead as the dodos.

So who really cares? And besides, nuclear bombs are soooo 20th century. There’s a much more efficient way to destroy your enemies these days. Governments simply drop the diversity bomb.

The Chinese government is doing it to Tibetans; soon Tibetans will cease to exist, and Chinese will become over 90% of the population. This is just one example that everyone has heard of.

But there are thousands – even hundreds of thousands – of diversity bombs going off in the West as well.

From America to Canada, from Australia to New Zealand, and all across Europe the anti-White governments are dropping “diversity bombs” on their own people.

Anywhere that is disgustingly full of White people – anywhere vomit-inducingly White – is on the hit list. It is a viable target.

A target for what? A target for the diversity bombs.

Through mass non-White immigration into White areas, these brave progressive anti-Whites hope to build a new world. And to do that they intend to destroy our world.

They may call it “diversity”, but it is simply a code word for “White Genocide“. Many of these anti-Whites admit White genocide is what they want, but they hide their true goals by using vague and indefinable buzzwords.

H/T White GeNOcide Project