Media lies about White Genocide stickers in California



Two White Genocide stickers were found in Yorba Linda, California, which the newspaper, OCWeekly, for some reason described as “White power” and “White supremacist“.

Whenever someone is screaming words at you, it’s a pretty good indication that they want you to shut up. Well, OCWeekly, or this particular author at least, is anti-White.

One sticker contained the phrase “Diversity is a code word for #WhiteGenocide” which has also recently been featured on a billboard in Arkansas.

The other sticker read “Children of the rainbow“, and contained the hashtag “#AntiRacistHitler“. It also had a cartoon Hitler face with a rainbow mustache.

You know you’re a loser when you’re praising Hitler, who’s almost as as bad as the Confederate flag.” wrote the OCWeekly.

If they had watched the cartoon instead of being big anti-White cry-babies, they’d know it was a satirical political comedy, where Hitler comes back to modern day and uses open borders to get rid of the Jews in Israel in the name of “diversity” and “multiculturalism”.

In the real world, we have a hostile anti-White ruling class who are spearheading a campaign of White genocide – all in the name of “diversity” and other feel-good terms.

If “diversity” didn’t mean White genocide, then all races and countries would have it forced on them, rather than just White countries and White areas being targeted.

H/T White GeNOcide Project