Entries by H.Avenger


  FightWhiteGenocide.com is up and running and the guys at FWG are ready to have BUGSERS spread the word that WGP has a new sister site called FightWhiteGenocide.com The aim of FWG is to compile all White Genocide activism in one place so it can be easily accessed by everyone, it will also be home to a large collection of White Genocide material so people can easily find material without having to […]

Shouting “Nazi” in a Crowded Theater

Everyone knows that shouting “Nazi” in a crowded theater is the way universities keep any speaker they don’t approve of off campus. If the speaker leftists and kept conservatives don’t them want there, the Thugs threaten to cause a riot. So the administration says, “His appearance would cause trouble,” and every effective opposition speaker is banned. […]