For years now in Britain, nationalist parties have tended to focus on immigration as the key emphasis of policy in the belief that by stopping immigration our country will be saved – immigration is not the issue.
Immigration is merely a symptom of a much wider and darker problem, a problem that today we call ‘White Genocide’, the death of the white race. White Genocide is a cultural marxist tool, designed to depopulate white countries of whites and replace them with non-whites through mass immigration, education and deceptive policy.
White Genocide is practically unknown in Britain, people have very little concept of what it is and how it’s effecting our people and this gives the Jews who orchestrate it the upper hand. As a nationalist movement our key aim should be to firstly educate ourselves on what White Genocide actually is, how it effects us and what will happen if we do nothing. Secondly, we’ll look to raise awareness of White Genocide throughout Great Britain, using the media and party politics as our tool.
None of the established parties even think to mention White Genocide in fear of being branded racists. The only party to lightly touch on the subject has been the British National Party and yet even under Nick Griffin’s premiership, the topic lay untouched.
The first step in White Genocide is by moving millions of non-white immigrants into traditionally white countries over a period of years. This started in Britain with the introduction of the Negro worker after world war two, millions of blacks were shipped to Britain by the ruling Labour party to replace white workers and rebuild our country. We already had enough workers to rebuild Britain after the war, it is a myth to state that we needed to bring blacks into Britain and no logic can be loaned to this move by the Labour Party.
in 1997, with the Labour party back in power under Tony Blair we saw the borders open once again and floods of non-white immigrants enter our country. This is where step two of white genocide came into play as the New Labour government promoted political correctness and told us all to accept diversity as a modern British belief – diversity is death!