Tag Archive for: White Genocide



Agoravox, a French news site is reporting that Doctor Thierry Lecoquierre from Upper Normandy, France, has been taken by the police following his call to rape “right-wing” females to create “multicolored descendants.

It is unclear whether he has been arrested or is just answering their questions.

Dr Lecoquirre’s article was titled “Impregnate the female of the National Front” and was published on the 8th of December. The police found his article and took him in for questioning 2 days later, on the 10th of December.

Right wing women do not appear less mammal than other women, even if they have a bigger than average reptilian brain ” he wrote in his article.

Let’s sexually overcome these stupid right wing females

Blacks, Negroes, gooks, Jews, leftists, gypsies, disabled, Freemasons and even my gay friends, in solidarity: bring up your hard dicks! Let our consciences sleep under the pillow, and jump on the right-wing pussies offered. Hail to a vast altruistic copulation. Provide multicolored descendants to the sinking country of France.

With one goal: kill right-wing poison in the egg.

According to Agoravox, Lecoquierre claimed his article was supposed to be “ironic“.

It was published on L’obs Le Plus, and like all blog articles on the site it was not checked by the editorial team first. It has since been removed.

The anti-Whites would love this guy if he just called for “multicolored descendants” to be made, but he takes it a step too far, even for them.

You see, anti-Whites have an agenda called “diversity” whereby they try to open the borders of majority White countries and flood them with non-White immigrants, then try to encourage us all to “integrate” into one big “mixed-race melting pot”.

What this amounts to is simply a campaign of White Genocide. Certain influential people within politics, all across the Western world, have deliberately targeted White areas for “diversity”, and this certainly fits the legal definition of genocide.

You will never hear anyone scream for “diversity” in Africa or Asia. “Diversity” is a codeword for White genocide because it’s only about getting rid of White areas and White countries.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

Greg Paulson

Author’s note:

I borrowed a lot from Greg Johnson’s essay, Dealing with the Holocaust, which I think is important for a deeper understanding of the issue in general and for the position I advocate.

This may seem counter-intuitive, but a common mistake pro-White advocates make in combating White genocide is disputing the alleged facts of anti-White historical narratives.

By challenging the details of anti-White historical narratives, whether it be the Holocaust, the Black slave trade, genocide of American Indians or the various other alleged crimes committed by Whites against non-White populations, pro-White advocates are missing and implicitly accepting—the “premise: If white racism, nationalism, self-assertion, etc. led to the holocaust, the slave trade, Jim Crow, etc., then they are evil”—the underlying mechanism used to justify White genocide.

A far more effective point of argument is that regardless of the (alleged) crimes committed by White people in the past, they do not justify White genocide or any of its anti-White components.

Besides actually being a morally true statement, it registers as such to the vast majority of White people who were taught since childhood that, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” This is a far more effective approach than trying to convince someone to question the historical “facts” that influenced the formation of their worldview and/or understanding of the world. Greg Johnson points out that

As a general rule, moral and political arguments are more convincing than historical or scientific arguments, because the latter require specialized knowledge and lengthy explanations, whereas the former can be pithily formulated and draw upon common moral and political intuitions—and generally people’s moral intuitions are healthier than the toxic moral swill ladled out by the churches, schools, and mass media.

Not only is it more effective and efficient, but it also works for every anti-White historical narrative anti-Whites use, and any more that may be invented in the future. So not only does the average White person we are trying to reach not need to spend hours researching a specific historical instance to justify what he feels is right, it also inoculates him against all other and future attempts at manipulation via anti-White historical narratives.

Additionally—and this is important—it brings the focus back to the present genocidal conditions faced by our people. It interrupts the autistic proclivity to get lost in the past and technicalities that understandably bore and annoy most people. We cannot afford to get distracted and bogged down in the past and lengthy explanations. We need that lightning focus that clearly and succinctly defeats anti-White arguments, exposing them for what they are. If we can do that and simultaneously help inoculate White people against this powerful demoralizing weapon, why wouldn’t we?

It is our own people’s grandiose propensity toward collective guilt and self-abasement that is the ultimate source of the power anti-White narratives have over us. To borrow further from Greg Johnson’s excellent essay, attacking the moral dimension of the problem is like hacking at the trunk of a tree, whereas revising historical narratives is akin to merely trimming the branches.

