Tag Archive for: #WhiteGenocide



According to the RegisterGuard.com, anti-Whites in Springfield, Oregon, are organizing a rally this Saturday outside City Hall to protest the recent White genocide flyers that were distributed at several local events.

Ada Ball, a rally organizer hopes people will “come together as a community to affirm that Springfield will not tolerate hate, and is a welcome place to all people.”

The flyers which featured the phrase “diversity is White genocide” have been distributed over the course of several weeks, with the latest flyers from October 10th.

The flyers were spotted at events intended exclusively for non-Whites; “Latinos, Native Americans”, “people of color”, and also high school events.the rally organizers say.

The anti-Whites have called in the police, but Springfield police Sgt. Dick Jones says nothing illegal has been done by the flyer distributors.

To you and me, nothing illegal has been done, but to anti-Whites, daring to speak about White genocide is a crime – a “thought crime”.

The anti-Whites simply cannot handle our points, our evidence, our facts – it embarrasses them – so they demand that we stop talking and hope that we go away.

We’re not the ones trying to censor people – we’re the ones that are trying to have a discussion. All that needs to be said is that we have the moral high ground and anti-Whites are morally bankrupt.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


The Courier Mail has written a very one-sided report about a banner that was put up on an overpass in Springwood, Australia.

It’s just a big let-down to see pictures like that especially so close to home,” said Zach Powson, from Logan, according to the Courier Mail.

When I first saw it I was outraged. If I saw that driving down the highway I would be fuming behind the wheel.

Why is this still going on, can’t we learn from history. There needs to be more of an acceptance of the different cultures.

When a country is flooded with millions of people of different cultures, races, ethnicities, etc…the one thing any sane person can expect is chaos.

Countries were created for a reason – they were created because people prefer to be around people like themselves, and a recent study has concluded this is the case for White people at least.

Australia, along with many other White countries is subject to massive non-White immigration and forced “diversity” which is turning White people into the minority – this is genocide.

Massive non-White immigration would only turn White people into a minority in the inner cities, but with forced “diversity”, what this means is any place that is “too White” must do its very best to flood itself with non-White immigrants.

Multiculturalism, or “diversity” as its preferred term, is indeed White Genocide because only White people are required to celebrate and enforce it.

h/t White GeNOcide Project

Reverse our nation’s “No Child Left White” policy.

Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY?

ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with third world non-whites, and Whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.

That’s genocide by UN Convention:

“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

We petition President Obama to end White Genocide in the United States, and to call for the end of White Genocide in Europe, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Those who support a future without White children say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white!

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.



New White House Petition to sign and pass around


If you can’t read French, what he is saying is: “Race mixing enriches society, consanguinity destroys it“.

Back in 2012 when Sarkozy was the President of France, he gave a speech telling the native White French to deliberately pick someone of another race and have children with them.

The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding. The challenge of racial interbreeding that faces us in the 21st Century.he said.

It’s not a choice, it’s an obligation. It’s imperative. We cannot do otherwise. We risk finding ourselves confronted with major problems.

We MUST change; therefore we WILL change. We are going to change ALL at the same time. In business, in administration, in education, in the political parties. And we will obligate ourselves as to results.

If this volunteerism does not work for the Republic, then the State will move to still more coercive measures.

The challenge of racial interbreeding that France has always known. And in meeting the challenge of racial interbreeding, France is faithful to its history.

There you have it folks, Sarkozy has said that the White French majority are the problem which “destroys” France, and therefore needs to be gotten rid of with “race mixing”.

This is an obvious call from an anti-White politician for the French to engage in White genocide.

H.Avenger notes:”This blended humanity nonsense is pushed in all White Countries and ONLY White Countries”

h/t White GeNOcide Project

White Genocide is not a wisp of a concept. Anti-Whites accuse BUGSERS of being unrealistic and hysterical. Today Ebola expert David Quamenn postulated in an interview with Anderson Cooper a race treason on CNN beyond imagination and he is mainstream. Listen to him. Watch him:


If your blood does not run cold you need to be boxed and buried. Your soul is dead.

What is the mental process that connects an historical event nearly 200 years ago with a vital public health threat today and considers it a moral issue? “We in America, how dare we turn our backs on Liberia, given the fact that this is a country that was founded in the 1820s, 1830s because of American slavery?” is how he opposes shutting down flights from infected areas and quarentines.

This anti-White is positing that something your great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather putatively did that he deems an unforgiveable sin requires you to put at risk your life, your child’s life and your grandchild’s life. He is shouting out pure hate for White people that spans over eleven generations. When he says Americans he is not referring to Blacks, Indians, Hispanics, Jews or Asians. He means Whites, Christians of European ancestry.  photo davidquammen.png

Anti-racism is so ingrained in David Quamenn’s psyche that he is willing to sacrifice millions of White people to salve his conscience. This psychosis is mainstream. It is taught in the schools. It spews forth from your television hour upon hour. It dominates the Washington establishment.

This genocidal mindset must be stopped. BUGSERS are in a battle for our race. Minds are changed by by the repetitive exposition of the facts. The weapon is the Mantra. It alone boils the issue down to an undeniable, palatable syrup. The action needed is posting of the Mantra.

Today our borders are being held ajar to assure that the epidemic scourging Africa can be shared by Americans. The demented intellectual David Quammen sees a medical Holodomor as a price we must pay to redeem ourselves of the sin of slavery that was abolished c. 150 years ago. He is clearly a university graduate inoculated against commonsense by Mommy Professor.

If ever you doubted that anti-Whites will promote the elimination of the White race listen to this man. Your fear is justified. Your horror is natural. Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White.

Today the threat is immediate. It is on every flight with passengers from West Africa. This is not imaginary. They are promoting the deadly disease of diversity. Do not forget to post the Mantra at least once today. It quarantines anti-Racists.

Newbies to this site, please read the Mantra. It is brief. It explains our mission.

h/t the infamous backbaygrouch for BUGS

