This Week in #WhiteGenocide 23

This Week in #WhiteGenocide 23

Its okay to be a Black Jew

1:24 D’Marcus libowitz red pilling tale

12:00 Johnny joins “me Too” campaign with tale of gang rape

14:00 New York Post claims terrorism is price of dieversity

23:40 Rand Paul attacked

32:40 White babies be racist and sheeit

37:10 Dieversity lotto

42:50 Anti-Whites cried wolf too much on White Supremacy

52:49 MLK documents reveal he was a total degenerate

1.00:30 Papa Johns cucks

1.03:30 last words

D’marcus Liebowitz Twitter: @IAR_Podcast

D’marcus infamous podcast

D’marcus Liebowitz hatreon (toss him some shekels)

H.Avenger Twitter @Eurorabbit

H.Avenger Gab @H_Avenger

Fash Gordon Gab @Fash_Gordon

Johnny Monoxide Twitter @TheParanormies

Johnny Monoxide’s Hatreon

Horus the Avenger’s Hatreon