Once we have stopped the genocide of our people, our historians can determine what was true in the past. Until then, I encourage all of my fellow pro-White advocates to stop trimming the branches and join me in hacking away at the trunk.


Lecoquierre is the one on the left.

In the blog section of French media outlet, Nouve L’obs, a doctor wrote that any woman who votes for Front National (French anti-mass immigration party) has a “reptilian brain” and should be raped and impregnated to produce “multicolored descendants.

Thierry Lecoquierre, a Medical Doctor from Le Havre in Upper Normandy, has been reported to the Council of Doctors for his article, which has now been deleted from the website.

His article titled “Impregnate the female of the National Front” says this:

Right wing women do not appear less mammal than other women, even if they have a bigger than average reptilian brain . As any woman, it is subject to hormonal moods. With a feature that ethnology confirms to us : she gets especially wet for rough men.

These female FN sympathizers certainly offer us means to beat them. As each right-wing female appreciates the military and the macho, loathes feminist ideas, let’s play her game: Let’s take her at her own game, let’s take her and fuck her.

Since they give us the recipes for crossbreeding their pale race, use it against her side. Let’s sexually overcome these stupid right wing females, for the survival of a smiling humanity. Because they are stupid and easily tricked, like game going to the hunter, things should be easier. Let’s create a curly descent (not German mind you!) let’s curlify this “other-hating”, frightened France.

Refusing the advances of family planning, every pregnancy will result in a little half-breed or a mongrel, an artist that tomorrow she will eventually like.

Blacks, Negroes, gooks, Jews, leftists, gypsies, disabled, Freemasons and even my gay friends, in solidarity: bring up your hard dicks! Let our consciences sleep under the pillow, and jump on the right-wing pussies offered (unfortunately sometimes pretty!) Hail to a vast altruistic copulation. Provide multicolored descendants to the sinking country of France.

With one goal: kill right-wing poison in the egg.

As of yet, there has been no reaction from French authorities to this shockingly anti-White article.

While most anti-Whites prefer to take a more subtle approach using code words like “diversity”, Lecoquierre is very blatant in saying what he wants: White genocide in France





























H/T White GeNOcide


In 2010, a rapper and sociologist joined forces to publish a book and CD both titled “F**k France.

The General Alliance against Racism and for the Respect of French and Christian Identity (AGRIF) took them to Criminal Court in Paris, and charged them with “public insult” and incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence.

After five years, the court finally came to their verdict; it claimed that White people are not considered native to France under French law, so the two defendants could not be found guilty.

The court said that ‘native French’ as a group “does not cover any reality; legally, historically, biologically, or sociologically.

It ruled that “‘Whites’ or ‘the White race’” is “in no way a legal component of the quality of the French” and apparently that “Native White French do not constitute a group of people“, according to the 1881 Act on Freedom of the Press.

Vivien Hoch, an analyst said thatin this trial, we were pushed to [consider] the concept of anti-white racism“, and “the question was whether the White French represent a group defined by law.

While American Indians, Australian Aborigines, or New Zealand’s Maori are considered native to their respective places, certain high-ranking officials do not consider White people native to Europe, or in fact, anywhere on the planet.

This is because “Native” groups are entitled to special privileges, under the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

According to this law, Indigenous groups are encouraged to “maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures and traditions“, it gives them a “right to remain distinct“, and “prohibits discrimination” against them.

Basically, it gives them the right to preserve their heritage. This is NOT what anti-Whites want Europeans to do. They want us to be eliminated from our own continent, as well as colonial countries.

They are trying to carry out this White genocide with mass non-White immigration from the third world, and with “diversity” policies, which White areas are singled out and forced to accept.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

Editor: Horus talked about the “Whites are not Indigenous” legal movement on a Red Ice Interview.


Aisha, an immigrant from Dubai went to Norway and claimed to be a refugee. Despite receiving 3,000 Kroner (400 Euros) a month and free housing, she complained that it was too cold, that she had to carry her own groceries, and that she didn’t like the food.

Honestly, I was shockedshe told NRK.no, “I thought Norway was more modern and more civilized. It was so cold there. Cold in all respect.

We stayed in a very small village, with only two supermarkets . . . and you had to carry all the heavy groceries back, on your own feet. It was very tough for me.

