Tag Archive for: White Genocide

Why is Peter Sutherland one of the loudest and most aggressive proponents of opening the borders for this “migrant” crisis?

Is Peter just a big hippy at heart? Is he looking for his place in history as the “Father of the global love party” ?

What is Peter “Open The Borders” Sutherland’s real motivation?

Perhaps this image might make it clear…..

sutherland anti-Whitev2












Anti-Whites will use any excuse to Promote White Genocide

H/T White GeNOcide Project


This is not the actual banner, but it is likely to be the same as the one in this picture.


There are unconfirmed reports coming out of Canada, which say that a banner reading “Diversity = White Genocide” was taken down by thought-police, possibly in an attempt to censor the message.

The banner was said to have appeared on Monday morning, the 10th of September, in Mississauga, on an overpass in Queen Elizabeth Way.

According to reports, the police have taken down the banner, and are treating it as a “hate crime”.

In order to censor our views, the Canadian police force has repeatedly referred to White Genocide as a “hate crime” or “hate speech”, but they cannot make the accusation stick because it says nothing bad about other groups.

Mississauga has recently become minority (45.8% White in 2011) as a result of the anti-White policies enforced by various Canadian governments. This may explain why there is growing resistance to White Genocide in the area.

As we have seen all-too often on White Genocide project, it is the “diverse” areas where people are the most upset with these anti-White policies.

And vice-versa, it is usually the majority White areas where anti-Whites have manipulated the discussion in their favor.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

A politician in the UK recently told the houses of parliament that if the people of the UK don’t open their borders to a never ending flow of “migrants” they “will live to regret it” for the rest of their lives. Gerald Kaufman, who is an MP in an area of the UK called Gorton, said that he receives “mailbags” each day from people in his area who are saying the UK must open the borders and “let them in.” He goes on to rouse the crowd in the parliament room by concluding, “let’s get on with it!”

Now, what Kaufmann doesn’t point out is the reason he is getting these mailbags of letters (assuming he’s not lying) is because approximately 48% of the people in his area are non-White and that’s only counting the ones who responded to the census data! So, as you can see, it’s never just one “migrant” boy, it’s never just one “migrant” family, it’s ALL “migrants” that want to come to White countries! After all how can these “liberals” close the borders to “migrant” number 40,000,001?


most migrants
Then once these “migrants” come into White countries they start to vote for more non-White immigration and in any shape or form; be it refugees, asylum seekers “tech workers” or “to do the jobs that we won’t do” workers. But isn’t ethnic networking how all groups of people work? Ethnic groups want to be around their own kind. Apart from White people of course, they aren’t allowed to because that would be “racist” and some kind of pathological phobia!

Don’t let anti-Whites pretend this flood of “migrants” won’t alter the demographics of Europe in a significant and genocidal way. Although we don’t have the data to hand, our guess is that back in the 1970s Kaufmanns constituency was 95-99% White. Now think about that for a moment. In the space of 30-40 years it is almost minority White! Get your head around that for a minute because that’s the way ALL areas in Europe are heading. The current day influx of non-White immigration (illegal AND legal) dwarfs the immigration levels of the past! It is growing larger and larger every month! Furthermore it appears the real reason for this “migrant” crisis is to flood ALL and ONLY White countries with so much non-White immigration that by the time the indigenous White populations have woken up to the scam they will be overwhelmed and unable to act! Over at White Genocide Project they have reported on Peter Sutherland who is one of the main proponents of this tactic…..just the kind of man you would want in charge of “international migration” at the UN (troll face)

So fellow Whites, the time for action is now; put down the x-box controller, turn off the ball game, stop thinking about that new car you want, it does NOT matter.
Spread the message that all the conditions that have been forced upon ALL and ONLY White countries are just a scam; a genocidal scam! This is not a “global love party!” It is not our “moral imperative” to give up our living space to an endless supply of “migrants”

Say NO to White geNOcide.


In Mundenheim, a district in the city of Ludwigshafen am Rhein, German citizens are being evicted to make room for illegal immigrants.

Where should we go?” said one resident. “I have lived here for 40 years. They just throw you out?

Another resident said “We have to leave to make place for these ‘others’. Who are these others? I don’t dare say.

What’s happening here now? This housing estate was built 50 years ago for the homeless as emergency accommodation.” said the news reporter from Report Mainz. “Many remained here, found work, had children, and established themselves.

