Tag Archive for: Debate Tactics

If you have a few minutes and a valid email address, please drop by the White House and add your initials to the latest petition.






h/t Fight White GeNOcide



FightWhiteGenocide.com is up and running and the guys at FWG are ready to have BUGSERS spread the word that WGP has a new sister site called FightWhiteGenocide.com

The aim of FWG is to compile all White Genocide activism in one place so it can be easily accessed by everyone, it will also be home to a large collection of White Genocide material so people can easily find material without having to search multiple sites to find what they need.

FWG has a PayPal fundraising button so people can donate directly towards White Genocide Awareness Projects that will be listed on FWG under the Current Projects tab. People can donate via PayPal or email donate@fightwhitegenocide.com for instructions on donating anonymously.

At the moment donations are being raised for a new billboard in the Pacific NW that is being spearheaded by Bugsers from the very start to its completion. The guys already have a mock billboard design which can be viewed under the projects tab at FWG. With the help from Bugsers we hope to gain attention as a site that does not propose activism but gets out there and makes it happen.

If you have any White Genocide activism that you don’t see displayed on FWG, please send it through so it can be uploaded for everyone to see. These contributions from our team as well as other pro-whites will help FWG enormously in compiling the massive amount on White Genocide activism in circulation already and a step towards making FWG an invaluable resource.

For information regarding this site or to submit White Genocide activism information please email:

For project ideas and funding please email:paltalk_fwg_avatar

For donation information please email:


We know that different human races actually do not exist,” Swedish Integration Minister, Erik Ullenhag said on Swedish TV.

We also know that the fundamental grounds of racism are based on the belief that there are different races, and that belonging to a race makes people behave in a certain way, and that some races are better than others.

Legislation should not include the word race, if we argue that there are not actually races,” Ullenhag said. “I have wanted to remove the concept of race for a long time.

White GeNOcide Project ran the above titled article.  The article is a MUST READ.  Below are some tweets to Mr Ullenhag. He has yet to answer any of our questions.


Big name anti-Whites are all talk…..except on Paltalk!  They never even showed up.

Listen for the Crickets!  lol


We will be hosting an online LIVE discussion with Robert W. Whitaker on Saturday July 26 th @ 5pm ET to be held in the “Fight White Genocide” room on PalTalk.


This session is being held for the purpose of listening to Robert W. Whitaker discuss the crime of White Genocide. He will be directly responding to media and the public answering any questions or opposing views they may have.

Our job now is to forward on and promote the attached media release and get the word out, that there is an opportunity to speak with the originator of the White Genocide Mantra, Robert W. Whitaker.

Please be sure to keep this date free in your calendars, as we look forward to seeing you all there.

We can have a maximum of 200 participants in the room.

PDF – Robert W. Whitaker Paltalk July 26th

“Civil rights laws were not passed to apply to White men and do not protect them”

–Mary Francis Berry, former chair of the US Civil Rights Commission.

General Wesley Clark explained that American troops can be sent to fight and die anywhere because, “There is no room for any ethnically pure country in Europe.” Clark was a leading Democratic candidate for the presidency.

This kind of insanity is standard talk among anti-Whites, both liberal and conservative, when talking to each other.

Only when talking to someone who brings up White Genocide do these leftists, moderates, and neoconservatives deny that they seek the Final Solution to the White Problem.

They call this Final Solution “intermarriage,” but everyone understands that their program of massive third world immigration is only for WHITE countries, and every White country is to be forced to accept the third world overflow. ALL and ONLY White countries are to be condemned or boycotted or, if General Clark has his way, INVADED to force third world immigration.

In every single White country, massive immigration is to be followed by assimilation. The President of France stated that if France did not proceed with intermarriage quickly enough, force would have to be used to enforce it. General Wesley Clark is not the only anti-white demanding that military force be used for the Final Solution to the White Problem.

 But this is only the PUBLIC face of White Genocide. When the discussion is only with other anti-Whites, the evidence is that every single anti-White is a little Hitlerite, just with a different form of race hatred in mind.

You have heard this message before. Anti-whites demand to know where this rapidly spreading charge came from.

It came from Robert W. Whitaker.

He originated the Mantra, which states this program of White Genocide clearly.

The only way anti-whites can deal with this obviously true charge is to hide from it. They never contradict it. Like any other felons caught red-handed, all they can do is scream epithets and insults.

Anti-whites scream “racist’ and “White supremacist.”

They might as well be shouting, “Guilty!”

The oldest cliche in the legal profession is, “If you have no defense, attack like hell.”

Saturday July 26th on Paltalk – “Fight White Genocide” Room @ 5pm ET – Robert W. Whitaker, 5 year Capitol Hill Senior Staffer, Reagan appointee with three successful political books and originator of the White Genocide Mantra will be hosting a discussion on White Genocide where he will answer any questions or opposing views.