Tag Archive for: #WhiteGenocide

If you have a few minutes and a valid email address, please drop by the White House and add your initials to the latest petition.






h/t Fight White GeNOcide



FightWhiteGenocide.com is up and running and the guys at FWG are ready to have BUGSERS spread the word that WGP has a new sister site called FightWhiteGenocide.com

The aim of FWG is to compile all White Genocide activism in one place so it can be easily accessed by everyone, it will also be home to a large collection of White Genocide material so people can easily find material without having to search multiple sites to find what they need.

FWG has a PayPal fundraising button so people can donate directly towards White Genocide Awareness Projects that will be listed on FWG under the Current Projects tab. People can donate via PayPal or email donate@fightwhitegenocide.com for instructions on donating anonymously.

At the moment donations are being raised for a new billboard in the Pacific NW that is being spearheaded by Bugsers from the very start to its completion. The guys already have a mock billboard design which can be viewed under the projects tab at FWG. With the help from Bugsers we hope to gain attention as a site that does not propose activism but gets out there and makes it happen.

If you have any White Genocide activism that you don’t see displayed on FWG, please send it through so it can be uploaded for everyone to see. These contributions from our team as well as other pro-whites will help FWG enormously in compiling the massive amount on White Genocide activism in circulation already and a step towards making FWG an invaluable resource.

For information regarding this site or to submit White Genocide activism information please email:

For project ideas and funding please email:paltalk_fwg_avatar

For donation information please email:


We know that different human races actually do not exist,” Swedish Integration Minister, Erik Ullenhag said on Swedish TV.

We also know that the fundamental grounds of racism are based on the belief that there are different races, and that belonging to a race makes people behave in a certain way, and that some races are better than others.

Legislation should not include the word race, if we argue that there are not actually races,” Ullenhag said. “I have wanted to remove the concept of race for a long time.

White GeNOcide Project ran the above titled article.  The article is a MUST READ.  Below are some tweets to Mr Ullenhag. He has yet to answer any of our questions.


Big name anti-Whites are all talk…..except on Paltalk!  They never even showed up.

Listen for the Crickets!  lol


Everyone knows that shouting “Nazi” in a crowded theater is the way universities keep any speaker they don’t approve of off campus.

If the speaker leftists and kept conservatives don’t them want there, the Thugs threaten to cause a riot. So the administration says, “His appearance would cause trouble,” and every effective opposition speaker is banned. photo nazi.png

For his own good, of course.

And to keep the peace, of course.

The classic statement on limitations on freedom of speech is: “Free speech does not include the right to shout ‘FIRE!’ in a crowded theater.”

I am the ONLY person I have ever heard of who asked, “What if there IS a fire in a crowded theater?”

If I note a fire growing that others don’t see, the official doctrine is that I am supposed to go see the theater manager quietly and privately and inform him.

No one else here seems to have thought about this. By the time I FIND the manager, much less get a private talk with him, the fire will have burned the place down and made a good start on the rest of the city.

But, once again, no one ASKS. I am looking at the question from a pre-basic point of view.

No one else does.

They talk about the Mantra causing violence. But the word “Nazi” is INTENDED for no other purpose. The “Nazi” label outlaws the person it is aimed at, the “Nazi” label is INTENDED to cause violence.

No one has thought about this.

No one MENTIONS this.

h/t BUGS…..Bob Whitaker

Tim Wise did an attack on me:

That makes me very happy because Tim Wise, WR tells me, is “the country’s leading anti-white spokesman.”   In Mainline Discussion, that means he is the leading “anti-racist.”

In Bob Talk, that means that Tim Wise is the Screamer the Thugs call in when they want the Anti-White orthodoxy repeated.   The thugs, as we all know, determine who speaks on every campus.   If someone they don’t approve is scheduled, they threaten to riot and the faculty always backs down “to void trouble.  photo timwise-2.jpg

It doesn’t hurt that all the speakers allowed on campus are the ones the faculty wants, too.

Note that Wise used the word “Nazi” from the get-go.  Anyone who opposes him is a Nazi, the Mantra is a Nazi meme.

Then at the end of the article he quotes the Mantra as declaring that people like him call anyone who opposes them “anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”  He screams that this trivializes the Jews in the Holocaust.   Actually, from the beginning of the article, HE is trivializing them.

In the United States there are the Thugs who threaten us physically and their pet Screamers who get paid to repeat the same old anti-white ritual.

Both would rather turn the whole thing over to the Thought Police, as Europe has. Anyone who agrees with the Screamers is “exercising his right to free speech,” those of us who preach heresy are “hiding behind the First Amendment.”

Most of the anti-white Screamers would like to be Thugs and both the Thugs and the Screamers would rather be Thought Police.

H/T Bob Whitaker & BUGS

Mr Wise accuses Bob Whitaker of lampooning the holocaust with the phrase “Naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews”.   Then Mr Wise turns around and calls Bob a Nazi over and over again in the very same article.  Which is precisely the point Bob has been making.  When someone disagrees with an anti-White like Mr Wise.  That individual is always called a “Naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews”.