Another resident told the reporter “I have to leave my apartment so that they can build refugee accommodation.

Mattias Günther, a scientist from Hannover, said “We must expect a greater competition” in the low-income housing market, because of the 800,000 illegal immigrants the German government has decided to bring in.

When Chancellor Angela Merkel was booed by crowds last month, many of them were shouting “traitor” to her.

They are spot on, Merkel is anti-White because she wants to get turn Germany, and Europe as a whole, minority White.

This “diversity” agenda is not just hers, but is held by many other powerful politicians who are trying to bring about a White minority in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

When someone with power deliberately tries to turn a group into the minority that is classed as genocide by international laws – and that’s why we call them out on this White Genocide.


H/T White GeNOcide Project

Miller Trial 083115 0180f_zps3oba9zhk.jpeg~original

The black rage is their defense.

Now when the young guy in Charleston did his shootings, they instantly convicted me which gave us lots of publicity.

The guy who just did the Jewish Center killings has just been convicted. At the beginning of his closing argument he put up on the whiteboard that “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide”.

But oddly enough, nobody came after me.

One explanation for this is, the same reason they put it off with CNN, they can’t deal with me.

But all this has made me consider White Rage.

If a black man runs around killing white people, it’s because of oppression.

Now if we have white guys out killing, In The Name Of White Genocide, it may be a warning.

Isolated Black killings of whites are the result of a legitimate “Black Rage”.

So isolated killings In The Name Of Genocide, may mean that instead stopping all discussion of White Genocide, the White Rage may indicate that’s exactly what we need to discuss. Or are we going to just have people keep picking up guns?

At the moment we’ve had very isolated incidents, two of them, but should we not consider White Rage?

There is no excuse for anybody just shooting other people, on a basis like this, but it may signify that we are going to have to discuss the real issue. And that does not mean with in the current bounds.

So maybe we should start looking at these isolated two killings as White Rage.

And a warning.

H/T Bob Whitaker-BUGS

“Hello FWG!

I live in Croatia, and recently our government had be given order by EU leaders that we have to handle  3200 (probably much more unofficially) immigrants that have come in Italy and Greece. Of course, our media is mostly pro-immigrant, with their pathetic portrayal of “poor refugees.” But, ironically, most people are against this nonsense (some leftist too), even they are not racially aware, but mostly religious. So they are afraid of destroying Christian heritage and so on.croatia2

Since Croatia is neighbor country of Serbia and Hungary, we are also expecting big wave of immigrants from there too. Croatia is still around 98% white, so most of westerners can’t imagine how this looks.

Nevertheless, few of us are very well known of what is happening in white countries around the world, and we started to fight against this on the web and on our streets. We started to put stickers against White Genocide in our capital city. It’s only a small thing, I know, but we hope to awake people by putting them on every step of our land.
Also, there’s a pro-white news site called Pandora, which gained much popularity recently. Most of the news are from other media like Daliy Stormer, Daily Slave, and other mainstream media. Also, we are always watching White Genocide Project for other news too. croatia3

There’s also online magazine “Revolt” which is dealing with various pro-white and anti-white subjects, and of course, mass non-white immigration too. Revolt is always in PDF format which we send to many people in our country (it’s in Croatian language).

Both, Pandora and Revolt, are product of few members of The Creativity Movement sec. Croatia.

Pandora: http://pandora.kreativisti.org/
Revolt: http://kreativisti.org/Revolt.html

I’m sending you few photos of sticker activity. Inscription says: “Mass immigration – Genocide of White nations”. In our language it is a rhyme, so we hope psychological effect would be much better. We also have plans to make some stickers and leaflets about “anti-racism” and ongoing white genocide in other EU countries that has already been destroyed.

Thank you for your time and keep up good work!” Croatia5

“Oh, I almost forgot, we have translated and little bit modified one of other activists work that was found on FWG site: http://www.fightwhitegenocide.com/2015/04/05/2003/




H/T Fight White Genocide

Please take a few minutes and sign this months White House White Genocide meme messages. Recently these messages have been quoted by several different media publications.

