Tag Archive for: #WhiteGenocide
































The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.” – Senator Ted Kennedy, speaking to the Senate regarding the introduction of the Immigration Act of 1965.

Yes, politicians lie – and today the anti-White ones are lying about White genocide. Oh, they all agree that White people are becoming a minority, and that this is good. They agree that the policies they support – open borders, and “diversity” (forced assimilation) are making White people a minority. They agree that getting rid of White people is their intent. However, they deny that mass non-White immigration and forced “diversity” against White people are genocidal methods.

Genocide is the targeted destruction of a group of people; it does not have to be violent, and it does not have to include mass murder. The White genocide of today, just so happens to use the system to destroy White people any non-violent way possible, because violence is easy to oppose and expose.

Genocide involves the attempt to achieve the disappearance of a group by whatever means. It does not have to be violent, it could be a combination of policies that would lead to a certain group dying out.” – Malcolm Fraser, Prime Minister of Australia 1975-83.

H/T White GeNOcide Project











Why is it that every White country on the planet must become “more diverse”?

Why is it that no area is allowed to be “too White”?

Why is it that non-White groups are allowed to remain untouched by “diversity”?

I’ll tell you why – diversity is just a code word for White genocide!

H/T White GeNOcide Project

radio-3fourteenThis is an exclusive interview with the White Rabbit behind the white genocide memes going around. You may have seen these memes such “Diversity is a code word for white genocide” or “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.” For some Tim Murdock, who is White Rabbit Radio’s Horus the Avenger, is a controversial person. You may have seen his animations on the web such as “How The Whites Took Over America” or “Anti-Racist Hitler” or “Johnny Racist.” The White European western world and culture is under attack. We’ll discuss how opposing forces have infiltrated the western system, controlling the message that controls the society. We’ll discuss contradictions in the system and how the Soviet Union was taken down by its own contradictions. Tim talks about the agenda of revenge on European people ultimately seeking to create a non-white blended European. Zionist Jews have openly stated their leading role at the center of this multicultural society. We’ll talk about the plan to reduce Whites to a minority through various tactics, while not allowing them to have an exclusive homeland. The use of weaponized words, political correctness and double standards are predictably heard in media, entertainment and education to war against Whites, especially children. Later, we discuss how Russia, China and Iran stand in the way of multiculturalism and world hegemony. Lastly, we talk about a growing movement of well rounded people who break the mainstream stereotype of a White nationalist.

Red Ice Creations – RADIO 3Fourteen

Download the Interview