The food! It was the biggest problem. It was neither organic or natural.

She withdrew her asylum application, and went back to Dubai. The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) paid for her journey back home, and also gave her 20,000 kroner (2,700 Euros) as a gift.

A very large portion of “refugees” are just immigrants who know how to cheat the system to get into rich countries. That’s why this “Aisha” woman decided to go back – like most of them, she was in no danger.

Our governments know this too, but to advance their agenda, they have are trying to get as many immigrants in as possible.

They want immigrants to pour into the West (provided they’re non-White) so they can distribute them through-out every majority White country, city, town, and village. This is what they mean when they say “diversity” or “multiculturalism”.

This White Genocide.

Genocide is legally defined as a deliberate plan or agenda resulting in the “harm or destruction” of a group – it’s not necessarily violent; it can be government policies, for example.

“Diversity” is only ever forced on White areas because they are White.


At the Museum of London, there are 22,000 human remains, some of which date back to the founding of the city of London by the Roman empire, about 2,000 years ago.

Scientists from Durham University, England, and from McMaster University, Canada, have been examining the remains of four people from the collection, and they have been able to work out certain things about them.

Of these four people’s remains they examined, two “had origins from outside Europe”, while one was from Britain, and the other one was from Continental Europe.

And that’s why the BBC are screaming about how London was an “ethnically diverse” city from its very beginning.

Instead of carrying any quotes from the scientists who conducted these tests, the BBC thought they’d rather ask the Museum of London’s Curator, because it lets them push their agenda.

The thing to remember with the original Londoners is that they were not born here.” Caroline McDonald, the Museum’s Curator, told the BBC. “Every first-generation Londoner was from somewhere else – whether it was somewhere else in Britain, somewhere else on the continent, somewhere else in the Mediterranean, somewhere else from Africa,

So the stories we can tell about our ancient population are absolutely relevant to modern contemporary London because these are our stories – these are people just like us.

Even if we ignore the fact that this “ethnically diverse from the beginning” propaganda is only backed up by the DNA of four people, there is also another problem with it. These two people who “had origins from outside Europe” were very likely to have been White anyway.

The scientists say that the 14 year-old girl who supposedly “had origins from outside Europe”, grew up in North Africa, but her DNA is much more similar to Southern and Eastern Europeans – not North Africans. She also had blue eyes.

The other so-called non-European was a 45 year-old man with brown hair and brown eyes. His mitochondrial DNA line was from North Africa, but he suffered from a bone disease that almost exclusively afflicts White males, particularly Western Europeans.

It’s ridiculous how this study has been twisted to suit the anti-White agenda of the BBC. They are trying to justify Britain being flooded with third-world immigrants.

Getting millions of non-White third-world immigrants to flood into Europe (also America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) is all a part of their White genocide agenda.

No, I do not mean that they are rounding us up and killing us in a huge bloodbath. I mean that this agenda is genocide. In international law, it’s not the methods that defines genocide – it’s what you hope to achieve with them.

Genocide simply means that someone is trying to get rid of a group. You’d have to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to see that White countries are exclusively targeted for mass immigration and “diversity” – but no one cares that a Black country like Liberia will only allow Black people to be citizens.

Who could deny that this is White genocide?

H/T White Genocide Project

The school, called Waldorf, is in the Røyken municipality of Buskerud County. It had been failing for sometime, and was officially declared bankrupt on October 15th.

The school and its property is owned by Thon Real Estate, which is a major Real Estate company in Norway. The company did not want to wait any longer to get rent money the school owed it, so without notifying the school, they contacted the Directorate of Immigration (UDI).

The UDI said it was willing to pay a lot of money to rent the school building and property to turn it into an immigrant reception center.

Per Morstad, a Councilman for Røyken municipality, said that now up to 200 immigrants and asylum seekers will be living in the building. They have been moved in on November 11th.

All students studying at the Waldorf school have now had to find a new school to study at, and 49 students who were living at the school had to find somewhere to live. They were only given a few days. Thon Real Estate also demands that the bankrupt school pay all the money it owes the company.

Thon Real Estate had actually contacted the UDI before the school was made bankrupt, and was making offers of taking asylum seekers.

As any detective will tell you: follow the money.