Investigate why Vester Flanagan wasn’t informed  that White Genocide is supposed to be  carried out non-violently

When teaching hatred of Whites, teach that White Genocide is being carried out by massively flooding White countries with non-Whites, and forcing Whites to “assimilate” with them which will blend Whites out of existence.September petition

Explain that chasing down Whites to commit violence against them is unnecessary, since Whites are being chased down and assimilated by “diversity,” which is a codeword for White Genocide.

Africans aren’t being chased down in African countries to be blended out of existence with non-Africans, and Africans who object called “racist.”

Asians aren’t being chased down in Asian countries to be blended out of existence with non-Asians, and Asians who object called “racist.”

This is only being done in White countries, which is why we say,

“Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White”

Proclaim Professor Kevin Allred of Rutgers University “Anti-White of the Month” for his anti-White tweets

Prof. Allred indoctrinates White youths to hate themselves and to accept White Genocide: “until the entire system changes – THERE ARE NO GOOD #WHITEPEOPLE. THERE ARE ONLY LESS BAD WHITE PEOPLE!!!” goo.gl/hAQtX9

White countries worldwide are being flooded with third world non-Whites with whom Whites are forced by law to integrate, so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.

Massive immigration and forced assimilation is genocide when it’s done in Tibet, and it’s genocide when it’s done in White countries, by UN Convention:

“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

Prof. Allred says he’s anti-racist. What he is is ANTI-WHITE!

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Ask Donald Trump: “Mr. Trump, can you uncuck yourself enough to help us fight White Genocide?”

Will Donald Trump denounce White Genocide that’s being carried out by massive immigration and forced assimilation in White countries worldwide?

Or will Mr. Trump be just another “cuckservative,” another political White cuckold who accepts White children becoming a vanishing minority through LEGAL, not illegal immigration?

President Obama and Mr. Trump, join together and fight the restriction that no school, no town, no club, no country may ever be WHITE!

Censure the refugee resettlers and other anti-Whites who chase down Whites with “diversity.”

Oppose those who say they’re anti-racist, since what they are is anti-White.

President Obama, may you and Donald Trump shake hands and say together,

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.”

“Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.”

Stop funding anti-White “charities” to chase down Whites!

Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY?

“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person!

These groups chase down White communities and pour the third world into them:

Lutheran Immigrant Aid Society, US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Church World Service, Domestic and Foreign Missionary Service of the Episcopal Church of the USA.

They say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.





H/T Fight White GeNOcide

The anti-White media in Europe has been flat out using an image of a drowned Syrian boy to justify flooding White countries with non-Whites.

One anti-White politician has even taken this as an opportunity to suggest that EVERY area in the UK should take in non-White immigrants, literally using this as an excuse to chase down the last White areas in the UK.

Here is the response from WGP

Syrian Boy Meme WG








H/T White GeNOcide Project



Nebojsa Stefanovic, Serbia’s Interior Minister said protesters who are concerned about “an EU plan” to settle thousands of illegal immigrants into the country, will not be allowed to voice their concerns in a protest march on Monday, 31st of August.

We will not allow the expression of intolerance and hatred to be something that is characteristic of Serbiasaid Stefanovic.

The Ministry of Interior will not allow any meetings against migrants and people passing through Serbia, who were forced to do so because of difficult conditions or war in their country.

Meanwhile, another Serbian government official has suggested that illegal immigrants be encouraged to stay in Serbia.

We should consider offering them [illegal immigrants] to stay in parts of Serbia that are empty“, Brankica Jankovic, Serbia’s Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, said on Serbian TV.

A selection should be made, a detailed security screening.

Jankovic also remarked on the protest being cancelled:

Intolerance, xenophobia and racism must be broadly condemned by all relevant factors in Serbia, not only by individuals,” she said.

What you will notice is that they never say WHY what you say is wrong; they just scream words at you and try to stop you from talking – just like Chancellor Angela Merkel has recently tried to do to protesters in Germany.

In Europe, there are a quite a few politicians who hate the native population (White people), and are very vocal in their demands to turn Europe into a mix of generic third-world countries.

These anti-Whites want as many immigrants as possible – legal and illegal, and to get the illegal immigrants they are just “repackaging” them as refugees who are fleeing a war.

But this is silly – people who pass through several safe countries so they can go to a rich country, are clearly not genuine refugees.

This agenda to make Europe more “diverse” (and also, America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), is all about getting rid of White areas. According to international law, that is White Genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project