“The man in the High Mantra”
Horus the Avenger @EuroRabbit
Fash Gordon @FashGordonLevit
Johnny Monoxide host of the Paranormies
Mike Enoch of www.TheRightstuff.biz
02:46 Panel Intro Mike Enoch talks Bob Whitaker
08:07 British Parliament debates white genocide
11:43 White people hate hypocrisy
16:31 Bob said biggest enemy was on the right and he was right
21:36 Cuck Keepers white genocide deniers
22:51 king PatrioTard Alex Jones broadcasts white genocide meme
25:06 Truck Roy on institutional anti-whiteness
28:13 Mike Enoch on Rally chants
34:58 Anti White conspiracy theory
42:21 attempting to divide white men and white women
49:00 Harlem Globetrotters debate team
54:14 Johnny Monoxide on “Assbackwords circular reasoning of anti whites ”
57:52 The Mantra – Ode to the great White Rabbit Bob Whitaker