Entries by H.Avenger

This Week in #WhiteGenocide 49

  This Week in #WhiteGenocide 49 Attack of the Robo Schlomos 2:00 Newsweek writers frustration 9:00 Anti-White diatribes keep getting called out 16:00 NYT’s freaks out over normal White women 28:00 No Boatangs in my neighborhood 35:00 Anti-Whites keep freaking out over SA exposure 42:00 WTF news of the Week 50:00 Q&A over Current Contradictions […]

This Week in #WhiteGenocide 48

  This Week in #WhiteGenocide 48 The White Mandela Effect 3:00 Tommy Robinson gets jailtime and headlines 6:00 Celebrities and racist tweets 19:00 Blondes no longer wanted in Sweden 27:00 Nigerian footballers barred from Russian women 34:00 Diversity for all Space Colonies 41:00 White Racists own all the guns H.Avenger Twitter @Eurorabbit H.Avenger Gab @H_Avenger […]

This Week in #WhiteGenocide 47

  This Week in #WhiteGenocide 47 The Russian Monologue 3:00 So Oprah attends a Royal Wedding 11:00 SPLC hates our memes 18:00 The System is a afraid of black power 23:00 Fight Night at Jewish orgs 27:00 Four year old White Supremacist 40:00 Jordan Peterson btfo’d 45:00 The Russian Monologue H.Avenger Twitter @Eurorabbit H.Avenger Gab […]

This Week in #WhiteGenocide 46

  This Week in #WhiteGenocide 46 Johnny’s computer attempts to shoah the podcast! 5:00 California is no longer the land of the Beach Boys 8:00 Large German family moves East 17:00 Politicos say one thing and do another 26:00 More Anti-White panic of White Genocide memes 41:00 Race and IQ academic causes a storm 54:00 […]

This Week in #WhiteGenocide 45

  This Week in #WhiteGenocide 45 Newsweek worries about a Racist Alien alliance! 5:00 Milk Supremacy still making waves 18:00 Al leans Pro-White yet again 21:00 When Nazis run for Office 35:00 Newsweek frets over Racist Aliens 43:00 The Left repeats and the Right loses 58:00 Tribes operating in the West 63:00 Geomancy, Germany, Russia […]

This Week in #WhiteGenocide 44

  This Week in #WhiteGenocide 44 A White Genocide double dip with Russia on top 4:35 Only Anti-Whites call White people Racist 14:00 Hotep Jesus trolls Starbucks to glory 27:00 Elites crying about Conspiracies 42:00 All Great actors are Hwyte 51:00 Since when is White Genocide a secret 1:06 Aussie websites start telling SA horror […]

This Week in #WhiteGenocide 43

  This Week in #WhiteGenocide 43 WW3 war porn at full tilt 1:00 Faceberg gets trolled 5:00 Who drinks water like a lizard 8:00 China bans gay social media 14:00 War Porn and more War Porn 25:00 South Africa updates 32:00 Malema backpedals 46:00 White Date advertises on Reddit 55:00 When the Weekly Standard loves […]

This Week in #WhiteGenocide 42

    This Week in #WhiteGenocide 42 Dutton is no Reneger 1:45 Crazy Weather 4:00 Aussie White refugee showdown 9:00 When the first SA refugee steps off the Plane 21:00 Caravan during an election year 30:00 Number of illegals alaready here 40:00 Pro-White Inc is growing 47:00 White Pills in the mainstream media 60:00 Three […]

This Week in #WhiteGenocide 41

  This Week in #WhiteGenocide 41 Here comes the Horde! 4:00 Litteral thought policing 9:00 Take it in the face or be Anonymous 17:00 Invading Horde heads North 28:00 Colleg speakers tour continues 39:00 Crying over White Genocide memes 50:00 White Aussie refugee update 64:00 Lets make China non-Chinese H.Avenger Twitter @Eurorabbit H.Avenger Gab @H_Avenger […]