Tag Archive for: Debate Tactics


 Managerial Class vs. The Establishment

Tim Murdock is the host of White Rabbit Radio and producer of the popular animations, How The Whites Took Over America and Anti-Racist Hitler and Johnny Racist, which are constantly being censored. He returns to discuss the managerial class and why the establishment fears true independent alt media, now resorting to the removal of certain programs on ITunes, YouTube, Vimeo and elsewhere. Why is the enemy so afraid to talk about politics concerning White European folk? Why is it so threatening to the establishment? We’ll also talk about the difference between discussions and psychological warfare and what the opposition might have in store next since we’re constantly upping the ante. Tim tells why he simplifies things down to us vs. them, painting the enemy with a broad brush. Later on, we discuss how Europeans don’t have a morality that includes their own existence. He also brings up the important point that it’s much easier to be anti than pro something.

Click here for the Interview



According to the RegisterGuard.com, anti-Whites in Springfield, Oregon, are organizing a rally this Saturday outside City Hall to protest the recent White genocide flyers that were distributed at several local events.

Ada Ball, a rally organizer hopes people will “come together as a community to affirm that Springfield will not tolerate hate, and is a welcome place to all people.”

The flyers which featured the phrase “diversity is White genocide” have been distributed over the course of several weeks, with the latest flyers from October 10th.

The flyers were spotted at events intended exclusively for non-Whites; “Latinos, Native Americans”, “people of color”, and also high school events.the rally organizers say.

The anti-Whites have called in the police, but Springfield police Sgt. Dick Jones says nothing illegal has been done by the flyer distributors.

To you and me, nothing illegal has been done, but to anti-Whites, daring to speak about White genocide is a crime – a “thought crime”.

The anti-Whites simply cannot handle our points, our evidence, our facts – it embarrasses them – so they demand that we stop talking and hope that we go away.

We’re not the ones trying to censor people – we’re the ones that are trying to have a discussion. All that needs to be said is that we have the moral high ground and anti-Whites are morally bankrupt.

h/t White GeNOcide Project




















Over the last couple of months, it looks as though many Whites throughout the world are starting to wake up and see the con going on around them that they have fallen prey to. The con is a psychological trick someone plays on a person or people to gain something. For instance, in recent years, swindlers have been calling elderly people and are using this method or that to exploit their money and savings. The elderly person wants to help or participate in said con and eventually gives pertinent information for a bank account or credit card and the next thing they know their life savings is nonexistent. This happens each and every day across the globe.

So what is this con and how are we all involved? Throughout the years Whites have all been force fed a doctrine of political correctness, multiculturalism and a blended society by global elitists. Many end up having White guilt about what these elitist historians have told us through modern media and social outlets. People embrace the political correctness and self hatred for things they had no involvement in. Let’s look at the three stages of the con and how it effects the people negatively involved.

1. Denial of the con. It is human nature to deny that a person been lied to. This demoralization will cause the person or persons to constantly deny that anything has happened. Often, they deny until there is nothing left. The world around them is tumbling down.

2. Acceptance of the con. The realization that a person or persons been taken advantage of. Generally the person will laugh at the misfortune that it has caused them. For instance, in the last few years, more people are starting to make fun of political correctness and the thought of immigration is a good thing for all people. These people were fed the ideals of a utopian society where equality and integration are wonderful. That elephant in the room is starting to be acknowledged. Naturally, the person will laugh at the con as it is the best human emotion possible to make the person feel better and to accept the misfortune of being misled. Generally the person or persons accept it and move on.

3. Anger at the con artist. After the laughter and acceptance, anger ensues due to the realization that the person has been taken advantage of and LIED to. The person will seek to get what they lost back and only realize it is too late. What they thought was a good idea, was nothing close. At this point, they are seething with anger and question why did this even happen.

A great example of a con that Whites across the globe have experienced is that of multiculturalism and integration. What we were taught in school and throughout politically correct society has made things worse. We have been taken advantage of in the name of this unattainable utopia and have gone smiling to the gallows. Sadly, most Whites are in the first stage of the con. The need to wake up and realize the danger of the final solution for White culture and the European White Race must be acknowledged before it is too late. Race is real. White Genocide is happening. Political correctness is a code word for Anti-White.

h/t Mein Volk

 “Anti-Racism is a code word for #antiWhite”


“Diversity is code word for #WhiteGenocide”