Priority Call to Action
This BADLY NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION. It has been a particularly bad time for my legs to go out on me, because we have the exact kind of emergency only I recognize THAT NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION DESPERATELY.
The multi-billion dollar industry our rulers lean on — big university funding — has just begun to get some tiny notice from Trump’s staff and even from FOX.
One Commie leader bragged about how she and her thugs had beaten up “FASCISTS” to prevent them from demonstrating at the University.
I mentioned this last week, when Trump had even cracked, “you better watch that” and then he went back to saving America by helping preachers to raise money on “Prayers back in schools” piece of crap.
Fox actually made a YouTube out of the interview that its wimp did with the anti-white violence advocate. But the Fox host was grinning desperately. ingratiatingly, so hard that I swear the skin folded all the way down around his anus!!
True, no cuckservative would have even mentioned this routine violence against free speech. But Trump saying, “No no, down kitty”, and Fox’s crinkling anus is a reminder of how aplogetitc they WANT TO GET.
Any institution that crushes free speech must be DEFUNDED………….NOW!
These wimps like the Fox host are searching desperately for an excuse to go back. Cuckservatives would rather die then stand up for free speech for people “Our Elite” disapproves of!!!
Trump and Fox want any excuse to get back on their knees and forget freedom for any groups that “celebrities” REALLY don’t like!
I’m not on my feet but I’m on alert.
Trump’s wretched little “There, there now” to the violent attacks on free speech are worse than useless.
Mr. Trump, Fox, all the professional cowards the woods are full of that you can hire to whisper about free speech and then back down. You couldn’t have lost so much without their devoted help these many years.
So tell them: either fight for unpopular free speech or crawl back to groveling where you feel so comfy.
Anti-racist is a code word for white genocide. In our violent atmosphere, you must with us get on your feet or get back on your ass.
DEFUND Oppression!
Taxpayers should not literally FUND your cowardice!
Stand up for free speech or get back on your knees where you BELONG!
Your yapping pup approach was old when BUCKLEY was NEW!