For a long time, “refugee resettlement” has been a big industry in America. Now that industry is building up in Europe as well.

But the thing is, this money doesn’t just appear out of thin air. This money is given to them by the government.

Why do the governments want to pay for their own countries flooded with different groups? Well there are lots of little reasons . . . but the main one is that they want White genocide.

They want to get rid of the White majority, and replace us with a “mixed race melting pot”. This is quite simply genocide because it is a deliberate attempt to “harm or destroy” a group of people.

When they scream “diversity”, what they really mean is “let’s make it minority White” – in politics, “diversity” just means White genocide.

H/T White Genocide Project


Sweden’s 2014 emigration statistics have been released last month, and they show that Swedish-born women are emigrating away from Sweden in record-breaking amounts.

In 2014, a total of 51,200 people emigrated, and 23,900 of those were women. This means that in all of Sweden’s history, 2014 was the year when the most women left the country, according to Statistiska centralbyrån.

The top 5 destinations for Swedish men and women alike are: Norway, Denmark, UK, USA, and Finland.

So why exactly is this happening? The country is having immigration and “diversity” forced on it with such severity that many Swedes are simply “White flighting” to another country entirely.

Sweden is dying fast. Men now outnumber women, it is taking 10,000 asylum seekers every week, and the government is spending the equivalent of $4 billion a year to move them in.

The majority (58%) of Swedes say that there are too many immigrants, but the government (as do most Western governments) simply refuses to listen, and insists that the Swedes are wrong.

Is it any wonder why Sweden’s Social Democratic Party wants to officially put the country in a “state of emergency“?

The elite have tried to engineer the demographics of Sweden through open door immigration policies. Their goal was to get rid of the White Swedish majority and turn the country into a random assortment of people.

This is White Genocide; genocide is defined by the goals you seek – not the methods you use. They seek to get rid of the White majority, therefore it is genocide.

H/T White Genocide Project

Horus The Avenger – @eurorabbit
Truck Roy – RenseRadio
Asguardian – @warowhites
Mein Volk – @meinvolk
Fash Gordon @RatLinesMemes

Introduction by Horus
1:20 – Borders, Bombs and Euro Speculation

14:00 – State Reactions and U.S. Trends

20:28 – Citizen Displacement

24:25 – Personal Protection and Push Back

38:30 – With Open Gates and Altruist Fashionistas

47:30 – Adopt a Jew

52:06 – This Week In #WhiteGenocide Muppets Intermission

53:14 – Black Live Matter and The Klan Visits Mizzou

1:01:30 Conditioning and Wide Sky Destabilization

1:07:49 – Trump Theory : 101

Have a listen to the podcast banned by SoundCloud!














On Saturday, around 1,300 illegal immigrants protested in the Greek town of Idomeni, demanding that they be let into Macedonia, so they could go further towards Northern Europe.

The illegal immigrant protesters were shouting slogans such as “Freedom!“, “We are not terrorists“, and “We are not going back“, and one banner read “We are sorry France, but we are not danger people. We need peace and a good life.

They come from places such as Algeria, Bangladesh, the Congo, Iran, Lebanon, Libya,  Pakistan, and Tunisia, but earlier this week Macedonia decided it will only be letting in Syrians, Afghans, and Iraqis.

Since Wednesday, they have stopped trains from using the railway line on Greek-Macedonian border by pitching tents and camping on it. Others are reported to have gone on hunger strike.

Greece’s deputy interior minister, Yiannis Mouzalas, visited Idomeni on the day of the protest, and says the government will offer them free bus travel back to Athens.

Because of the open borders agenda that was pushed through, everyone thinks they are entitled to a slice of the things we have worked for.

The Communists wanted wealth redistribution, it sounded good at the time, but what actually happened was working people had their money taken from them.

Today, we are dealing with so-called “anti-racists” who want open borders, but what actually is happening is White people are losing our countries, while every other group gets to keep theirs.

But open borders is only the first part of the White Genocide agenda, because if you let people choose where they live, they would go to all the rich White countries, and in that case, only in the cities.

If it was just open borders, poorer White countries and rural areas would still be all White. This is not what they want – they want us completely eradicated, and that’s exactly why they also demand “diversity” as well as open borders.

I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again – this is nothing more than a program of White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project