Tag Archive for: White Genocide

The unarmed White youth gunned down by a Black policeman in Salt Lake City, Utah, is the top story in today’s Washington Times. It is also the uppermost story in the first column of the Drudge Report. The news about Dillon Taylor is seeping out. You read about it here last week.

When Michael Brown died in Ferguson, Missouri, the MSM went berserk. When Dillon Taylor met his fate, the MSM yawned. Dillon was only a White and the ‘victim’ who shot him was Black. Nothing newsworthy about that. That is the way America’s hostile elite treat it’s majority of citizens. The media bias is self evident.

The Internet is changing things. The Taylor story was a small local story. Rush Limbaugh had a caller who mentioned it. [Am unaware if Rush has been promoting it. Any regular listener who could inform us on this would be appreciated.] The point is that BUGSERS are referring to it and that the story is not dying. The Wall of Silence is slowly crumbling.  photo sappers.png

In the military special units, sappers, dig tunnels to undermine defensive positions. They were very important in days or yore as castle walls could be caused to collapse by the dirty faced grunts underground. The heroes got to go over the destroyed towers waving pretty flags. The sappers made victory possible.

It has been noted here that BUGSERS are like the artillery that softens up the enemy before the charge. It is equally true that BUGSERS are sappers – ants, termites, gophers in Nature’s parlance – relentlessly burrowing beneath the defenses of the Anti-Whites promoting White Genocide.

You are having an effect. The belated coverage of the death of Dillon Taylor is evidence of that progress. Cracks are appearing above. You may not see them. The wall is shaking. You might not hear it. The ground is shifting. You cannot feel it. But it is happening.

Up where the suns shines the glory boys, like that Congress critter Mo Brooks thumping about the War on Whites recently and not backing down when called on it, are preparing to pounce. That spade of yours, the Mantra, is doing it’s work, slowly, unstoppably. Keep shoveling.

h/t BUGS


A new study conducted by professor Anne Stone, of Arizona State University, suggests to us that White people have no need to feel guilty about the alleged killing of the majority of American Indians with diseases.

Professor Stone studied the strains of tuberculosis found on the bones of seals and sea lions in Peru, and concluded that sea creatures traveling from Africa to South America carried the tuberculosis that wiped out many American Indians.

The theory is that animals in Africa, or most likely humans, passed tuberculosis on to sea lions and seals which then swam across to South America, infecting humans on the coast with the disease.

The researchers believe that once tuberculosis spread into South America, it was carried up into North America.

What we found was really surprising. The ancient strains are distinct from any known human-adapted tuberculosis strain,” said professor Stone.

We found that the tuberculosis strains were most closely related to strains in seals and sea lions.

Our results show unequivocal evidence of human infection caused by sea lions and seals in pre-Columbian South America.

Within the past 2,500 years, the marine animals likely contracted the disease from an African host species and carried it across the ocean to coastal people in South America.

The team looked at human skeletons from Peru, dated 750 AD to 1350 AD, and found that people back then already had tuberculosis.

Also, the team looked at the DNA strains of the disease. They confirmed that some American Indians died of European diseases, but that was nothing compared to tuberculosis which was already well established.

Anti-Whites love to guilt-trip White people for things like this, and as usual, science and history ends up disproving most of what they say.

They want us to hate ourselves so that White genocide can go full steam ahead. If we hate ourselves, it’s easier for them to flood us with millions of non-White immigrants, and force us to accept “diversity”, or in other words, make it illegal for a place to be “too White”.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


If you have a few minutes and a valid email address, please drop by the White House and add your initials to the latest petition.






h/t Fight White GeNOcide



FightWhiteGenocide.com is up and running and the guys at FWG are ready to have BUGSERS spread the word that WGP has a new sister site called FightWhiteGenocide.com

The aim of FWG is to compile all White Genocide activism in one place so it can be easily accessed by everyone, it will also be home to a large collection of White Genocide material so people can easily find material without having to search multiple sites to find what they need.

FWG has a PayPal fundraising button so people can donate directly towards White Genocide Awareness Projects that will be listed on FWG under the Current Projects tab. People can donate via PayPal or email donate@fightwhitegenocide.com for instructions on donating anonymously.

At the moment donations are being raised for a new billboard in the Pacific NW that is being spearheaded by Bugsers from the very start to its completion. The guys already have a mock billboard design which can be viewed under the projects tab at FWG. With the help from Bugsers we hope to gain attention as a site that does not propose activism but gets out there and makes it happen.

If you have any White Genocide activism that you don’t see displayed on FWG, please send it through so it can be uploaded for everyone to see. These contributions from our team as well as other pro-whites will help FWG enormously in compiling the massive amount on White Genocide activism in circulation already and a step towards making FWG an invaluable resource.

For information regarding this site or to submit White Genocide activism information please email:

For project ideas and funding please email:paltalk_fwg_avatar

For donation information please email:


We know that different human races actually do not exist,” Swedish Integration Minister, Erik Ullenhag said on Swedish TV.

We also know that the fundamental grounds of racism are based on the belief that there are different races, and that belonging to a race makes people behave in a certain way, and that some races are better than others.

Legislation should not include the word race, if we argue that there are not actually races,” Ullenhag said. “I have wanted to remove the concept of race for a long time.

White GeNOcide Project ran the above titled article.  The article is a MUST READ.  Below are some tweets to Mr Ullenhag. He has yet to answer any of our questions.


Big name anti-Whites are all talk…..except on Paltalk!  They never even showed up.

Listen for the Crickets!  lol